Can Christians eat shrimp? This is a question that many people have asked throughout the years. The answer, however, is not always straightforward. Let’s take a look at the Old Testament and see what it has to say about eating shrimp. We will also explore whether or not the prohibition against eating shellfish should be applied to Christians today.
Can Christians eat shrimp and other shellfish? The simple answer is – yes, a Christian is free to do so. The Old Testament law prohibited shellfish, while it allowed many other types of seafood with fins and scales to be eaten. Why did God give a prohibition on shellfish? Some say that shellfish are nature’s “sea scavengers” because they eat dead animals and debris off the bottom of the seabed. So, there is still debate with some as to how healthy shellfish are as opposed to other types of seafood. However, does the shellfish prohibition apply to Christians today? No, it does not.
Can Christians Eat Shrimp?: The Old Testament Answer
The Old Testament is clear that eating shrimp was prohibited under the Mosaic Law. In Leviticus 11 God lists the animals that are considered unclean and unfit for human consumption. Included in this list are shellfish such as shrimp. However, it doesn’t implicitly state the reason. However, many interpret the reason that shrimp and other shellfish are some of the “scavengers of the ocean.” They feed on all sorts of things on the bottom of the sea and, therefore are seen to be as unclean for consumption.
Considering the known shellfish allergies of today, we must remember that the Children of Israel weren’t living in a time when they had the convenience of going to a modern doctor or hospital when they became sick. So, was God simply protecting them? I think so.

Can Christians Eat Shrimp? Are There Health Risks?
You can scour the internet and find resources that say shrimp are very good for you and provides excellent sources of nutrition. They are seen as another good source of protein and other nutrients that aren’t found in other sources of food. lists quite a few positive health benefits of eating shellfish.
On the other hand, Healthline also lists shellfish as of the top eight food allergens in the US for adults. They also state that shellfish can contain heavy metals they get from their environment. These metals include mercury or cadmium.
It’s no debate that if you have a shellfish allergy, there are real and substantial risks to your health if you ingest the shellfish. However, for the majority of the population who do not seem to have a shellfish allergy, it seems that most health publications list shrimp and other shellfish as a practical and healthy part of a diet.
I would be one of the adherents to the notion that, because of the less sanitary conditions of the day, God was doing everything possible to keep his people healthy. As is suggested in this article, shrimp, lobster, and other types of shellfish may well be more thoroughly washed and cleaned today than they were several thousand years ago.

Can Christians Eat Shrimp Under the New Covenant?
I certainly believe the answer is yes. The shellfish prohibition was a part of the Law given to Moses. This law wasn’t simply about physical health issues. It was about spiritual issues. God wanted His Chosen Nation to be set apart from others and be identified as people who worshipped the One True God.
There were over 600 laws given to the Israelites in the Old Testament, many of them being ceremonial in nature. However, they were from the mind of an all-knowing and Holy God, therefore, none of them were to be taken lightly.
As Christians, we believe that Jesus Christ came to fulfill the law.
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”
Matthew 5:17
As you can see Jesus wasn’t saying that God gave Israel bad laws. He didn’t say that the moral laws were of no consequence anymore. Of course, we aren’t free to murder, dishonor our parents, etc., etc. The method by which we are obedient to God is entirely different. We don’t have the Law as our “taskmaster” anymore. We have the Holy Spirit inside of us to live through us in a loving relationship as we honor God.
Plus, all of the ten commandments are repeated in the New Testament with the exception of “Remember the Sabbath and Keep it Holy. Christians set aside The Lord’s Day early in the first century.
Also, when we think about what God allowed Under The Covenant when He gave the challenging dream to Peter in Acts 10:9-16

Seafood That Was Acceptable Under the Mosaic Law
If you are Jewish or you are non-Jewish but still believe that you should adhere to the dietary laws of the Mosaic law, there are still many good options for wonderful seafood dishes available. Let’s look at the scripture that explained what was acceptable and not acceptable in the Old Testament.
“These you may eat, of all that are in the waters. Everything in the waters that has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the rivers, you may eat. But anything in the seas or the rivers that does not have fins and scales, of the swarming creatures in the waters and of the living creatures that are in the waters, is detestable to you. You shall regard them as detestable; you shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall detest their carcasses. Everything in the waters that does not have fins and scales is detestable to you.”
Leviticus 11:9-12
So, we see that fish with scales and fins are permitted. This includes fish such as salmon, tuna, halibut, mackerel, and many others.
Remember, many of the disciples were fishermen. We see Jesus actually cooking fish for them on the banks of the Sea Of Galilee. John 21-7-9
So, while shrimp and other shellfish may be off-limits for Jewish people, there are still plenty of other delicious seafood options that are permissible.
Can Christians Eat Shrimp? Concluding Our Thoughts.
There is nothing under the New Testament or New Covenant that prohibits Christians from eating shrimp and other shellfish or even other bottom feeders like catfish which is very popular in many places.
So, unless for some reason you are just not convinced, or it somehow violates your conscience, then don’t do it.
When I’m asked the question “Can Christians Eat Shrimp?, I will give a Biblical answer and my personal practice which I believe aligns well. My personal practice is this. As I have stated in other places on this website I believe there are possible unknown health reasons for God listing many “unclean” animals in the Old Testament. Maybe some of it was ceremonial, but I think it may have been deeper than that.
Sure, I eat shrimp. I also eat pork sometimes as well, which was certainly prohibited under the Law. Do I feel guilty when I eat those things? Not at all.
However, because there was a Biblical prohibition at one time on those, I don’t make it a huge portion of my diet. When I eat meat, it is mostly chicken, beef, and fish like salmon, etc.
So, Christians, feel free to eat your shrimp cocktail or have your crab legs when you take your annual beach vacation or whenever. There is no longer a prohibition in the New Testament.
It is simply my personal opinion that, in my life, I do so in moderation.
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