How To Have a Quiet Time With God: A Grace Based Way



how to have a quiet time with god

Introduction: Starting With Grace

Have you ever wondered how to have a quiet time with God that feels meaningful instead of rushed or routine? Maybe you’ve felt pressure to follow a perfect formula or check off all the “spiritual” boxes, only to end up feeling guilty when you miss a step. If that’s you, take heart—this post is for you.

Learning how to have a quiet time with God begins with understanding this: God’s love for you isn’t based on how many quiet times you have or how “well” you perform them. Through Jesus Christ, you are already in right standing with Him (2 Peter 1:3). You don’t need to strive to earn His love or get closer to Him—because His Holy Spirit already lives within you (Ephesians 1:13–14).

That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t agree with God and confess our sins to him when we fail, but when we fail that doeosn’ mean that we lose our relationship with Him.

So why is having a quiet time with God important? Because it’s a chance to deepen your relationship with Him, to let His Word shape your heart, and to experience His presence in your everyday life. As Hebrews 4:16 reminds us, we can “come boldly to the throne of grace” and find the mercy and help we need. Quiet time is not about obligation—it’s an opportunity to spend time with the One who loves you most.

What Is a Quiet Time?

How to have a quiet time with God starts with understanding its true purpose: connecting with Him in a focused, intentional way. For some, a quiet time might look like a peaceful morning spent with a cup of coffee and a Bible. For others, it might happen during a lunch break at work or in the stillness of the evening after the kids are in bed. There’s no perfect formula, no “one right way” to do it.

The most important thing about having a quiet time with God isn’t the method but the heart behind it. It’s about setting aside a moment to be with your Heavenly Father—to listen to Him through His Word and share your heart with Him in prayer.

You don’t need to get every detail right. God is less concerned with the routine and more focused on your relationship with Him. A quiet time is about experiencing His presence in your daily life, not performing spiritual tasks to earn His favor.

Why Have a Quiet Time?

While there’s no checklist that guarantees a “perfect” quiet time, learning how to have a quiet time with God is about making space to connect with Him regularly. Quiet time has countless benefits that help anchor us in God’s love and strengthen our faith.

  • It helps us focus on what matters most. In the midst of life’s busyness, quiet time re-centers our hearts on God’s truth and reminds us of His presence in our daily lives.
  • It nourishes our souls. Just as our bodies need food, our spirits need the Word of God to thrive (Matthew 4:4). Spending time with Him fills the spiritual hunger we all feel.
  • It fosters spiritual growth. When we learn how to have a quiet time with God, we gain insight into His character, His promises, and His purposes for our lives.

Quiet time isn’t about achieving perfection; it’s about experiencing God in a meaningful and personal way.

how to have a quiet time with God

Practical Elements of a Quiet Time

A Grace-Based Perspective

Before we dive into what a quiet time could look like, let’s clarify one thing: Learning how to have a quiet time with God isn’t about checking off spiritual disciplines to earn His approval. God doesn’t grade you on how many things you do during your quiet time.

At its core, having a quiet time with God includes two foundational elements: prayer and reading His Word. These are the heart of any meaningful connection with Him. Everything else—like meditation, journaling, or worship music—serves to enrich your quiet time and can be added as they resonate with you.

Think of these elements as tools in a toolbox. You don’t have to use every tool every day. Instead, let the Holy Spirit guide you in choosing the practices that best meet your needs in a particular season or moment.

Practical Elements of a Quiet Time: Core and Supplemental Practices

Now that we’ve established that how to have a quiet time with God isn’t about rigid rules or routines, let’s look at some practical elements you can incorporate into your time with Him. This isn’t a checklist to complete or a formula to follow, but rather a set of tools to help you deepen your relationship with God.

At its core, a quiet time should include prayer and Bible reading—these are essential practices that form the foundation of meaningful time with God. Prayer is where we communicate with Him, sharing our hearts and listening for His guidance. Bible reading allows us to hear His voice through His Word and gain wisdom for our lives.

Beyond these essentials, there are other practices that can enrich your quiet time, like journaling, meditating on Scripture, or engaging in worship. These supplemental elements are not requirements, but they can be wonderful ways to connect with God in deeper and more personal ways.

Think of these practices like tools in a toolbox—you don’t need to use every tool every day, but having options allows you to adapt your quiet time to your spiritual needs and the season of life you’re in. What matters most is that you’re setting aside intentional time to draw near to God.

