Does Jesus Care About Our Struggles?
Only the muffled weeping breaks through the silence as they stand beside their loved one, waiting for the moment when their mom, grandmother, wife, husband, or child would take leave of their earthly body and be transformed into a glorified, spectacular form.
For the person who has lost a spouse and is experiencing grief and loneliness beyond anything they could have imagined, it’s natural to wonder: Does Jesus care?
For someone fighting a long, exhausting battle with illness—crying out to God repeatedly for healing that hasn’t come—it’s easy to ask the same question: Does Jesus care?
But it’s not always physical illness or death. Maybe it’s the heaviness of a sad heart or intense fear brought on by anxiety or depression. As the old hymn says, it could be a “nameless dread and fear.” Or maybe it’s depression stemming from something specific—something you can identify but just can’t seem to escape, as if stuck in a black hole.
Perhaps it’s the ache of feeling unloved or purposeless. Maybe you feel like you no longer make a difference to anyone. If you’re single, praying and waiting for God to bring a spouse, you might feel forgotten. It’s tempting to ask, Does God care? The answer is a resounding yes!
Or perhaps you long for just one word of encouragement—something to pierce through feelings of inadequacy or rejection and remind you of your worth.
The truth is, the struggles that lead us to ask, Does Jesus care? are as varied as the people asking the question. You know the one that belongs to you. Whatever your struggle, let’s find hope and assurance in His promises.

Perhaps there is an intense longing for one word of encouragement from someone – a word that would help pull back the feelings of inadequacy or rejection and open the curtains to a small sense of worth.
The situations in which we might find ourselves asking this question seem unlimited. So, there are countless others. You know which one might belong to you.
The Legacy of a Song: “Does Jesus Care?”
I want to explore this question through the lens of a timeless and compelling hymn that has stood the test of time: “Does Jesus Care?” Written in the early 1900s by Frank E. Graeff, this hymn has appeared in countless hymnals and touched countless hearts.
Frank E. Graeff, a Methodist minister serving in Philadelphia, poured his heart into the lyrics during a time of deep despondency and grief. Though the exact details of his struggles may vary in different accounts, one thing is clear: his pain led him to a profound reliance on God’s Word.
In his moment of sorrow, Reverend Graeff found strength in the Bible, specifically in the comforting promise of 1 Peter 5:7:
“Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” (KJV)
Imagine the scene: a man burdened by grief, turning the pages of Scripture in search of solace, finally finding the words that would sustain him. With tears and heartfelt cries to God, he penned the lyrics that would become “Does Jesus Care?”
For over a century, these words have offered hope and comfort to countless singers and listeners, crossing generations and resonating with those in need of assurance. Graeff’s personal pain became a channel of ministry, reminding us that God cares deeply for His children, even in their darkest hours.
1- Does Jesus Care About My Pain?
1- Does Jesus Care when my heart is pained too deeply for mirth or song? As the burdens press and the cares distress and the way grows weary and long.
Have you ever been in such emotional or physical pain that was too all-encompassing for you at that moment to even consider mirth (joy) or the possibility of a song in your heart? I have. So many of us have. We can embrace the thought of how those “burdens press and the cares distress.”
Through our own personal devastation, we understand that the days in which we face are weary – the long nights dreary.
However, regardless of the depth of his pain, sad heart, or intensely deep grief, the writer doesn’t attempt to draw strength within his human capabilities. The pain is far too deep.
No, the author reaches deeply into what his emotions may have tried to get him to deny. By faith, he exclaims a truth infused throughout God’s word. He sees the truth that he knew must be breathed in as if it were oxygen:Have you ever been in such emotional or physical pain that it felt all-encompassing—so overwhelming that even the thought of joy (mirth) or a song in your heart felt impossible? I have. And I know so many of us have.
We understand what it means to feel those burdens pressing down, the cares of life distressing our minds, and the long, weary days stretching into seemingly endless dreary nights.
Through our own personal devastation, we can relate deeply to the cry expressed in these words. It’s a shared human experience, and yet it often feels isolating.
But here’s where the beauty of this hymn lies: despite the depth of his pain, his sad heart, or his intensely deep grief, the writer—Frank E. Graeff—does not attempt to draw strength from within his own human capabilities. The pain is simply too much.
