What is a Divine Appointment?
Many times those who are in the faith community will hear something like this, “I ran into an old friend today who encouraged me. That was a divine appointment.” Or, I was able to share my faith with a person I met on the plane. It must have been a divine appointment. Were those divine appointments? Scripturally speaking, what were divine appointments in the Bible?
What is a divine appointment? It is an encounter that one might believe was specifically orchestrated by God, where individuals are brought together at just the right time and place for a conversation or other actions.
This meeting is not coincidental but is a result of the leading of the Holy Spirit, who has the power to meticulously arrange these encounters. The purpose behind a divine appointment can be profound. It may be because someone needs some words or deeds that God can provide through one of the persons involved.
At the heart of these encounters is the potential for spiritual growth, encouragement, and transformation—not just for the one receiving but also for the one giving. A person can become a conduit of God’s blessings for others.
Each divine appointment is an opportunity for God’s will to be done in the lives of those involved. It may involve genuine acts of love, guidance, and the sharing of the good news of Jesus Christ. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, we may find ourselves being the instrument through which God’s appointments unfold and help fulfill God’s plan.
Significance of Understanding Our Divine Appointments
When we think of the concept of divine appointments that might happen in our lives it’s important to recognize the significance of these events and be aware that they could happen at any time. If we live our lives with the expectation that God is going to bring us a divine encounter with another person, then we can more readily respond correctly at the appointed time with the other person or persons.
As we meet people in our daily lives, through work, social activities, encounters with neighbors, etc., we can look for those opportunities for the Holy Spirit to work through us to help others.
Keep in mind that a divine appointment that we are speaking of is not the same as when people refer to “an appointment with God.” Many times when someone speaks of an “appointment with God” they are referring to the time when the person will die and face their judgment, meet their maker, etc. That is not the context here.
A divine appointment may be a part of the will of God for us today, tomorrow, or next month. When Christians live with the reality that God can use a special divine appointment in their lives at any time it helps them be more attentive and focused on their daily interactions and life journey.
Examples of Divine Appointments in the Bible
Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
One of the most famous and classic examples of divine appointments in the Bible is found in the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch. We find this account in the book of Acts 6:26-40. Philip was one of the 7 men who were chosen to serve as deacons in the early church.
He had been instructed by an angel of the lord to travel down the desert road that leads from Jerusalem to Gaza. On that road, Philip encountered an Ethiopian official, a eunuch who was a court official of Candace, the Queen of the Ethiopians. This eunuch had much authority and position in the queen’s court.
Philip found that the Eunuch was reading words from the prophet Isaiah. Philip simply asked the man, “Do you understand what you are reading?” The Eunuch replied, “How can I unless someone instructs me?”

So, Philip began to explain the scripture passage to the eunuch and he became a believer in Christ. Shortly afterwards they ran across a body of water and the Eunuch asked if he could be baptized, and Philip did so. It was one of many divine appointments in the Bible where God had the right person to be able to minister to someone at just the right time.
Saul’s Conversion and Ananias
This is one of the most famous and life-changing divine encounters in the Bible.
Saul, who was later to be known as Paul, was a fierce persecutor of the early Christian church. He was on his way to the city of Damascus with the intent of arresting any followers of Jesus that he could find. Suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around him, blinding him, and he fell to the ground. Here is what we read in Acts chapter 9:3-6.
3 As he was approaching Damascus on this mission, a light from heaven suddenly shone down around him. 4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me?” 5 “Who are you, lord?” Saul asked.
And the voice replied, “I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting! 6 Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”
So, Saul was led into Damascus by those who were traveling with him. Meanwhile, the Lord appeared in a vision to a disciple named Ananias and instructed him to go to a specific house on Straight Street and lay hands on Saul to restore his sight.
Of course, Ananias was initially hesitant because he knew of Saul’s reputation as a persecutor of Christians. However, the Lord assured Ananias that Saul was chosen to carry His name to the Gentiles, kings, and the people of Israel and that he would suffer for the sake of Christ.
So, by an act of obedience to God, Ananias obeyed the Lord’s command. We pick up the account again in verse 17.
“17 So Ananias went and found Saul. He laid his hands on him and said, Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road, has sent me so that you might regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” 18 Instantly something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he regained his sight.”
Then he got up, was baptized, and began preaching about Jesus in the synagogues, declaring Him to be the Son of God.
This encounter between Saul and Ananias is a remarkable example of a divine appointment. This is an example that amazingly shows that the Lord Jesus Christ was very present and active in this remarkable encounter.
Although we probably won’t see an abnormal appearance like a bright or someone losing and gaining their eyesight, remember it’s still the same God who can give us a miraculous and unexpected divine appointment that can be life-changing for someone. We should always be prepared to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Despite Saul’s past as a persecutor of Christians, God orchestrated a meeting between him and Ananias to initiate Saul’s transformation into one of the greatest apostles of Christianity. It demonstrates God’s sovereignty in orchestrating events and using ordinary people like Ananias to fulfill His purposes and bring about extraordinary transformations in the lives of others.
Paul, Silas, and the Philippian Jailer
Here is another great example of one of the many divine appointments in the Bible. You can find this entire account in the Book of Acts, chapter 16, verses 16-38. To summarize, We find that Paul and Silas were being followed by a slave girl, apparently possessed by a demon, who had been making her owner money by fortune telling. As we can see from the text, she kept following them around day after day.
Finally, the Apostle, Paul commanded the demon to come out of the girl and immediately left. Well, because of that, she didn’t seem to have the “fortune-telling powers” that had made her owner money. There was a big fuss made and Paul and Silas were eventually beaten for their beliefs and thrown into prison. This is where the incredible encounter with the Philippian jailer takes place.
So, we find Paul and Silas locked up in the inner dungeon of the jail in horrible conditions with their feet clamped in stocks. However, instead of being overcome with despair, they chose to worship, pray, and sing hymns to God. This echoed through the prison and caught the attention of the other worship echoed through the prison, catching the attention of their fellow prisoners.
Then, in quite a dramatic twist, a strong earthquake shook the prison. It caused the doors of the prison to swing open and the chains to fall off of every prisoner. Now that sounds like a supernatural earthquake, huh?