Now let’s explore these practices in more detail, starting with prayer and Bible reading as the foundation.

1. Prayer: Talking and Listening to God

Prayer is the heartbeat of how to have a quiet time with God. It’s your opportunity to connect with Him, pour out your heart, and listen for His still, small voice (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Prayer creates space for intimacy with God and helps us align our hearts with His will.

Here are some ideas to guide your prayer time:

  • Start with gratitude. Begin by thanking God for who He is and what He’s done in your life. Gratitude shifts your focus from your problems to His faithfulness and goodness.
  • Be honest. God already knows your struggles, fears, and questions, so bring them to Him without fear. He is your Heavenly Father who loves you unconditionally (Matthew 6:9–13).
  • Pray Scripture. Use Bible passages as the foundation for your prayers. For example, pray Psalm 23 when you need comfort or Philippians 4:6–7 when you feel anxious.
  • Listen. Prayer is a two-way conversation, not a monologue. Take a moment to be still and let God impress His Word or guidance on your heart.

When you’re learning how to have a quiet time with God, prayer will always be central—it’s where relationship happens.

2. Bible Reading: Feeding on God’s Word

No quiet time is complete without engaging with Scripture. The Bible is God’s voice in written form, and reading it helps you understand His character, promises, and purposes. If you want to grow spiritually, knowing how to have a quiet time with God means making His Word a priority.

Here’s how to make Bible reading meaningful:

  • Start with a Bible reading plan. A plan keeps you from randomly flipping through pages and ensures you’re taking in a balanced view of Scripture. You can read a specific book of the Bible, follow a daily devotional, or aim to read through the entire Bible over time.
  • Choose a manageable portion. If you’re short on time, focus on a few verses or a single chapter. The goal isn’t about how much you read but about letting God speak to you through what you read.
  • Look for application. Ask yourself, “How does this passage apply to my life today?” For example, if you’re reading the story of Jesus calming the storm (Mark 4:35–41), reflect on how you can trust Him during the storms in your own life.

Spending time in God’s Word is essential when exploring how to have a quiet time with God because it’s through Scripture that He speaks directly to us.

3. Meditating on Scripture

Meditation is an often misunderstood spiritual discipline, but biblical meditation is about reflecting deeply on God’s Word. It allows you to slow down and let Scripture shape your heart and mind (Psalm 1:2).

Here’s how to meditate on Scripture:

  • Choose a verse or phrase. Pick something from your Bible reading that stands out, such as “The Lord is my shepherd” (Psalm 23:1).
  • Ponder its meaning. Ask yourself questions like: What does this teach me about God? How does it challenge or encourage me?
  • Repeat it throughout the day. Write it down, set it as a phone reminder, or memorize it. Let the verse guide your thoughts and actions.

Learning how to have a quiet time with God includes allowing His Word to sink deeply into your soul through meditation. It’s a way to carry His truth with you throughout the day.

how to have a quiet time with God

4. Scripture Memorization

Memorizing Scripture is like hiding treasure in your heart (Psalm 119:11). When you memorize verses, they’re available to encourage you, guide you, and even help you resist temptation, no matter where you are.

Some tips for memorization:

  • Start small. Choose short, meaningful verses like Philippians 4:13 or John 3:16.
  • Write it out. Rewriting the verse several times can help it stick in your mind.
  • Review regularly. Keep a list of verses you’ve memorized and revisit them weekly.

5. Spiritual Journaling

A journal can be a valuable tool for processing your thoughts, tracking answered prayers, and documenting what God is teaching you.

Here’s how to use journaling effectively:

  • Write out your prayers. Putting your prayers on paper can help you focus and reflect on God’s answers later.
  • Record insights from Scripture. When a verse speaks to you, jot down what it means and how you plan to apply it.
  • Practice gratitude. End your journaling time by listing three things you’re thankful for that day.

6. Praise and Worship

Worship doesn’t just happen on Sunday mornings—it can be part of your quiet time, too. Whether through music, singing, or simply praising God in your heart, worship helps you draw near to Him (Psalm 100:4).

Ways to incorporate worship:

  • Play worship music. Create a playlist of your favorite hymns or contemporary worship songs. Let the lyrics draw you closer to God.
  • Sing or hum. Don’t worry about how you sound—God delights in your praise.
  • Praise through prayer. Spend time focusing on God’s attributes (His goodness, faithfulness, and love) and expressing your awe and gratitude.

