Best Devotionals for Women: Elevate Your Faith with These Top 18



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Women’s devotional writings are very popular with Christian women and there are some great reasons why. There is a great desire in Christian ladies to have quality daily devotional time.

Life’s demands for the Christian woman in the 21st century are unlike any that have been seen before. That’s not to say that Christian women of today have harder or easier lives. Some would say that women of earlier generations had a more simple life, but perhaps harder in certain ways because they didn’t have the modern technologies of today.

The point is that ladies need and desire daily devotionals for women that are tailored to them, can encourage them on their spiritual journey, and remind them of the Biblical truths about God’s love and mercy.

In the fast pace of today’s world, ladies deserve and need a few quiet moments with God’s word, a great devotional book, and be encouraged by the Lord Jesus Christ.

Characteristics of the Best Devotionals For Women

  1. The foundation of the literature should be built on biblical principles.  Although acknowledging and managing emotions is crucial, the book should get its content and inspiration from the Bible rather than just from feelings.
  2. It should assist readers in comprehending and putting into practice what the book teaches. The book should provide helpful advice for putting faith into practice on a daily basis.
  3. It should be well-written: The language should be understandable, interesting, and clear.
  4. It should be pertinent to the reader: The book should speak to the issues, problems, and requirements of a woman, assisting them in deepening their relationship with God, and being a confident woman as they grow in their faith.
  5. It must be motivating: The book should inspire ladies giving them hope and courage in their relationship with Jesus.
  6. The best devotionals for women should be well-organized: The book should be set up such that it is simple to follow and that readers can easily discover the information they are seeking for.

Seeking the Best Devotionals for Women

In all honesty, when we do a “Best Of” resource here at we understand that to label a resource as part of a “best” list or a “top ten” list can be very subjective. So, as we try to produce a woman’s devotional guide on this page we know that the devotional book that would be great for one life circumstance might not be the best for others.

Also, there are inevitably many other great resources that for the sake of time and space we are unable to cover. However, we will do our best to offer you some great choices in devotionals for women. These are not necessarily numbered in order of importance or quality. We try only to put quality products on our lists. So, here we go-

“Sanctuary” by Denise J. Hughes

The premise of this 31-day devotional book by Denise Hughes is that there is too much noise in life, too much going on, and too much activity that drowns out the things that we really need to be hearing in our lives. The subtitle gives you great insight as to what you will see in this book – “Cultivating a Quiet Heart in a Noisy and Demanding World.”

In these daily devotions you will go on a simple journey to explore and lead a more quiet life as the Apostle, Paul, speaks of in his first book to the Thessalonians, chapter 4. Rather than trying some type of escapism from reality, those who read these encouraging words will be challenged and encouraged to survive and thrive in the world around them with a focus on Jesus Christ and is clear and confident in His ability to mark our pace in each of our lives.

“Embraced” by Lisa Terkeurst

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Lysa TerKeurst’s devotional, Embraced, can encourage women in all stages of life. With a large number of daily devotionals, 100 to be exact, you will be reminded that God is with you on the mountaintops, in the valleys, and that God’s faithfulness is tried, true, and thorough.

Because of the enemy’s attack on self-esteem and she pulls back the curtain and helps here readers see the awesomeness of how the Christian woman has been fully embraced by the love of God. She does a good job sharing some most potent encouragement as she relates her personal challenges and own struggles always pointing to a God who understands and hears our heart’s cry, encouraging ladies to embrace His life-changing promises.

She covers topics such as marriage help, parenting, making good decisions, self-worth, and much more.

“Grace Looks Amazing on You” – Amy Seiffert

From popular writer, teacher, and speaker, Amy Seiffert, these 100 days of devotional readings can motivate you and help you change your outlook, and embrace and showcase the grace of God in your life.

Women carry the burdens of anxiety that are sometimes brought on by comparison to others and live with the lack of self-acceptance that drags their emotional life downward daily.

