Christians and Zodiac Signs: What Is The Truth?




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There is a lot of discussion about Christians and zodiac signs and whether or not Christians should be using them. The Bible warns us against astrology, so it would stand to reason that following zodiac signs would be incompatible with Christianity. However, many people still look to their horoscope for guidance and direction in their lives. In this article, we will explore zodiac signs and what the Bible has to say about them.

The word, “astrology” conveys something like this: It is the investigation and study of how stars and other celestial bodies move, and how their positions are interpreted as if they have some type of influence on the natural world and the lives of humans. Do they have any application or should be followed or used by Christians? We will look further, but the short answer is no if you want to remain true to Biblical Christianity.

However, that is not the conclusion of a substantial percentage of Americans and those in other countries. According to the website, LivingFacts, about 29% of American adults believe in astrology. There is much to be said about the stars, planets, and the wonders of the celestial bodies that inhabit a universe. If you invest even a small amount of time investigating what’s out there, your mind can’t even begin to grasp how large and extraordinary this world is. Let’s plunge along and find more about Christians and zodiac signs

Christians and Zodiac Act Signs: How shall We Respond?

Astrology Vs. Astronomy – Don’t Confuse The Two

I am a geek about space travel, the moon landings of the 60s and 70s, the space shuttle era, and now the SpaceX program of Elon Musk. I have been fascinated by the moon, the planets, and the stars. The magnificence and magnitude of what is beyond our earth are staggering to the mind. It’s another of a million things that would make someone conclude that there is a God.

So astronomy fascinates me. It is the portion of scientific research and exploration that deals with the facts of outer space, the moon, planets, sun, stars, and galaxies far away. It’s an amazing pathway of study and a hobby for many astronomy enthusiasts.

However, as we look to astrology we see an entirely new topic arise. This topic is one that is not based on science and one that a Christian should not want to be involved with.

Christians and zodiac signs

Christians and Zodiac Signs: The Stars and Planets are God’s Work

As we look into the night sky on a clear night we can see the majesty and handiwork of God. It’s no accident that the stars and planets are there. They did not occur randomly without the choice of a God who spoke them into being. God made all of that but did he make Christians and zodiac signs to function together as a way of predicting human events?

Our minds cannot comprehend what He has done in His work of creation. However, we can look at it and explore it as much as we can. However, we are not free to distort it and make it out to be something that it is not.

Constellations have actually been looked at and tracked for hundreds, actually thousands of years. Early Egyptians and also Greeks knew about the zodiac. They would measure the beginning of seasons using it well before the birth of Christ.

So, using the constellations, the stars, the planets, and God’s creation to help us in ways like that are fine. Before many people had modern watches on them, how many could fairly accurately tell the time of day just by the position of the sun in the sky? So, it’s not a problem to use God’s creation in beneficial ways unless it violates what his word tells us.

Astrology is simply a man-made interpretation of a distorted belief that the stars and planets have some type of influence on the lives and destinies of humans. Therefore the astrologer makes “little gods” out of the beauty of creation found in the night sky. According to astrologists everyone was born under a “sign” you are under Aquarius, Aries, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, or Capricorn. Persons born under each of these “signs” are said to exhibit certain personal characteristics.

Okay, so let’s take myself as an example of Christians and zodiac signs. I was born on August 29, therefore I am a Virgo. If you were born as a Virgo you may be self-effacing, industrious, practical, humble in your appearance. Oh, but underneath the surface, I would be kind, sympathetic, and natural (whatever that means). As a Virgo, I’m also supposed to be a quick thinker, methodical, and have some much energy in a mental capacity that I am frequently stressed. However, I would also be a sharp negotiator as a Virgo.

Now let’s just step back and look at that for a moment. Could I display some of those characteristics on any given day? Sure. But, so could someone born in June, July, September, October. It doesn’t even make good common sense at even a surface level of thinking. Can Christians and zodiac signs and horoscopes work together at all?

The Stars And Constellations In The Bible

Our powerful and awesome Creator God put the stars and constellations in place. He put them into recognizable groups and structures for our eyes that we call constellations.

When Job was going through his misery and questioned God, he responded my by mentioning a constellation by saying:

“Can you direct the constellations through the seasons or guide the Bear with her cubs across the heavens?”

Once again we find mention of constellations in the book of the prophet, Amos:

“It is the Lord who created the stars, the Pleiades and Orion. He turns darkness into morning and day into night. He draws up water from the oceans and pours it down as rain on the land. The Lord is his name!”

Chtistians and zodiac signs

Astrology in the Bible

It is true that God allowed a star to guide the wise men to the Christ child. So, God can do whatever he pleases in terms of the stars and planets. However, does that mean predicting human behavior or assigning personal attributes to someone because of their birthdate or Zodiac sign? Of course not. This is not within any reasonable biblical interpretation. How could Christians and zodiac signs function together since the Bible prohibits it?

