The Church Deacon
What does a church deacon do? This is a question that has been asked for centuries, and the answer is not always clear. Deacons are ordained in the church to carry out specific duties and tasks that can be extremely helpful in a church. However, those duties and tasks can be rigorously debated at times.
First of all, let me tell you what this article is not about. It’s not a treatise on the various leadership models of the church that are interpreted by Biblical scholars in numerous ways. So, we’re not going to take up pages and pages going through all the models of church leadership that various people interpret from the Bible.

In the Bible, deacons are called and ordained to serve. As a matter of fact the word “serve” is the root meaning of the Greek term, “diakonos.” Deacons are to be servants in the church. They were first chosen to help take care of food distribution in Acts, chapter 6. Although the qualifications of a deacon are well defined in scripture, other duties of deacons have been defined in various ways by different churches over the centuries. Their proper roles of service could include quite a few tasks but should be focused on the wellbeing of those whom they serve.
For our purposes here, we will stick with our question, “what does a church deacon do?” In many churches, it seems that the role of a deacon has changed since biblical days.
I must be honest with you. Especially in my younger days of ministry, I saw deacons who I believe loved God, loved their family, faithful to their wives. etc., However, I have met some who were power-hungry, controlling, and hindered the growth of the church. I don’t mean to be blunt. It was simply true.
And I will go as far as to say I’m not guessing here. I saw it. I experienced it and I’m quite sure that it still goes on today. However, I also have worked with deacons who are fine, exemplary men who carry out their duties in an attitude of service for God and his church. So, your impression of the office of deacon may be bad or good. We can’t paint them all with a broad brush.
Some serve extremely well. Some do not. So, first, let’s try to discern what the role of a deacon actually is or should be. Then you can make your own determination as to whether the Bible’s expectations of an ordained deacon are consistent with what churches experience today.
What Does a Church Deacon Do? First…The Original Need.
It must have been tremendously exciting for those who were a part of the early church as it began to grow. However, as with most any group that begins to grow there can be quite a few growing pains. As the believers (those who had put their faith in Jesus Christ) were multiplying quickly, the Apostles were apparently taking care of the church and leading spiritually and ministering to physical needs.
In the example in Acts, chapter 6, the Greek-speaking believers (the Hellenists) started to complain and have hard feelings toward the Hebrew-speaking believers because they claimed that the Hellenist widows were not being well taken care of in the distribution of food.
So, basically “The Twelve” apostles called a meeting of all the believers. They firmly believed that the care of the poor, needy, and widows was extremely important. However, they decided that it wouldn’t be wise for The Twelve to abandon their primary roles of preaching and teaching the word of God.
They ask the believers to choose seven men, well respected, wise, and spiritually minded men to take on those serving responsibilities. That’s where we get the word “deacon” which comes from the Greek word diakonos, which basically means “servant.”
“So the Twelve called a meeting of all the believers. They said, “We apostles should spend our time teaching the word of God, not running a food program. And so, brothers, select seven men who are well respected and are full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will give them this responsibility. Then we apostles can spend our time in prayer and teaching the word.”
Acts 6:2-4
After these first deacons were chosen the apostles then prayed and laid their hands on them, thereby ordaining them to serve as deacons. So there you have the beginning of those we call deacons.

What Does a Church Deacon Do? It’s a Role of Service.
I think we can clearly see here that the intended role was one of service. This is vitally important to understand before a church ordains deacons.
However, maybe all of the exact duties of a deacon are not spelled out in the Bible as much as we might like it to be. The apostle, Paul, describes the role of a deacon in spiritual terms.
He basically describes a deacon as a man who wants to show Christlike love and compassion to others in the name of Jesus. The office of deacon is absolutely and undeniably an office of service and not an office of prestige or power.
So let’s look in 1st Timothy 3 and see what Paul has to say about the qualifications of a church leader, and then how he slips into the qualifications of a deacon.
“A Church leader must not be a new believer, because he might become proud, and the devil would cause him to fall. Also, people outside the church must speak well of him so that he will not be disgraced and fall into the devil’s trap. In the same way, deacons must be well respected and have integrity. They must not be heavy drinkers or dishonest with money. They must be committed to the mystery of the faith now revealed and must live with a clear conscience. Before they are appointed as deacons, let them be closely examined. If they pass the test, then let them serve as deacons.”
1 Timothy 3:6-10
So, we see that regardless of what their exact role of service includes, they must be respected men of faith, with great integrity, not heavy drinkers (the King James version says “not given to much wine”), respectful of the Gospel, and be able to live with their conscience clear.
Well, there are no perfect men available, period. However, it’s apparent that the standard or qualification of being a deacon is to be a believer of great character with a heart of service. They need to be spiritually minded men of God.
Well, if that weren’t enough, without seeming to change the subject, Paul moves on to their wives and management of their families.
“In the same way, their wives must be respected and must not slander others. They must exercise self-control and be faithful in everything they do.“
1 Timothy 3:11
Okay, I’m not going to be hard on our ladies, but it certainly does seem like the wife of a deacon should be able to control herself and be a respected person as well. Also, some people will argue that this passage means that a person is disqualified as a deacon if they have been divorced, while many believe that they just can’t have multiple wives.
We see most definitely that a deacon must be a Godly man of good character who loves Jesus, loves his wife, and family, and is ready to serve others.