7. Other Ideas to Enrich Your Quiet Time

  • Read a devotional book. Use trusted resources to guide your thoughts and reflection.
  • Spend time in nature. Take a walk and talk to God as you enjoy His creation.
  • Practice silence. Sometimes, simply sitting quietly in God’s presence can be the most profound part of your day.

A Grace-Filled Reminder

When learning how to have a quiet time with God, it’s important to remember that God isn’t looking for perfection—He’s looking for your heart. You don’t have to incorporate every spiritual practice every day or follow a flawless routine to connect with Him.

Start with the foundation of prayer and reading God’s Word. These two elements are the core of having a quiet time with God. From there, add other practices—like journaling, Scripture meditation, or worship—as they feel meaningful to you.

Quiet time is about meeting with God, not checking off tasks. It’s a sacred space where you can enjoy His presence, grow in your faith, and be reminded of His unconditional love.

A Grace-Based Approach to Quiet Time

When it comes to how to have a quiet time with God, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking, If I do all the right things, God will be pleased with me. But quiet time is not about performance—it’s about grace. And grace is at the heart of your relationship with God.

Through Jesus Christ, you are already loved, accepted, and fully forgiven (Romans 5:8; Ephesians 2:8–9). You don’t spend time with God to earn His approval or deepen His love for you—you do it because you already have His love in full. Quiet time isn’t about doing more to be a “better Christian.” It’s about enjoying the relationship God initiated when He sent His Son to redeem you.

how to have a quiet time with God

Be Flexible, Not Rigid

There’s no “perfect” way to have a quiet time with God. What works for one person or season may not work for another, and that’s okay.

Here are some examples of how quiet time might look different depending on your season of life:

  • A young mom may connect with God during naptime, taking just a few moments to pray and read a Psalm.
  • A busy student might carve out time during a lunch break to reflect on a verse or say a prayer.
  • A retiree may find joy in lingering over God’s Word in the morning with a cup of coffee.

The key is to make time for God in a way that fits your current season. It doesn’t need to look like someone else’s routine, and it doesn’t need to be perfect. God simply delights in spending time with you.

The Essentials: Prayer and God’s Word

When exploring how to have a quiet time with God, it’s helpful to focus on two foundational elements: prayer and reading God’s Word. These are the “main course” of any quiet time because they connect you directly to His presence and truth.

  • Prayer is the conversation. It’s where you share your heart, express your gratitude, and listen for God’s guidance.
  • The Bible is the nourishment. It’s God’s Word to you, offering wisdom, encouragement, and instruction for your daily life.

Other elements—like journaling, worship, and meditation—are wonderful additions, but they’re like side dishes. You don’t need them every day. What matters most is that you’re spending time with God, whether that’s five minutes or an hour.

Find Your Sacred Space

When learning how to have a quiet time with God, having a dedicated space can make a big difference. While God is present everywhere, creating a specific place for your quiet time helps eliminate distractions and allows you to focus fully on Him.

This could be a cozy chair in your living room, a bench in your backyard, or a quiet corner of your office. The goal is to design a space where you can meet with God intentionally and without interruptions.

Here are some ideas to make your sacred space meaningful:

  • Keep your Bible, journal, and a pen nearby. Having these tools within arm’s reach makes it easier to dive right into your quiet time.
  • Limit distractions. Turn off phone notifications or put your device on airplane mode. Quiet time thrives in an atmosphere of stillness.
  • Incorporate meaningful objects. Consider adding items like a candle, a cross, or a photograph that reminds you of God’s faithfulness to help set a reverent tone.

Your sacred space doesn’t need to be elaborate; it just needs to be a place where you can connect with God and experience His presence.

Grace for the Busy Seasons

When life gets overwhelming, finding time to connect with God can feel impossible. But how to have a quiet time with God during a busy season starts with giving yourself grace. God understands your schedule better than anyone else—He sees your heart and knows your circumstances.

Here are some practical tips for staying connected with God when time is short:

  • Start small. Even five minutes spent in prayer or reflecting on one verse can make a difference. Quiet time doesn’t have to be long to be meaningful.
  • Redeem idle moments. Use your commute, a lunch break, or even a few minutes in the carpool line to talk to God or meditate on His Word.
  • Focus on quality, not quantity. A single heartfelt prayer or a verse that sticks with you all day can be just as impactful as a longer quiet time.

