Introduction: Strengthening Your Faith Through Christian Apologetics Questions
Have you ever been in a conversation where someone asked a tough question about Christianity—and you weren’t quite sure how to answer? You’re not alone. In today’s world, believers face an increasing number of challenges to their faith.
People question the existence of God, the reliability of the New Testament, and even the historical reality of Jesus Christ. Christianity is often dismissed as just another belief system or a collection of ancient myths. In a culture flooded with social media debates and skeptical voices, many struggle to give solid answers.
That’s where Christian Apologetics Questions come in. Apologetics isn’t about winning arguments; it’s about knowing what we believe and why. The Bible calls us to “always be prepared to give an answer” (1 Peter 3:15), but are we truly ready?
💡 When young people walk away from the faith, do we have answers that can strengthen their belief?
💡 When skeptics challenge the Bible, do we respond with truth and confidence?
💡 When someone genuinely seeks God, do we guide them toward real evidence?
There are countless big questions about Christianity, but here are five foundational Christian Apologetics Questions that every believer should be ready to answer:
1️⃣ Has the New Testament been corrupted over time?
2️⃣ Is there real evidence that Jesus rose from the dead?
3️⃣ Has science disproved the existence of God?
4️⃣ Does the Bible condone slavery?
5️⃣ Is there evidence outside the Bible that Jesus existed?
These aren’t just intellectual exercises—they’re crucial for strengthening our Christian worldview and engaging in meaningful conversations with those searching for truth.
Let’s dive in.
Defending the Christian Faith: Is Belief in the Bible Blind Faith?
When people are asked to believe in the Bible, are they being told to check their brains at the door? Should Christians expect skeptics to accept the message of Christianity by abandoning logic and reasoning?
Many assume that faith in Jesus Christ means believing without evidence—just taking it on blind faith. But is that really the case?

While salvation is by grace through faith, Christian faith is not a leap into the dark. It is based on historical evidence, fulfilled prophecy, and logical reasoning. The Bible never asks us to believe without reason; instead, it calls us to examine the truth and be ready to explain it.
“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”
—1 Peter 3:15 (NIV)
This verse is central to what is called Christian apologetics, which means defending the faith with reason and evidence. The Greek word “apologia” literally means “to give an answer in reply.”
Every believer should be ready to explain their faith—not with empty clichés, but with truth grounded in history, Scripture, and reason. At the heart of Christianity is not just a moral teacher but a Savior—Jesus Christ—whose birth, life, death, and resurrection are not just theological claims but historical realities.
The Role of Faith
While Christianity is rooted in historical evidence, it is also deeply connected to faith. Christian apologetics questions help us defend our beliefs with reason, but faith is what ultimately connects us to God.
Believing that the Bible is God’s Word isn’t just an intellectual exercise—it’s a response of the heart. Christianity isn’t about blind acceptance, but neither is it purely about logic. At its core, faith is what brings a person into a true relationship with God.
“God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.”
—Ephesians 2:8
“Yet we know that a person is made right with God by faith in Jesus Christ, not by obeying the law…”
—Galatians 2:16
The Bible makes it clear: faith is essential. It is not just about agreeing with a set of doctrines but trusting in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
The writer of Hebrews puts it plainly:
“And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.”
—Hebrews 11:6
Faith is the foundation of the Christian life. It is through faith that we receive salvation, experience the presence of the Holy Spirit, and grow in our understanding of God’s Word. While we can present evidence for our beliefs, true faith is what transforms a person’s heart and leads to eternal life.
The Need to Sharpen the Skills of Apologetics
Faith in Jesus Christ is essential, but as believers, we are also called to give an answer for what we believe. The Christian life isn’t just about personal faith—it’s about understanding and defending the truth of the Gospel.
Many Christians, when asked why they believe, simply say, “Because the Bible says so.” That’s not a bad answer—if the Bible were universally accepted as the standard of truth. But in today’s world, that answer is often met with skepticism.
People ask:
💬 “Why trust a collection of ancient manuscripts that have been copied and recopied for over two thousand years?”
💬 “Isn’t the Bible full of contradictions?”
💬 “Hasn’t science disproved the existence of God?”
