Trusting God In Difficult Times – 10 Encouraging Points




trusting God in difficult times

We all face moments when life feels overwhelming—when circumstances shake us, and we struggle to see a way forward. In these seasons, trusting God in difficult times isn’t always easy, but it is essential. We believe in God’s faithfulness, knowing He will guide us through every challenge we encounter.

This isn’t about a quick fix or a step-by-step formula. God may lead you to take action in some situations and to wait patiently in others. Instead, what we’ll explore here are biblical principles—spiritual strategies that can help us lean on Him when life feels uncertain.

But let’s be clear: God isn’t standing over us with a checklist, grading our faith. He is a God of grace. He loves us more deeply than we can comprehend, and His heart is always for us. These principles aren’t about earning His help; they’re about drawing closer to Him in the midst of our struggles.

At the core of trusting God in difficult times is this unshakable truth: He has already demonstrated His love for us by sending Jesus Christ to redeem us. A life built on a relationship with Him enables us to surrender our greatest burdens, knowing He cares for us completely.

God isn’t a puzzle to solve, nor does Scripture contain a secret formula for making problems disappear. It’s so much better than that! Trusting Him is about a real, living relationship with the Creator and Sustainer of all life.

So, let’s walk through some practical ways to deepen our trust in Him. This isn’t a rigid to-do list but an invitation to draw near to the One who is always faithful, even in life’s hardest moments.

1. Trusting God in Difficult Times – Build a Strong Relationship with Him

Trusting God in difficult times starts with having a real, personal relationship with Him. This isn’t just about believing He exists—it’s about knowing Him, walking with Him, and surrendering our lives to Him.

Before we can fully rely on God in a difficult situation, we need to be sure we’ve given our lives to Him. This means trusting Jesus as our Savior, turning to Him in repentance, and believing in His death, burial, and resurrection. A genuine relationship with Christ isn’t just about attending church or doing good things—it’s about placing our faith in Him and allowing Him to lead our lives.

When hardships come, it’s easy to focus solely on our circumstances and forget the most important foundation: our connection with God. Many people, in their pain, just want their struggles to be fixed. But the starting point for peace, strength, and answered prayer is a relationship with Jesus.

If you haven’t yet established this relationship, God is calling you to do so. He isn’t distant or uncaring—He longs for you to know Him. A life anchored in Christ provides the confidence that, no matter what comes, you are held by the One who never fails.

“The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?”Psalm 27:1

trusting God in difficult times

2. Trusting God in Difficult Times – Pray with the Awareness of His Deep Love

When life feels overwhelming, prayer is essential—but it’s not just about asking God to fix our problems. It’s about drawing close to Him and meditating on His unfailing love.

No matter what you’re going through, God is with you. He hasn’t abandoned you, and He never will. Jesus Himself faced incredible suffering, yet He consistently sought the presence of His Father, resting in His love even in the darkest moments.

Praying with this mindset changes everything. Instead of just presenting our requests to God, we also remind ourselves of His deep care for us. Yes, continue to ask Him for help—He invites us to bring our burdens to Him. But while doing so, embrace the truth that you are fully and completely loved by your Heavenly Father. He sees your pain, He walks with you through it, and He has a plan far beyond what you can see right now.

Difficult circumstances can shake us, but God’s love is the solid ground that keeps us steady. Don’t just pray for a solution—pray with the confidence that you are held by the God of the universe, whose love never fails.

3. Trusting God in Difficult Times – Focus on God’s Truth Rather Than Our Emotions

Let’s be clear: pain is real, and difficult circumstances are real. Whatever hardship you are facing—whether it’s loss, disappointment, or an unexpected crisis—should not be minimized. These struggles can shake us to our core, leaving us feeling devastated.

But while our emotions are valid, we have to be careful not to let them completely dictate how we respond in difficult times. Pain naturally stirs up emotions, and that’s okay. But emotions alone don’t always tell us the truth. If we rely solely on how we feel, we may begin to believe things that contradict God’s word—things like, I will never feel joy again or there is no hope for my future.

I know this from personal experience.

In 2024, I lost my dad. He lived 87 good years, but after a fall and 17 days in the hospital, his body just couldn’t recover. God took him peacefully, and though I miss him, I know where he is.