Seiffert encourages your heart and challenges women to accept the limitless love of God regardless of their circumstances and, therefore, show His grace to the world. This women’s devotional book is full of scripture, reflections on life, stories of personal struggle, and the profound truths of the Bible to support the premise of the author.

“God Hears Her” – Our Daily Bread

Put together by the team that gives us the “Our Daily Bread” devotionals, each of the 365 devotionals contained in this daily devotional book is written by women who struggle with the same problems that most every other woman does. Each short devotional reading is designed to encourage the twenty-first-century woman.

They specifically will encourage women with scripture passages that point to the fact that our Heavenly Father does hear the prayer of His daughters. God hears the prayers and the cries of every woman even if they don’t feel like He does and these devotionals for women can be just the spiritual pick-me-up that a woman might need on any given day or week.

Awaken: 90 Days with the God who Speaks– Priscilla Shirer

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What to do when you are alone with God seems to be a challenge for many. However, because of the Godly wisdom shared in these devotions for women, you will be led to engage with God, hear His voice, and respond.

From the talented speaker, writer, and star of the successful “War Room” movie, Shirer will challenge and encourage you to embrace a God who speaks to us in these daily devotions.

With poignant and fresh insights, Awaken is very helpful in opening up the depth of God’s word to scripture verses that will strengthen you on your daily journey.
It’s a very nice choice for women’s devotional readings.

Adored: 365 Devotions for Young Women – Zondervan

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Women of God are faced with the crazy reality of life in today’s culture, they can rest on an unchanging fact: They are beloved in the sight of God. They are treasured in the sight of God. Adored: 365 Devotions for Young Women helps young ladies face the frustrating issues of life including, navigating friendships, social media, dating, bullying, and many other struggles that a young lady faces.

The team at Zondervan writes these daily devotions for young ladies aged 13 and up. Each daily devotional reading includes encouraging thoughts and comments about the topic of that particular day and couples those thoughts with scripture verses that go along with the reading.

As a fun women’s devotional for the young, these devotional words and brief excursions into God’s word feature a lovely foiled cover and also allow space for journaling and reflecting on the passage as many young ladies like to do.

Pressing Pause: 100 Quiet Moments for Moms to Meet with Jesus – Karen Ehman

Featuring 100 daily devotions for women who have the additional honor and stress of being a mom, Pressing Pause is designed to help moms being their days relishing and being encouraged by the presence of Jesus before they begin the task of ministering to all of those who depend on them.

These daily devotionals are great for mothers who are seeking to have a better and more optimistic mindset as they develop an intimate relationship with their creator. For ladies juggling commitments to their children’s care, tight schedules, their career, or responsibilities in their church Pressing Pause is a great encouragement for moms ages 25-50

Find Rest: A Women’s Devotional For Lasting Peace In A Busy Life – Shaunti Feldhahn

From the best-selling author of “For Women Only” comes “Find Rest.” This is written to ladies who may be emotionally or physically worn out by their daily to-do list. Those might include the overwhelming tasks that come along with motherhood, deadlines in the workplace, or fulfilling all of the other roles that people expect from them.

This devotional book helps teach ladies how not to be exhausted in the face of their challenges. Feldhahn demonstrates how there is an option to enjoy a life of rest and peace for your soul even in the flurry of life’s demands.

GraceLaced: Discovering Timeless Truths Through Seasons of the Heart – Ruth Chou Simons

This delightful work includes 32 seasonal devotions from the well-known author and artist Ruth Chou Simons. Chou uses more than individual art pieces in putting these devotions for women together. She also includes dozens of her new, hand-painted vignettes of scripture that came together in the crafting of this book, including dozens of new, hand-painted Scripture vignettes for which Simons is commonly known.

This book exhorts readers to firmly plant themselves in God’s dependable promises regardless of their situation. The soul-stirring invitation to get close to God is extended by GraceLaced while…

  • taking solace in who He is
  • practicing what He says about you is true
  • responding to such realities in faith
  • keeping in mind His provision to sustain you repeatedly

Even while other things rarely remain the same, God and who we are in Christ remains constant. As you travel through the shifting seasons of your heart, let this book serve as a guide to truth.