So, the jailer woke up to all of the chaos going on and he was extremely afraid. If the prisoners escaped he would face severe consequences from the Roman authorities, possibly death. In his fear and distress, he pulled out his sword and was ready to end his own life rather than face the consequences of the prisoners’ escape.
However, Paul saw what was happening, and as Paul demonstrates the genuine love of the Heavenly Father, we pick up the narrative in Acts 16:8
8 But Paul shouted, “Don’t harm yourself! We are all here!” 29 The jailer called for lights, rushed in and fell trembling before Paul and Silas. 30 He then brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
31 They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.” 32 Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all the others in his house. 33 At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and all his household were baptized. 34 The jailer brought them into his house and set a meal before them; he was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God—he and his whole household.
What began as a seemingly hopeless night in prison became a divine appointment, leading to the transformation of not just one life, but an entire household, through the power of God’s grace and redemption.
Experiencing Divine Appointments
As followers of Christ, we want to live as if we could have a divine appointment with someone at any time or any place. We know that God’s timing is perfect when he establishes a divine connection that we may be able to use to share our faith, encourage others, do some good work for a person, or simply serve as a listening ear.

Only God knows when those times will occur. However, if we are dependent upon the Holy Spirit’s guidance through our days, God can have us at the right place and at the right time to make a difference in the lives of others and help in the advancement of His Kingdom. Or, as stated, it may be just the opposite. It may be us who benefit from experiencing the type of divine appointments found in the Bible.
These occurrences could take place around large crowds or small.
Personal Examples
A divine appointment doesn’t have to be as astounding as some of the divine appointments in the Bible. They can be much more simple, but yet very powerful. For me personally, when I am out and about doing things even as small as going into a grocery store or shopping center, I try to stay alert for opportunities to encourage others.
If I see someone who I think might need encouragement, I might simply say a kind word to them in passing. Then, sometimes the person will respond as if they needed the kind word. It may or may not lead to a longer conversation.

I would be lying if I said that I always tried to quickly get a gospel witness to a person in those types of brief conversations. But, I do like to see if the conversation might gravitate to speaking about the most important things of the person’s life like their family, etc.
At that point, many times you may be able to discern that it is the right time or right place to speak about your relationship with God or your spiritual condition in general – doing so without pressuring the other person, but simply sharing the love of God by telling your story.
We never know when we will bump into someone who has little or no knowledge of God or Who He is. Even if you only establish a small connection with the person, you may encounter them again a second time and be able to take the next step in the conversation.
It’s amazing the many ways that God can use us in the lives of people. And when we have a chance to share God’s word, we know that it will not come back void.
“So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” – Isaiah 55:11
Our Responsibility in Divine Appointments
There are just a few things that we might consider in experiencing divine appointments – although we know that God is in control of it all.
1- Pray that God will allow an unexpected divine appointment to come your way.
2. Trust that the Holy Spirit will work to set up a divine encounter with another person that should take place.
3. Keep your heart, mind, eyes, and ears attentive to those people and situations around you in which God’s purposes may be accomplished through you for the advancement of His kingdom
4. Be ready to allow the Holy Spirit to work through your actions and words to spiritually affect the lives of the people with whom you come in contact.
Final Thought
Finally, just be ready and excited that God may, at any time or place, bring you into a position, however briefly, with a person for whom you may have an impact for the glory of God.
Just as there were many divine appointments in the Bible, we also have access to the same God with the same power who can work through us and allow us opportunities for those divine encounters.
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