Brian Sloan

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  • communion meditation ideas

    Communion Meditation Ideas (Lord’s Supper) 15 Powerful Topics

    The practice of Communion in the Christian church is based on the illustration and command of Jesus to his disciples. In this post, we will use the terms “Communion” and “the Lord’s Supper” interchangeably. If you are looking for Communion meditation ideas we hope this post will help, or at least jump-start you on some…

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  • 12 stones in the Bible

    The Powerful Significance of The 12 Stones In The Bible

    The concept and illustrations of “twelve stones in the Bible” are quite intriguing. We know that God uses great symbolism in incredible ways. The Bible weaves together a fine tapestry of history, theology, and symbolism. We can find meaning in some of the smallest details found in Holy Scripture. This certainly applies when we talk…

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  • teenagers in the Bible

    Teenagers In The Bible: 5 Shining Examples

    I guess I don’t write about teenagers as much as I might have back when I was younger and worked as a Student Pastor. I guess that’s something that I should correct. God’s word is filled with many unique and exciting characters – real people who lived in various times of the Old Testament and…

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  • encouraging bible verses for senior adults

    Encouraging Bible Stories For Senior Adults: 5 Great Ones!

    The word of God has so many stories of God’s love from the book of Genesis in the Old Testament all the way to the book of Revelation that concludes the New Testament. The Bible contains 66 books that were written by authors that were inspired by the Holy Spirit. It contains God’s message of…

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  • encouraging bible verses for seniors

    Encouraging Bible Verses For Seniors: 70 Great Ones

    The Importance of Encouraging Bible Verses for the Elderly or Senior Adults As so many millions of people enter into their Senior it is so very important that they look to the word of God to find encouragement through the circumstances that come along with aging. Below we are going to list 70 encouraging Bible…

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  • dog breed mentioned in the Bible

    A Dog Breed Mentioned In The Bible? Where and Why?

    The role of dogs has become quite prominent in our culture. A dog owner can truly have a bond with his dog in a way that has given the dog the title of “man’s best friend” throughout the years. Long-time pet owners build strong and enduring relationships with specific breeds like German Shepherds, Cocker Spaniels,…

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  • Logos Bible Software Review: 9 Strong Choices & Top Features

    Introduction I had heard about Logos Bible Software for many years. However, it was only about a year ago that I actually purchased the Logos software. I haven’t regretted it one bit. In terms of Bible study, it’s one of the most valuable resources that I could imagine. It is, without a doubt,  the best…

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  • best study bibles for beginners

    Best Study Bibles For Beginners: 2025

    Normally when someone becomes a Christian or they more seriously begin to explore the claims of the Christian faith and Christianity they may start with just a simple Bible that only has few, if any, study notes. However, study Bibles include various types of studious notes about the word of God and what the authors…

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  • deer in the Bible

    Deer In the Bible: The Significance and Beauty

    When you think of a deer, you probably don’t think of it in biblical terms. However, you will find various mentions of deer in the Bible. Various individuals who think of a deer will have multiple thoughts. You may imagine a deer that is gracefully running through the woods, beautifully and swiftly. You may see…

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