For Christian apologetics questions, we must be equipped with more than just personal conviction. Statements like “The Bible says…” or “God’s Word teaches…” hold deep meaning for believers, but for many in today’s culture, those phrases carry little weight.
A generation ago, even those who weren’t committed Christians still held a basic respect for the Bible. Scriptures like the Ten Commandments were widely recognized as moral foundations. Today, however, biblical literacy is declining, and many people view Christianity as just one of many belief systems.
That’s why sharpening our apologetics skills is more important than ever. Defending the faith isn’t about winning debates—it’s about pointing people to the truth of Jesus Christ in a way they can understand.
America Re-Educated: The Shift Away from Biblical Truth
Defending the faith has always been essential for Christians, but in today’s culture, it has become even more urgent. The shift away from biblical truth in American schools, media, and government has led to a generation largely unfamiliar with the foundations of Christianity—let alone Christian apologetics questions.
For much of America’s history, the Bible was widely recognized as a source of moral guidance. Even those who weren’t committed believers often respected its teachings. Schools referenced God’s Word, the Ten Commandments were displayed in public places, and society held to a basic Christian worldview—even if imperfectly.
But over the past century, that foundation has steadily eroded. As secular humanism gained influence in education and culture, students were increasingly taught to view truth as relative, morality as subjective, and faith in Jesus Christ as just one option among many belief systems. The existence of God was no longer assumed but openly challenged.
Despite this shift, many non-religious people in America still held some level of respect for the moral framework found in the Christian faith. However, in recent decades, skepticism has intensified. Christianity is no longer seen as the foundation of truth but as just another religious perspective—one that is often met with hostility rather than respect.
This change presents a challenge: how do believers engage a culture that is increasingly skeptical of the Bible? The answer lies in being equipped with strong, reasoned responses to Christian apologetics questions. Understanding why we believe what we believe is more critical than ever in a world where biblical truth is no longer the assumed starting point.
Learning to Defend the Faith
R.C. Sproul once said:
“The defense of the faith is not a luxury or intellectual vanity. It is a task appointed by God that you should be able to give a reason for the hope that is in you as you bear witness before the world.”
Defending Christianity isn’t just for scholars or theologians—it’s a responsibility for every believer. In a world filled with differing opinions and competing worldviews, we are called to stand firm in truth while engaging others with love and kindness.
Sharing our faith isn’t just about stating what we believe but also why we believe it. Christian apologetics questions provide an opportunity to present compelling evidence for the truth of Christianity, including the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the reliability of the New Testament, and the existence of God.
Many excellent resources exist to help believers strengthen their understanding of apologetics. One of the most well-known is Evidence That Demands a Verdict, first published in 1972. The title itself is a powerful statement—the evidence for Christianity is so strong that it requires an answer: yes or no.
As we grow in faith, let’s also grow in our ability to articulate the truth with clarity, confidence, and grace.’s also grow in our ability to articulate the truth with clarity, confidence, and grace.
- Hardcover Book
- McDowell, Josh (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 880 Pages – 10/03/2017 (Publication Date) – Thomas Nelson (Publisher)
Giving Answers for Your Faith
The study of Christian apologetics questions has always fascinated me. Examining the truth of Christianity through historical evidence, the reliability of Scripture, science, and moral philosophy not only strengthens our own faith but also equips us to share it with others.
Thankfully, there are countless resources available today for those wanting to grow in apologetics. One of the best, in my opinion, is I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist by Norman Geisler and Frank Turek. This book presents compelling arguments for the existence of God, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the trustworthiness of the Bible.
Regardless of where you start, I encourage you to take that first step. If you’re new to apologetics, a great place to begin is by studying five foundational Christian apologetics questions—questions that every believer should be ready to answer.

Many apologetics experts have addressed these topics, but I particularly like the way Alisa Childers has structured them. These five questions challenge both skeptics and believers, providing clear, well-reasoned answers that point to the truth of Christianity.
1. Have the New Testament Texts Been Corrupted Over Time?
One of the most common Christian apologetics questions is whether the New Testament has been altered over the centuries. With no printing presses in biblical times, every copy of Scripture was handwritten by scribes. Critics argue that copying errors over hundreds of years make today’s Bible unreliable.