If we dig just a little bit we will find that the word for astrology that comes from the Hebrew language means, ‘divining the heavens’. If you look at the word “divination’ you will find it is foretelling events that will happen in the future. It can also be. speaking of revealing secrets or having knowledge but using signs, omens, and other supernatural means. This practice which is referred to as divination was not allowed by the God of the Bible.

Oh, come on now, so you’re one of those fundamentalist, legalistic people who think that having your fortune told or your palm read is wrong. Well, no I don’t think I’m a fundamentalist and legalistic, but yes, I think those things, including astrology (as in making decisions because of your horoscope) are wrong.

Look at this passage in the book of Isaiah, one of the most prophetic books in the old testament where the wickedness of the Babylonians was being addressed;

“All the advice you receive has made you tired. Where are all your astrologers, those stargazers who make predictions each month? Let them stand up and save you from what the future holds. But they are like straw burning in a fire; they cannot save themselves from the flame. You will get no help from them at all; their hearth is no place to sit for warmth.”

There is another great story that I hope you will take the time to read in its entirety. It’s found in the book of Daniel chapter 2. King Nebuchadnezzar was wanting his “magicians” or “astrologers” to interpret a dream for him. However, they couldn’t. So, the servant of the Lord, Daniel, was brought in. Here are just a couple of verses from that passage.

“The king declared to Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, “Are you able to make known to me the dream that I have seen and its interpretation?” Daniel answered the king and said, “No wise men, enchanters, magicians, or astrologers can show to the king the mystery that the king has asked,” Daniel 2:26-27 (ESV)

Christians and Zodiac Signs: Practical Reasons For This Error

First, the zodiac signs are not based on scientific evidence or research. They are based on a belief system that says the position of the stars and planets have an effect on our lives here on earth. This is certainly not something that can be proven scientifically.

I know, you may hear people say that creation, the cross, and the resurrection cannot be proven either. However, there is much evidence for those in the writings of people who encountered Jesus on a personal basis.

At least in astronomy we can see and explore portions of space, have been to the moon, and have looked back and seen the earth as a small ball in the galaxy (unless you are a flat earther, but, so I won’t blow my top, we won’t go there right now). The intermingling of Christians and zodiac signs drive me crazy enough….

Christians and Zodiac Signs: Let’s Sum It Up

Well, it’s not shaping up so well for a Bible-believing Christian to be involved with the zodiac signs and horoscopes. But, wow – how are we going to plan our day. What if we need an umbrella and didn’t bring it. what if it’s cold and I didn’t bring a jacket? Are getting panicked yet???

Christians and Zodiac Signs: So, No Horoscope For Me?

Sure, maybe you think it’s just a silly game or enjoyable habit. However, consulting your horoscope is actually more spiritually unwise than you might think. Especially when the printed newspaper was common for most American every morning, most major newspapers had the daily horoscope for any particular person’s Zodiac sign.

That’s unfortunate and one of the very reasons that so many people have some degree of trust in astrology. you will find that the Old testament strictly prohibits the divination we mentioned, sorcery, and other types of hidden supernatural practices. People are to call on God for their wisdom, direction, and insight.

You are not going to find God’s will for your life through a horoscope. Do we think He is going to direct us by using a method that He, Himself, has prohibited? I don’t think so. Referring to a daily horoscope in reference to the direction, planning, or even thinking about your day isn’t God’s plan. One, it violates the entire biblical teaching of depending on God and His word for our life’s direction, and two, it violates his prohibition against divination.

I will try to do it more clearly than this, but I can sum it up right here. Just, leave it alone. Period. Don’t fall for anything, any person, any resource that teaches anything contrary to the word of God.

When I was a child I remember people saying, “Well, my horoscope said to do so and so today.” I remember really thinking about that and as I was in my early school days I remember grabbing the newspaper every once in a while to see what the horoscope had to say about my day.

So, it can be an innocent practice as far as people’s intentions. However, that doesn’t make it right. As I grew up I just thought that it was silly or superstitious or just weird. It was only later when I understood more about living a life for Jesus Christ and trying to understand the Bible that I realized that depending on a horoscope was more than silly. It’s wrong and violates scripture.

Are unknowing people who read their horoscopes going to hell because they do that. I can’t tell you who will go to heaven or hell and simply reading a horoscope won’t send you there.

Although being involved with the astrology of that nature is prohibited by the Bible, the only thing that will keep you out of heaven is not believing in and confessing Jesus Christ as your Lord and committing your life to him. He wants a relationship with you that is so close that He will guide you in everyday decision-making as the life of His Holy Spirit works in and through you!

So, if you want to know what to do or how to act today, don’t turn to the newspaper for a horoscope. turn to God in prayer and Him to work through you and to guide you in every decision and every step you make during each day. That is a biblical method.

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