Grace to Grow: 40 Devotions to Release Anxiety and Dive into Purpose – Kristel Ward

Acknowledging the challenges of the Christian life, it’s rather easy to focus on the possibility that trouble might just overwhelm us. What if it does? What is my purpose in life? What if I fail in my goals for life?

Kristel Ward speaks to Christian women about dealing with life’s worries and how they may always access God’s abundant love. The Christian woman will be able to survive and quiet the loud sources of stress coming to them every day if she accepts God’s undeserved grace as a child of God. 

Grace to Grow enables you to view and accept any challenging circumstances as divine opportunities and experience God’s peace by pausing and turning difficulties into opportunities for spiritual growth.

Her–Story: 366 Devotions from 21 Centuries of the Christian Church (Focus for Women) – Diana Lynn Severance

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Unfortunately, sometimes the crucial role that Godly women have played throughout the history of the church can be underestimated in certain parts of our culture. 

The gospels show that women were incredibly significant in Jesus’ life and had amazing roles to perform during His earthly mission. They have done an amazing job of serving God by spreading the good news and inspiring believers.

In 366 devotions, Diana Lynn Severance combines well-known figures like Fanny Crosby and Joni Eareckson Tada with less well-known Christians from different eras. Their devotion to Jesus Christ is the recurrent and most important topic.

It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered – Lysa TerKeurst

Wouldn’t it be great if life’s circumstances turned out just like we want them to? Unfortunately, that’s just not the way it goes. While some events catch us a bit off guard and only give. temporary trouble and other troubles can cause difficulties for life.

When we are disillusioned with the trajectory of our life, then we begin to wonder about or doubt the greatness or goodness of God.

In “It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way,” Lysa takes us into her own spiritual path and, through tenacity, openness, and genuine humor, assists us in:

  • Learning how to handle disappointment and other difficult circumstances effectively to avoid being drawn into its anxieties.- – 
  • Be able to stay firm and continue through uncomfortable situations and unpredictably bad consequences.
  • Discover how to remain calm and steadfast when God genuinely gives us more than we can manage.
  • Admit any skepticism that creeps in about God being harsh or unfair and replace it with the scriptural conviction that He is preserving and preparing us.
  • Also, understand how to help other ladies and guide them through challenging circumstances using God’s truth.

Rhythms of Renewal: Trading Stress and Anxiety for a Life of Peace and Purpose – Rebekah Lyons

Rebekah Lyons, a best-selling author, can be a huge comfort to those who need to deal with the overwhelming stress that might enter their life in “Rhythms of Renewal.” The New York Times best-seller Rhythms of Renewal can be your new go-to manual for improving your life, one day at a time if you’re prepared to overcome tension and welcome the calm for which your soul yearns.

Join Rebekah Lyons as she invites you to use the four profound rhythms of rest, restoration, connection, and creation to exchange your worry for the vibrant life you were designed to live.

Today, almost three-quarters of the population regularly experience physical symptoms of stress, and many people struggle with anxiety and loneliness. We might have feelings of anxiety and be overwhelmed as a result of the responsibilities of jobs, family, and daily life. 

Rebekah offers a solution to these difficulties because she has firsthand experience with despair and anxiety. She offers advice on how to develop four healthy habits in her book, which can help soothe inner turmoil and provide room for one’s own personal development and well-being.

Grace Is Enough: A 30-Day Christian Devotional to Help Women Turn Anxiety and Insecurity into Confidence – Courtney Fidell

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For everyone looking for comfort and direction during these turbulent times, this daily devotional book is a great choice. With the strength of God’s word, “Grace Is Enough” provides you with a daily dosage of truth and inspiration to help you face the obstacles and lies of the outside world.

This book is full of personal essays and Bible tales that will encourage you to discover peace and confidence in your religion. It was written with compassion and understanding.