Instead, Graeff reaches deeply into a truth his emotions may have tried to deny. By faith, he declares what is woven throughout God’s Word: the unwavering care of Jesus. It’s a truth he knew had to be breathed in as if it were life-sustaining oxygen.
Oh yes! He cares. I know He cares. His heart is touched with my grief. When the days are weary, the long nights dreary, I know my Savior cares.
Without embracing the fact that anyone at all cares, it can break one beyond what they can endure. However, this truth acknowledged by the author goes well beyond what mortal men could bring to him.
He goes deeper. He acknowledges the Creator God, the living Christ who had suffered pain beyond what we can imagine. By faith, Rev. Graeff acknowledges, clings to, and makes a firm proclamation that yes, the Savior cares!
As Frank Graeff made this proclamation you might surmise that his emotions did not leap into great sunlight at that very moment. However, that proclamation provides the bedrock that will sustain him through the long nights as well as the weary daylight hours.
2- Does Jesus Care? Fear, Depression, Anxiety
I’m not sure exactly what experience the author would have had with specific (or general) types of anxiety and depression. Although I can relate to the insightful lyrics that came with the author’s next stanza:
2- Does Jesus care when my way is dark With a nameless dread and fear? As the daylight fades into deep night shades, Does He care enough to be near?
Without embracing the fact that anyone at all cares, it can break one beyond what they can endure. However, this truth acknowledged by the author goes well beyond what mortal men could bring to him.
He goes deeper. He acknowledges the Creator God, the living Christ who had suffered pain beyond what we can imagine. By faith, Rev. Graeff acknowledges, clings to, and makes a firm proclamation that yes, the Savior cares!
As Frank Graeff made this proclamation you might surmise that his emotions did not leap into great sunlight at that very moment. However, that proclamation provides the bedrock that will sustain him through the long nights as well as the weary daylight hours.

The author begs for an answer to the question, “Does Jesus see and understand the pain of a depressed or anxious person, when there seems to be no physical reason for their distress?
Oh yes, we know that Jesus cares for the person who is dealing with major disease and organ failure. However, does he care when the struggle of the person is laced with fear, doubt, and loneliness that is incomprehensible, and the cause might be medically unknown?
Oh, but he unceasingly runs back to the dynamic and loving refrain that can only be backed up by the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His unconditional love:
Oh yes! He cares. I know He cares. His heart is touched with my grief. When the days are weary, the long nights dreary, I know my Savior cares.
3- Does Jesus Care About the Pain of Failure
Then, at last, the author seemingly turns to a different type of pain that is found as one looks through the lens of personal failure:
3- Does Jesus care when I’ve tried and failed To resist some temptation strong; When for my deep grief there is no relief, Though my tears flow all the night long?
Failure can leave us feeling unworthy, ashamed, and isolated. When we face strong temptations and fall short, it’s easy to believe that we’ve disappointed God so deeply that He could never care for us in those moments. Add to that the weight of unresolved grief, the absence of relief, and the tears that refuse to stop flowing through the night—it’s no wonder many question: Does Jesus care?
Yet, this verse reflects a profound truth about our Savior: He doesn’t turn away in disappointment when we fail. Instead, He meets us with grace, compassion, and a deep understanding of our struggles. The Bible reminds us that Jesus was tempted in every way, just as we are, yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15). This means He not only understands the battle against temptation but also sympathizes with our weaknesses and failures.
When our hearts are burdened with grief and our tears seem endless, Jesus offers the comfort of His presence. He does not promise an immediate end to all pain, but He assures us that He walks with us, even through the darkest nights. His care is not dependent on our success or failure—it is constant, unwavering, and rooted in His love for us.
Frank Graeff captures this raw honesty so well in this verse. He reflects the struggles we often hide and reminds us that even in the midst of failure and grief, the Savior still cares deeply for us.
Oh yes! He cares. I know He cares. His heart is touched with my grief. When the days are weary, the long nights dreary, I know my Savior cares.