Losing my mom a couple of years before that was different. Alzheimer’s slowly and methodically took her life, and it was heartbreaking to watch—not just for me, but especially for my dad, who lost his companion of over 60 years.

When someone loses a loved one, people often try to comfort them with phrases like, “They’re in a better place” or “They’re no longer suffering.” And while those statements are true, they don’t always bring immediate comfort to a grieving heart. I remember someone saying this to my dad after my mom passed. His response was honest:

“I know that’s true, but I don’t feel like getting up and dancing.”

There was deep wisdom in his words. He had a strong faith in Christ and full confidence that my mom was with Jesus. He knew he would see her again. But that didn’t erase the grief. It didn’t mean he had to pretend to be joyful.

And that’s the key: trusting God in difficult times does not mean denying our emotions. God never asks us to fake how we feel. Even Jesus wept when Lazarus died, despite knowing He was about to raise him from the dead (John 11:35). Faith is not ignoring our emotions—it’s choosing to believe God’s truth even when our emotions tell us otherwise.

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”Psalm 46:1

I’ve seen people who refuse to let themselves grieve because they fear it shows a lack of faith. That’s simply not true. Experiencing deep sorrow doesn’t mean we’re failing to trust God. But when our emotions tell us that we will never have joy or peace again, that’s where we need to lean on God’s truth instead.

It’s not easy.

Grief, heartbreak, and uncertainty can cloud our vision, making it hard to see beyond the pain. It may feel like life will never be good again. But the reality is, God’s word offers hope, even when our emotions insist otherwise.

When negative emotions overwhelm you, take a step back and recognize that they are not the ultimate truth. Even if your heart is screaming this will never get better, choose to stand on the unshakable truth that God is still with you, still faithful, and still working all things for good.

Trusting God doesn’t mean being happy in all circumstances.

I was not happy that my mom had to endure a devastating disease. But I could still thank God for giving me a wonderful mother. I could praise Him for the years I had with her, even though my heart was breaking. And while gratitude didn’t erase the emotional pain, it reminded me of God’s goodness in the midst of it.

Emotions shift and change. They are powerful, but they are not always reliable. God’s word, however, remains steady—offering truth, hope, and peace, even when everything else feels like it’s falling apart.

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.”Jeremiah 17:7

4. Trusting God in Difficult Times – Know That God Is Not Causing Your Pain

One of the most difficult questions we face in hard times is: Why is this happening to me? It’s natural to wonder if God is behind our suffering, but Scripture makes it clear—while God allows difficulties, He does not cause evil or pain in the lives of His children.

We live in a fallen world, and because of that, pain, suffering, disease, and death exist. Sometimes hardships come because of our own choices, sometimes through no fault of our own, and sometimes simply because we live in a world broken by sin. But one thing we can be sure of—God is not the author of pain, distress, or suffering.

There is an enemy in this world whose goal is to bring destruction into our lives.

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”1 Peter 5:8

The good news is that God’s response to our suffering is never one of indifference. He is not the source of hurt, fear, or unhappiness—He is the source of love, comfort, and redemption. Even in the hardest of times, He is working for our good.

We may ask why God doesn’t stop bad things from happening. That’s a fair question, and even the strongest Christians have wrestled with it. If you’ve ever wondered this, don’t feel guilty. The truth is, God does allow struggles, but He also brings purpose and good out of them for those who trust Him.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”Romans 8:28

Hope for Those Who Hurt

People often say, “God won’t give you more than you can handle.”

That might sound comforting, but it’s not actually biblical. Wait, what?

This phrase is a misinterpretation of 1 Corinthians 10, which talks about God providing a way out of temptation—not promising that life will never be overwhelming. The truth is, God never tells us we are capable of handling every hardship on our own. In fact, He knows we can’t—that’s why He invites us to rely on His strength, not our own.

Maybe a better way to say it is:

“God will never allow you to go through anything that His Holy Spirit cannot help you get through.”

He is trustworthy. He is faithful—even when we don’t understand.

As challenging as it is to trust God in the middle of suffering, we can hold onto the promise that He loves us, He is with us, and He will remain faithful.

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”Matthew 6:34

trusting God in difficult times

The hardest moments in life become even heavier when we try to carry them alone. Anxiety, fear, and worry pile on, making the burden unbearable. But God invites us to find refuge in Him. No matter how we feel, no matter how hopeless things seem—He will not leave us.