But is that true? Not at all.
In fact, the New Testament has more manuscript evidence supporting its accuracy than any other work of ancient literature. Scholars have discovered over 5,800 Greek manuscripts, along with thousands more in Latin, Coptic, and other languages. Many of these manuscripts date much closer to the original writings than any other historical document from antiquity.
Most scholars—both secular and Christian—agree that the New Testament has been copied with an astonishing degree of accuracy. While there are textual variations, the vast majority are minor differences in spelling or grammar that have no impact on doctrine. In fact, over 99% of textual variants do not change the meaning of the text at all.
So, can we trust that the New Testament we have today reflects the original writings? Absolutely. The overwhelming manuscript evidence confirms that God’s Word has been preserved with incredible accuracy, allowing us to read the same Scriptures that early Christians relied on for truth.
For a deeper dive into this topic, check out The Reliability of the Bible: Are You Really Sure?
2. Is There Real Evidence That Jesus Rose from the Dead?
Of all the Christian apologetics questions, this is the most crucial. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of Christianity—if it didn’t happen, then our faith is meaningless (1 Corinthians 15:14). So, is there real evidence that Jesus actually rose from the dead?
Dr. Gary Habermas, one of the leading scholars on the resurrection, has spent decades researching this topic. He analyzed over 1,400 scholarly works—ranging from conservative to highly skeptical—and found that most scholars, regardless of personal belief, agree on several key historical facts:
✔ Jesus’ death by Roman crucifixion is a historical certainty.
✔ Jesus’ disciples believed He rose from the dead and appeared to them—so strongly that they were willing to suffer and die for this belief.
✔ Paul, a former persecutor of Christians, became a believer after what he described as an encounter with the risen Jesus.
✔ James, the brother of Jesus, who was initially skeptical, became a leader in the early church after seeing the resurrected Christ.
✔ Approximately 75% of scholars believe that Jesus’ tomb was found empty.
Even secular historians acknowledge these facts. The real question is: What best explains them? The disciples had no motive to fabricate a resurrection story, especially knowing it would lead to persecution. Hallucinations cannot explain multiple group appearances, and the stolen-body theory doesn’t hold up against historical scrutiny.
The best explanation? Jesus actually rose from the dead.
3. Has Science Disproved the Existence of God?
One of the most common Christian apologetics questions is whether science has made belief in God unnecessary—or even impossible. Many skeptics claim that science and faith are incompatible, but is that really the case?
The short answer is no. Science cannot disprove the existence of God because science is limited to studying the natural world, while God is beyond the material universe.
“For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”
—John 4:24
When someone says, “God does not exist,” they are making a philosophical claim, not a scientific one. No experiment in a laboratory can prove or disprove the supernatural. Science is an incredible tool for understanding the physical world, but it cannot answer ultimate questions about meaning, morality, or the divine.
In fact, many scientific discoveries point to the existence of God rather than away from Him. The fine-tuning of the universe, the complexity of DNA, and the very existence of natural laws suggest an intelligent designer rather than random chance.
The idea that science and faith are enemies is a modern myth. Some of the greatest scientists in history—including Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, and Francis Collins—were devout believers. Far from disproving God, science gives us even more reason to stand in awe of His divine creation.n awe of His divine creation.
4. Does the Bible Condone Slavery?
When people ask Christian apologetics questions about the Bible, slavery is one of the most misunderstood topics. Many assume that because the Bible mentions slavery, it must condone the horrific form of slavery seen in U.S. history. But that is not the case.
Slavery as we know it—where people were kidnapped, abused, and treated as property—is undeniably evil. The transatlantic slave trade and other forms of forced labor throughout history are in direct opposition to biblical teachings about the dignity of human beings.
However, when we examine the Bible in its historical context, we find that the term translated as slavery does not refer to the kind of slavery we think of today.
Slavery in the Old Testament
In ancient Israel, what was called “slavery” functioned more like indentured servitude. A destitute person who owed an overwhelming debt could voluntarily work for someone to pay off what they owed. In return, they were provided food, shelter, and protection from mistreatment.
There were strict laws governing this system:
- If a master was cruel, the servant was to be set free.
- After six years, the servant was released from their debt (Exodus 21:2).