This book is ideal for assisting you in reducing typical fears and insecurities including feeling unqualified, envious, afraid, restless, or overwhelmed. It includes 30 days’ worth of devotions. You can process your own thoughts and feelings each day with the help of original prayers and reflections. The book also has a minimalist design and contemporary artwork. “Grace Is Enough” is the ideal option if you’re looking for a source of consolation and strength.

Fixing My Eyes on Jesus: Daily Moments in His Word – Ann Graham Lotz

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Fixing My Eyes on Jesus by Anne Graham Lotz is a 365-day devotional that will strengthen, compel, and revitalize your faith. Written by Billy Graham’s daughter, the most well-known evangelist in the world. As a reputable Bible teacher and best-selling author in her own right, Ann Graham Lotz has had an illustrious career. Both new believers and those with more experience in their faith might benefit from this devotional that will highlight God’s goodness. 

This devotional is ideal for daily use and provides simple, helpful advice to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and help prevent some unwanted detours. This devotional book is ideal as a gift or personal addition to your devotional collection due to its leathersoft cover, larger print, and ribbon marker. Fixing My Eyes on Jesus is filled with knowledge and inspiration that will nourish your soul.

Prayer Journal for Women: 52 Week Scripture, Devotional & Guided Prayer Journal– Shannon Roberts

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“Do you desire to deepen your relationship with God and your faith? Take a look at the “Prayer Journal for Women.” This diary has 52 weeks’ worth of daily devotions, guided prayer prompts, and scripture verses arranged according to themes including love, provision, God’s love, adversity, awe, strength, fear, and grace. 

Also, you will find thought-provoking Bible verses, a “Reflect” page with questions and thoughts inspired by the scripture passages, and two pages for journaling praise, prayer requests, and how you want to be taught and guided are provided each week. There is also a tracker so you may keep track of your prayers that have been answered and observe how God works in your life all year long. 

The original pictures in this diary were created by artist Shannon Roberts and make it the ideal companion for private worship or communal Bible study. You will have plenty of room to write and develop your connection with God thanks to the huge 8 x 10 size and four complete pages for each week of the year.”

Jesus Listens: Daily Devotional Prayers of Peace, Joy, and Hope – Sarah Young

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Do you feel anxious, stressed out, or overburdened? You can find hope and serenity in Jesus. You can find brief, sincere prayers based on the Bible in this book, “Jesus Listens,” to help you communicate with God on a daily basis.

It’s ideal for ladies who are facing challenges, preoccupied with daily tasks, unclear of how to pray, or seeking a deeper connection with God. You can constantly return to God’s promises because each prayer is based on a verse from the Bible.

This devotional prayer book offers 365 days of prayers based on the Bible, each with a verse reference. A ribbon marker is also included to aid in maintaining your position. You’ll learn how deliberate prayer may draw you closer to God, transform your heart, and achieve great things as you pray through the pages of this book.

Jesus Listens is likely to significantly improve someone’s prayer life, whether you want to keep it for yourself or give it as a present.

God Loves Her: 365 Devotions for Women by Women – Our Daily Bread

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Our Daily Bread continues to put our some of the best devotionals fow women. We all want to be loved, yet there are moments when it seems as though these qualities—or others—are the only ones that may make us worthy of love. However, that isn’t real love! The book “God Loves Her” serves as a reminder of the unconditional love that you can get from God.

You can receive it until you feel that you cannot possibly retain it all, and you will want to share it with others. This book has 365 readings that will serve as a daily reminder of your worth. It has a lovely appearance and is portable enough to bring anywhere.

Wrapping It Up

There are so many other great devotional books out there and you can search for others here.

In conclusion, a woman’s spiritual development and connection with God are greatly reinforced by her daily devotional time with Jesus. When you look for the best devotionals for women you see that you will find a lot of excellent devotional works for women, each with its own special viewpoint and insights. 

To find the one that most closely aligns with your unique spiritual journey, it can be beneficial to test out a few different ones. As each of these books might add something fresh and worthwhile to your daily time with God, you might find it advantageous to try out several of them. 

Whatever book or method you choose, the most crucial thing is to make the commitment to consistently make time for prayer and devotion and to use that time to commune with Jesus.

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