“But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.”Psalm 5:11

Even in the storm, even in grief, even in the unknown—we can trust that God is still good, still present, and still working for our ultimate good.

When you have a chance, I encourage you to read “9 Super Practical Strategies for Overcoming the Constant Challenges in Life” by Wendy Wallace. In 2011, Wendy lost both hands and both feet to a terrible bacterial infection, yet she continues to spread the joy and love of Christ. Her story is a powerful testimony of faith in the midst of life’s greatest challenges.

5. Trusting God in Difficult Times – Have a Constant Awareness of His Presence

Trusting God in difficult times becomes much easier when we cultivate a constant awareness of His presence in our daily lives. We don’t have to wait for a formal prayer time or retreat to a quiet corner to connect with Him—although those moments are important. The beauty of a relationship with God is that He is with us at all times, in every moment.

If you are a child of God, then the Holy Spirit lives within you. That means you have open access to God—whether you’re at work, running errands, driving, or spending time with friends. He is present in the mundane, the routine, and the extraordinary moments of life.

As I’ve often said: Have your dedicated time with God in prayer and His word—but don’t hang up the phone! Keep the conversation going throughout the day.

Do you think God doesn’t love it when you talk to Him? Of course, He does! Your prayers don’t have to be elaborate or perfectly worded. God isn’t waiting for you to say the right thing before He listens. You don’t need to rub some kind of Christian magic lamp to get His attention—He is already there.

“So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.”Hebrews 4:16

The key is to recognize that, as a believer, the Holy Spirit is in you—not just during church services or devotional times, but as part of your everyday existence. Ask God to make this truth real to you. When you embrace this reality, it transforms how you live.

You have direct access to the Creator of the universe. So why not talk to Him as you go about your day?

6. Trusting God in Difficult Times – Focus on the Word of God Found in Scripture

God has given us everything we need to navigate difficult times, and one of the greatest resources He provides is His Word. Scripture is filled with encouragement, wisdom, and truth to sustain us when life feels overwhelming.

The Bible isn’t just a collection of ancient stories—it’s the living, active Word of God (Hebrews 4:12). Throughout its pages, we find real people who faced hardships, doubts, and pain—just like we do. Some handled their struggles well, while others stumbled, yet their experiences teach us invaluable lessons about trusting God in difficult times.

Take the Apostle Paul, for example. As committed to Christ as he was, he still endured extreme suffering. He was honest about his struggles, even admitting that there were moments when he wasn’t sure he would survive:

“We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself.”2 Corinthians 1:8

Then, of course, there’s the story of Job—one of the most famous accounts of suffering in the Bible. Job was a man who loved and served God, yet he lost his children, his health, and all his possessions. Despite his devastating trials, Job ultimately saw God’s faithfulness, and in the end, God restored and blessed him even more than before.

The Psalms and Proverbs are also filled with powerful encouragement for those struggling to trust God in hard times. Psalm 91, in particular, was a great comfort to me when I first faced a severe bout of depression. These verses especially spoke to my heart:

“The Lord says, ‘I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name.
When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them.’”
Psalm 91:14-15

Psalm 121 is another incredible passage for times of distress, offering reassurance that our help comes from the Lord. And of course, one of the most well-known and comforting verses is found in Proverbs:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”Proverbs 3:5-6

In addition to reading the Bible, we can also take advantage of sermons, Bible studies, and online teachings that focus on trusting God in difficult times. When you have the opportunity, seek out resources that encourage and strengthen your faith. God’s Word is a lifeline in seasons of hardship—let it be the foundation you stand on when life feels uncertain.

7. Trusting God in Difficult Times – Don’t Walk the Road Alone

When we go through hard times, there’s often a natural tendency to withdraw. Some people feel ashamed of their struggles, while others simply don’t want to burden anyone.

I know this feeling well. I tend to retreat into my own shell, keeping my struggles to myself. But experience has taught me something important: we need the love, encouragement, and prayers of trusted Christian friends and family.

That doesn’t mean you have to share every detail with everyone. Depending on the situation, you may choose to keep things private, only confiding in a small group of trusted people. But having others pray for you, support you, and walk with you through your struggles can make all the difference.

In fact, I’ve found that when I open up about my struggles, I often hear stories from others who have been through similar experiences—and seeing how they came through it gives me hope.

trusting God in difficult times

Why It’s Helpful to Share Your Struggles with Others

Prayer Support – When others know what you’re facing, they can intercede for you and lift you up before God.