- Kidnapping someone to sell them as a slave was punishable by death (Deuteronomy 24:7).
While this system was not perfect, it was a regulated form of economic relief, not the abusive chattel slavery seen in later history.
Slavery in the New Testament
By the time of the Roman Empire, slavery had taken on a much harsher form, with slaves having few rights and often enduring brutal treatment. The New Testament does not condone this kind of slavery but rather acknowledges its existence in society.
Paul’s letter to Philemon provides a powerful example. He pleads with Philemon to receive his runaway slave, Onesimus, “no longer as a slave, but better than a slave, as a dear brother” (Philemon 1:16). This reflects the Christian teaching that all people—slave or free—are equal in Christ (Galatians 3:28).
The type of slavery that existed in America and other parts of the world was oppressive and dehumanizing. It is never condoned in Scripture. The Bible’s instructions on servitude were meant to protect the vulnerable, not justify oppression.
For a deeper exploration of this topic, check out Paul Copan’s Is God a Moral Monster?
5. Is There Evidence Outside the Bible That Jesus Actually Existed?
One of the most common Christian apologetics questions skeptics ask is whether Jesus Christ was a real historical figure—or just a religious myth. While some claim that Jesus never existed, the overwhelming consensus among historians—both secular and religious—is that Jesus was a real person who lived in first-century Judea.
Ancient Historians Who Mention Jesus
We don’t have to rely on the Bible alone to confirm Jesus’ existence. Several well-documented sources outside of Scripture mention Him, including:
- Josephus (37–100 AD) – A Jewish historian who referred to Jesus in Antiquities of the Jews, mentioning His crucifixion under Pontius Pilate.
- Tacitus (56–120 AD) – A Roman historian who described how Emperor Nero blamed Christians for the fire in Rome and confirmed that Jesus was executed under Pilate.
- Pliny the Younger (61–113 AD) – A Roman governor who wrote about early Christians worshiping Jesus as God.
- Lucian of Samosata (125–180 AD) – A Greek satirist who mocked Christians but acknowledged their devotion to a man who was crucified.
- Celsus (2nd century AD) – A Roman critic of Christianity who tried to discredit Jesus, yet still confirmed His existence.
These sources—many of which were hostile to Christianity—confirm that Jesus was a real historical figure.
What Do Secular Scholars Say?
Even among non-Christian historians, the idea that Jesus never existed is considered a fringe theory. Renowned scholars like Bart Ehrman, an agnostic New Testament expert, affirm that Jesus’ existence is one of the most well-established facts of ancient history.
There is no serious debate among historians about whether Jesus lived. The real question is who He was—just another teacher, or the Son of God? That’s where faith and evidence come together, leading us back to the ultimate question: Will we accept the truth of Jesus Christ?
How to Defend the Christian Faith? With Love and Kindness
I hope this encourages you to learn more about defending the Christian faith using Christian apologetics questions. But as you engage in these discussions, remember that truth must always be shared with love.
Apologetics is not about winning arguments—it’s about pointing people to Jesus Christ. Having historical facts and strong evidence is important, but if we use them like a hammer, we risk pushing people away rather than drawing them toward the truth.
Unbelievers don’t need a lecture from someone who exudes a know-it-all attitude. They don’t need to be talked down to or made to feel foolish. Instead, they need believers who are considerate, gracious, and respectful—people who listen well, speak with humility, and show the love of Christ in every conversation.
That doesn’t mean watering down the truth. The gospel is the greatest news in the world, and we are called to share it boldly! But as 1 Peter 3:15 reminds us, we must do so with gentleness and respect.
Resources for Further Study
If you want to go deeper into Christian apologetics, here are some excellent resources to help you grow in understanding and confidence:
📺 Alisa Childers’ Video: 5 Apologetics Questions Every Christian Should Be Able to Answer
📖 Recommended Book: I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist – by Norman Geisler & Frank Turek
- Geisler, Norman L. (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 448 Pages – 03/01/2004 (Publication Date) – Crossway (Publisher)
These resources will help equip you to stand firm in your faith and confidently engage in conversations about Christianity.
What apologetics question do you find most challenging? Let’s discuss in the comments!
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