So, What Does a Church Deacon Do Today?
This is where I have to be careful. This is where I need discipline in writing and spiritual discernment.
First, as I mentioned earlier, there are many good deacons. They serve, they love, they support their church and pastor, and do their best for God’s kingdom. We should be thankful for them. We should honor them.
They serve as those who can take some of the pressure off the lead pastors of the church and understand their role. It’s a great thing when that happens. It can free up pastors in an incredible way if he has Godly, servant-minded deacons.
However, there are still churches where the duty of the deacons has gone off the rails a bit. Somehow, somewhere, in many churches, the body of spiritual servants called deacons became the “Board of Deacons” that serves as those who try to lead and control almost every aspect of the church.
Please believe me when I say that I have no malice when I say this. I only say it because I have seen it and experienced it. I have seen examples of churches that were, for the most part, held back from advancing the Gospel as they should by a “Board” of controlling deacons.
Your biblical interpretation of how the church should be led – Sr. Pastor-led, elder-led, or each decision decided by congregational vote (I hope that’s not yours…). The fact of the matter is that a position of an ordained deacon is not a position of control and power over the congregation of the church.
The scripture has not changed in that a deacon is to be a person who serves. Yes, a person of respect and honor, but a person of service, not power.
When Deacons Function Incorrectly
What does a church deacon do? Actually, they can hinder the growth and progress of the church if they have misinterpreted or misapplied the role of a deacon.
If you are reading this there may be a chance that you have seen a deacon or a “Board of Deacons” wrongly interpret or carry out their roles. It can be a mess. Coming from the southern US, I can speak to that environment, especially in the Baptist Churches where many churches have tried to function with a governing body of deacons.

First of all, it concerns me when the common term “Board of Deacons” is used. It could be argued that it’s just semantics, but that term in itself implies that there is an essence of power and control in being on that “Board.” Also, let me insert that there are quite a number of churches that have a team of elders.
Actually, I believe elders should be required to serve in more of a spiritual guidance capacity than someone in the office of deacon is required. However, teams of elders can devolve into the same type of team that is heavy-handed and controlling just like a “Board of Deacons” can.
Let me describe a situation that has played out in many churches in the Bible belt of the US and many other states as well. Let’s say that we’re dealing with a church that is not extremely large. Maybe it has an attendance of 100-300 per Sunday. Then, let’s say that they have 10 people that serve as deacons in that church.
Because of a misapplication of the role of a deacon, it’s very possible that the church will be controlled by, governed by, and actually hindered by 5-6 men in that group who have somehow gained the power to do so.
As a personal example earlier in my ministry, I have seen men that “served” in a way that was confusing to me. They were men who I believe really loved the Lord, were faithful to their wives and families, and their church. In general, they seemed to be men of great character and seemingly check off the boxes in terms of deacon qualification. However, it just seemed that in one area there was an exception.
These men desired power in the church. The desired power to control the direction of the church. They desired to control the action and direction of the pastor of the church. I saw it play out quite a few times. Most of these men were hard workers and served their families and others well. However, when the doors were closed and the deacon’s meeting would occur, they became the power brokers of the church and they were in control.
Many new or young pastors with a passion to grow a church and a love for the congregation have been held back by literally a handful of deacons who do not want change and who don’t want to give up power. It hurts a church, keeps a church from growing, hindering evangelism, and much more.
Sometimes when a dysfunctional deacon structure like that is in place, eventually another type of structure may be able to overrule them on decisions that have been inappropriately made. If there is a system in place that allows the congregation to vote in what is sometimes called a “church business meeting” or “church conference,” then the congregation can vote and basically overrule the deacons on a particular issue of importance.
So, if you have seen deacons who served as “power leaders” of the church more so than servants, then you are among many people – probably millions.