Encouragement – Sometimes, a few simple words from a friend can bring strength when you feel weak.

Wisdom & Guidance – Those who have faced similar struggles can offer insight, practical advice, and a reminder that you’re not alone.

The Gift of Presence – Even if there’s no solution, having someone sit with you, listen, or just be there can bring immense comfort.

God Created Us for Community – We weren’t meant to go through life alone. God designed us to live in relationships, to support and care for one another.

Difficult seasons are hard enough without the added weight of isolation. Let others walk with you. Let them pray for you. Let them remind you that, even when life is overwhelming, you are not alone.

8. Trusting God in Difficult Times – Be Thankful for the Blessings You’ve Had

At first, this might sound a bit strange—how can we talk about thankfulness when we’re going through difficult times? But let’s clarify. We don’t have to be thankful for each bad circumstance itself, but we can still remain thankful to God through those circumstances, knowing He is in control.

There may come a time when you look back and see how God used a painful experience for good, and you’ll find yourself grateful for what He did through it. But even if that never happens, there is still always something to be thankful for—your life, the blessings of the past, a roof over your head, food on your table. Gratitude doesn’t erase pain, but it does shift our focus from despair to hope.

The Apostle Paul, who endured incredible hardships, encouraged believers with these words:

“Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”1 Thessalonians 5:17-18

Even in grief, sadness, or deep struggles, a thankful heart can bring peace. God is not standing over us, demanding that we force gratitude in the middle of suffering—He is a loving Father who gives us His grace and power to endure.

When my mom passed away, I didn’t feel pressure from God to be thankful for the disease that took her life. But I could still thank Him that her suffering was over. I could rest in the truth that she was healed, whole, and full of joy in the presence of Jesus. And I was grateful that God, in His mercy, didn’t prolong her suffering.

No matter what we go through, there are always reasons to give thanks. And gratitude, even in hardship, reminds us that God is still good, still faithful, and still with us.

9. Trusting God in Difficult Times – Focus on the Cross and the Empty Tomb

No matter what trials we face, if we have trusted in Jesus as our Savior, we have an unshakable foundation of hope. In every situation, we can hold onto the truth of the cross and the empty tomb.

Jesus willingly laid down His life so that we might be forgiven and made right with God. But He didn’t stay in the grave—He rose again, defeating sin, death, and the enemy once and for all. That victory can never be undone.

trusting God in difficult times

And here’s the incredible part: the power of the resurrection isn’t just something from the past—it’s available to us right now. When we are overwhelmed, brokenhearted, or struggling in despair, we can lift our eyes and find strength in the finished work of Christ.

There is nothing more certain, more victorious, or more life-giving than the truth of the cross and the resurrection.

One way to intentionally focus on this truth is by observing The Lord’s Supper (Communion). Taking time to remember Jesus’ sacrifice and His love for us can bring powerful encouragement, especially in the hardest moments of life.

No matter what comes our way, the cross and the empty tomb remind us that we are loved, redeemed, and victorious in Christ.

10. Trusting God in Difficult Times – Be Kind to Yourself, Because He Is

One of the easiest traps to fall into during difficult seasons is self-blame. When life is hard, it’s tempting to think, Maybe this is my fault. Maybe I deserve this. That kind of thinking only adds to the weight of our struggles.

It’s true—sometimes our own choices lead to painful consequences. Other times, hardship comes through no fault of our own. But in either case, one thing remains constant: God loves you deeply.

God never wants us to be arrogant or prideful, but He does want us to love ourselves—not because of our own goodness, but because of the righteousness of Christ that has been given to us through His sacrifice.

It’s okay to acknowledge areas where you need to grow. We all have things we can improve. But don’t hold yourself to an impossible standard that even God doesn’t place on you. If you belong to Christ, then you are forgiven, loved, and cherished.

You are not perfect—but the God of the universe demonstrated the greatest act of love so that you could be in relationship with Him forever.

No matter where your pain comes from, if you are a follower of Jesus, you are covered by the most extravagant, incredible love ever known.

It is our prayer here at that you will learn to love yourself as God loves you, resting in His peace—not only in good times, but in seasons of deep pain and struggle as well.

God bless you as you seek to know Him more.

About the author

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