When your schedule is packed, remember that it’s not about the length of your quiet time—it’s about turning your heart toward God in the moments you have.

Let Grace Lead You Back

If you’ve missed a day—or even a week—of quiet time, don’t beat yourself up. Part of learning how to have a quiet time with God is understanding that His love for you doesn’t depend on your perfect consistency.

Lamentations 3:22–23 reminds us that God’s mercies are new every morning. He’s not angry or disappointed when you miss quiet time; instead, He lovingly invites you to return to Him.

Rather than dwelling on what you haven’t done, let grace inspire you to start fresh. Quiet time isn’t about guilt or obligation—it’s about the joy of being with the One who knows and loves you best. Whether you’ve been away for a day or a decade, God is always ready to meet you where you are.

Overcoming Challenges in Quiet Time

Let’s face it—establishing a quiet time with God isn’t always easy. Life gets busy, distractions are everywhere, and staying consistent can feel like an uphill battle. But here’s the good news: How to have a quiet time with God is not about getting it perfect; it’s about leaning on His grace as you grow in your relationship with Him.

Here are a few practical ways to overcome common challenges:

Challenge 1: “I Don’t Have Enough Time”

Life feels full—whether it’s a packed schedule at work, keeping up with kids, or juggling countless responsibilities. It’s easy to feel like you don’t have enough hours in the day to dedicate to quiet time.


  • Start with small increments. Even five to ten minutes can make a difference. You might read one verse, meditate on it, and say a short prayer.
  • Make it part of your daily rhythm. Tie your quiet time to an existing habit, like enjoying your morning coffee or winding down before bed.
  • Redeem idle moments. Use time in the car (audio Bible or prayer), during your lunch break, or even while folding laundry to connect with God.

Key reminder: God values the quality of your time with Him, not the length. A sincere five minutes can be just as meaningful as an hour-long session.

Challenge 2: “I’m Too Distracted”

Distractions seem to pop up the moment you sit down to spend time with God—your phone buzzes, the kids need something, or your mind wanders to your to-do list.


  • Limit interruptions. Find a quiet place and silence your phone or put it on airplane mode. If you can, let family members know you need some uninterrupted time.
  • Bring your distractions to God. If your mind keeps drifting to tasks or worries, turn those thoughts into prayers. Offer them to God and ask for His help.
  • Write things down. Keep a notepad nearby to jot down reminders or intrusive thoughts, so you can set them aside until after your quiet time.

Challenge 3: “I Don’t Know What to Do”

If you’re new to quiet time or feel stuck, you might wonder where to start or what to include.


  • Stick with the basics. Prayer and Bible reading are the foundation. If you’re unsure what to read, start with a short book like Philippians or Psalms.
  • Use a devotional book. These can guide your thoughts and provide Scripture passages to focus on.

Challenge 4: “I Struggle With Consistency”

Sticking to a quiet time routine can be tough, especially when life feels unpredictable or you’re just getting started.


  • Start with grace. Don’t beat yourself up for missing a day. Each morning is a fresh start with God’s mercies (Lamentations 3:22–23).
  • Set realistic goals. Aim for consistency over perfection. Even three or four days a week is a great place to begin.
  • Create a trigger or habit cue. For example, if you always drink coffee in the morning, let that be the cue for your quiet time.

Challenge 5: “I Don’t Feel Close to God”

There may be seasons when you don’t feel God’s presence or struggle to connect with Him.


  • Remember God’s promise. He will never leave you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). Even when you don’t feel Him, He is near.
  • Focus on His Word. Feelings can come and go, but God’s Word is unchanging. Let it remind you of His love and faithfulness.
  • Be honest with God. Tell Him how you’re feeling. Read Psalms like Psalm 42 or Psalm 13, where the writers pour out their struggles to God.

Grace Through the Challenges

Quiet time doesn’t have to be perfect to be powerful. God understands your challenges, and His grace is more than enough to meet you where you are. He’s not looking for flawless execution—He’s looking for a heart that desires Him.

As you face these challenges, keep in mind that the goal isn’t checking a box but growing in your relationship with God. Whether your quiet time is long or short, structured or simple, God will honor your desire to spend time with Him.

The Fruit of a Quiet Time With God

One of the beautiful things about spending time with God is the transformation it brings—not just in your circumstances, but in your heart and mind. A quiet time with God is less about what you do and more about what He does in you. As you prioritize this sacred time, you’ll begin to see the fruit of His work in your life.

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