When Deacons Function Correctly
Okay, here is the good news. The bad situation that was described above is real and harmful to the church, but many churches have overcome that over a number of years. In addition, when churches see that a small controlling factor of deacons is misapplying their roles, wise church congregations and pastors may ordain additional deacons. The new deacons have the correct interpretation of the role of a deacon and they help get the church back on course.
Let’s name some things that a well-functioning body of deacons might do.
1. Help the Pastors With Visiting the Sick and Shut-ins
I’ve known many fine deacons who understood the role of helping the pastor or even taking lead in the role of helping visit people in the hospital, those who were shut in and couldn’t come to church, etc. It’s a wonderful way to serve.
2. Serve the Church in Churchwide Events
Many churches have all sorts of churchwide events during all seasons of the year. These can be outreach events or celebration events. In any case, much more manpower and teamwork can be involved in these types of events. Deacons can and do serve well in these types of situations.
3. Serve the Church As Examples of Prayer Warriors
If your team of deacons is a team of faithful and qualified men, they should set the example of putting an emphasis on prayer. Whether this is at an official “prayer meeting” of the church or just their lifestyle in general, they should be examples of those who keep prayer as a priority.
4. Serve and Support the Pastor
It is extremely important that they love and support the pastor. This doesn’t mean that there can never be any disagreement in direction of the church. Sometimes a pastor may need counsel if he makes a big mistake or is about to make one.
However, it does mean that any disagreement should be done with love and respect. Maybe there is something very unscriptural about what the Pastor believes God is calling the church to do. But, if not, a deacon would be wise to listen long and carefully before he raises a problem by firmly disagreeing with his pastor.
Deacons and all of those who might disagree with the decision of a pastor would be wise to make sure that they have a conviction from the Holy Spirit rather than just a personal opinion. A Godly conviction is worth standing for. In cases of personal preference, it may be better to just let it go.

5. Lead in Observing The Lord’s Supper (or Communion)
This ordinance that the Lord asked us to do is generally led by deacons or elders in many churches. I don’t think that the Bible is necessarily clear that others can’t help serve the Lord’s Supper (Communion). However, I do think it is a good and biblical practice for deacons or elders to serve the congregation on occasions when the Lord’s Supper is celebrated.
6. Never to Be Power Brokers
A deacon should constantly be aware of their role and keep an attitude of humility surrounding their service.
Since I’ve always served in a staff or pastoral role, I have been an ordained minister for decades. However, I was never a deacon. I observed my dad as he was, and one of my brothers was. I saw both of them have to stand up against other deacons who were misusing their power…a power that they shouldn’t have really had to start with.
I’ve seen many other fine, servant-hearted deacons who were a blessing to their church. As an associate pastor, I did attend quite a few deacons meetings at the invitation of the senior pastor, but I only watched and listened unless I was asked a question.
When deacons function well, they are the first to help minister to those who are in need. They are kind and compassionate. Their calling from the Holy Spirit to serve God and His people will help them keep the correct attitude rather than an attitude of control.

Please don’t understand me, depending on the structure of the church, deacons today will sometimes be given some leadership tasks or decision-making duties that go beyond the examples given in scripture. I don’t see any hard prohibitions in scripture where a deacon can’t be given other duties. Certainly, an argument can be made that some deacons may help serve the church by helping in decision-making.
However, if that turns into a controlling body or governing body of men who seek to control and maintain their power to the detriment of the church, it is wrong. It is very wrong.
What Does A Church Deacon Do? Concluding Thoughts
So, if you have a church that ordains and uses deacons as a part of their church leadership and servant model, they may very well be a huge blessing to your church. A deacon can be someone who is there beside you in times of trouble, sickness, or emergency.
They can be some of the godliest and most helpful people that you will ever meet.
With a spiritually-minded, Jesus-loving, group of deacons who fulfill their role of service to the people, much can be accomplished for the Kingdom of God. You will want to thank them and honor them for their service and I hope you do.
To wrap it up, the position of deacon is not unlike many other types of leadership positions in the church. You can fulfill your role as a pastor, associate pastor, worship leader, youth pastor, small group leader, or many other positions in a manner that honors God. Or, you can hurt the church by trying to fulfill those roles for reasons that might be more selfish in nature.
Let’s lift up prayers for church leaders in whatever their role of service. Be thankful for them. Let’s pray that all our leaders called by God will unselfishly seek Christ and Him alone as they lead and serve in our churches.
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