4- Does Jesus Care When We Experience Tremendous Loss
His mind, heart, and pen continue to go more deeply into the pain with which he was so familiar. He had not only experienced a life ministry full of dealing with the pain of others, but records indicate that he had lost family members and experienced dark hours of his own soul. This leads him to write:
4- Does Jesus Care when I’ve said goodbye to the dearest on earth to me? And my sad heart aches till it nearly breaks is it aught to Him, does He see?
Dr. Graeff understood, perhaps better than most, that the pain of saying goodbye to someone we hold dearest on earth is among the most unbearable griefs a person can experience. It is a unique kind of heartache, one that cuts so deeply it feels as if the heart might truly break under the weight of sorrow.
When faced with such loss, it’s natural to wrestle with the question: Does Jesus care? Or, as Graeff so eloquently phrases it, “Is it aught to Him?” In our modern terms, we might ask, Does it even matter to Jesus? Does He see my pain, and does He care enough to offer relief as I try to navigate life through my tears?
These questions are not born of doubt in God’s existence but rather the desperate yearning of a hurting soul seeking assurance that they are not alone in their suffering. The depth of the grief seems insurmountable, and the silence of sorrow can make it feel as though even God has turned away.

These questions are not born of doubt in God’s existence but rather the desperate yearning of a hurting soul seeking assurance that they are not alone in their suffering. The depth of the grief seems insurmountable, and the silence of sorrow can make it feel as though even God has turned away.
However, once again, it’s as if the Holy Spirit took the pen Himself and repeated the glorious refrain on which we must hold:
Oh yes! He cares. I know He cares. His heart is touched with my grief. When the days are weary, the long nights dreary, I know my Savior cares.
It’s important to hold fast to the truth that Jesus cares for us, even during the smooth seasons of life when everything seems to be falling into place. In those times, we should celebrate His love and care, remembering to rest in His goodness and bask in the peace He provides.
But all the more, we must cling to Him when life feels anything but easy. When our hearts are broken, our bodies are worn, and our minds are filled with turmoil, we need to bring those burdens to Jesus. When guilt weighs heavily on our souls and refuses to let go, or when doubts chain us to darkness, preventing us from stepping into the freedom of His light, He longs to meet us in our need.
Jesus doesn’t just tolerate our brokenness—He invites it. He wants us to come to Him with our deepest pains, our rawest emotions, and even our moments of fear and anxiety. The Bible reminds us that even His closest disciples experienced fear and uncertainty, yet He met them with patience and compassion. When they doubted during the storm, Jesus didn’t abandon them; He calmed the winds and waves, saying, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid” (Matthew 14:27).
We are in good company when we bring our fears, struggles, and questions to Jesus. He does not shy away from our humanity. Instead, He draws near, offering comfort and reassurance. And just as the hymn’s refrain reminds us, we can rest in the unshakable truth that our Savior cares for us—even in our darkest moments.
Drawing Near
I want to share my favorite verse that pertains to our invitation as believers – as those who have received Him. It reveals our inconceivable access to Him.
“Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
Hebrews 4:16
Here is a list of other great verses about gaining peace and overcoming anxiety found at I believe this post will encourage you!
I submit this question. When do I have the greatest need to know that my Savior cares? It is in my “time of need.” That is what is promised by the God of the universe to His children.
He promises His grace. He promises that He will never leave us or forsake us. He doesn’t say that our deep grief or pain will be instantly healed. Grief normally doesn’t work like that. He doesn’t promise that a deeply saddened heart will instantaneously break into sunshine and laughter. Perhaps it’s not time and we will see the burdens press a bit longer.
However, if you are a child of the King, weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5).” At what time, day, month, or year, the sorrow will break and rejoicing will come, we don’t know. However, a child of God can rest assured that it will. God cannot and will not lie to us.
Know that He loves you, and wants fellowship with you, and communion with you. God gave His son for you.
It is a conclusion that is a solid, firm, and quite literal reality spoken to us through thousands of years of God-breathed scripture.
It’s the answer that we should meditate upon each day in some fashion.
Does Jesus Care?
Oh yes! He cares. I know He cares. His heart is touched with my grief. When the days are weary, the long nights dreary, I know my Savior cares.
As an additional resource, I noticed there are a very touching few moments in one of the Gaither Homecoming videos dedicated to the song, “Does Jesus Care” a few years ago. It’s very touching and compelling. If you would like to watch just click the image below.

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