When parents bring their baby before the church congregation in what is called a Baby Dedication, what is really happening? Are the parents simply wanting to honor God by dedicating their child to God with a meaningful expression? Or, does this confer some kind of spiritual designation on the child as in infant baptism? We…
You may have heard about fasting and the many benefits it offers. But what are the different types of fasts? And how can they benefit you? In this article, we will discuss the different types of fasting and how they can help you improve your health and well-being. We will also explore the types of…
In terms of all of the questions that we may have concerning these somewhat complicated lives of ours, there is no greater question than “How do I get to heaven?” This question has been asked throughout the ages and people have come up with all sorts of answers. For all of those who believe that…
Prayers For Church Leaders – So Important It should go without saying that many or most church leaders have a difficult job. They may be Senior Pastors, associate pastors of some type including pastors for children, students, senior adults, and worship leaders. Also, remember small group leaders, Sunday School teachers, and those who lead men’s…
Churches have various types of leadership. Pastors, of course, elders sometimes, and also deacons. In this post, we will address the issue of “What Does A Church Deacon Do?”
When it comes time to visit another church or start going to church, it can be intimidating knowing what to wear to church. Let’s give some simple tips.
There is a nondenominational group out there that calls themselves “Red Letter Christians.” They get their name from the old practice of publishers printing the words of Jesus in red. This focus on Jesus’ words sounds pretty good at first, but after taking a closer look it appears that this group misses out on key…
Can Christians eat shrimp? This is a question that many people have asked throughout the years. The answer, however, is not always straightforward. Let’s take a look at the Old Testament and see what it has to say about eating shrimp. We will also explore whether or not the prohibition against eating shellfish should be…
The Sermon On The Mount is one of the most famous scripture passages spoken by Jesus. It contains what we call The Beatitudes. But, what do they really mean?