Dressing up for church used to be a no-brainer. You would put on your best clothes because it was what you were supposed to do. However, in our more casual society, many people are unsure about what to wear to church. Is it still necessary to dress up? What should I wear if the dress code is casual? In this blog post, we will answer these questions and give you some guidance about what to wear when you attend church.
A phrase that was commonly used years ago (and still some today) is “Put on your Sunday best.” There were generations of people who put on some of their best clothes to go to church on Sunday. No, it may have not been a tuxedo or an extravagant evening gown, but it may have well been a coat and tie for the men and a nice dress for the women.
What to wear to church shouldn’t be a question that concerns you to the point of worry. If the church is known to be a very formal church, then men might consider a jacket and tie while the ladies may consider wearing a modest dress or a nice pantsuit. However, if the church is one of the many modern churches that have the casual dress, you can wear attire that you might wear to a casual dinner. Just remember to keep your attire modest in church. For the ladies, it’s advisable not to wear short skirts or the tightest of jeans. However, in today’s churches, the chances that anyone wouldn’t accept you because of your dress code is very low!
If you’re planning on attending a new church or visiting some new ones, or maybe you’re planning on church attendance for the first time, don’t worry. Let’s talk about a few things and I’m sure you will be ready to go on Sunday!
What To Wear To Church? Determine the Church Style.
Ok, if you are thinking about going to a particular church chances are that you already know something about the church. Or, maybe you don’t know so much about it but have been invited by friends.
You can talk to your friends about it. Don’t just ask them what to wear to church. Ask them to give you examples of what kind of clothing that they wear to church or what the typical attire is.
Yes, there are still churches that are more formal in nature. However, if it is a church that is so formal that most men wear coats and ties and the ladies wear dresses, normally that will be known to the public.
It’s really not easy to choose what to wear to church simply by knowing if the church has a formal style of worship or a modern or contemporary style of worship. I have been in churches where the worship style was more traditional, but the dress was somewhat casual. You would see anything from coats and ties in mean to jeans and a golf shirt. Or, for the ladies, some would wear a dress and others would wear pants and a blouse that was comfortable but modest.

What To Wear To Church? For Ladies
I don’t want to call it a double standard because I’m a male..but, there is sometimes a bit of a double standard as to what men can wear in church as opposed to ladies. Not to be at all crude, but ladies have some features that men do not have and the church is not the best place to let those features be known. Most online retailers such as Amazon will have a wide variety of affordable clothing for ladies.
The only reason that I can talk about this with any intelligence at all is that for years I was ultimately responsible to make sure that everyone on our worship team choir, band, and front line singers were dressed appropriately. I realize these are not normal examples for someone who is visiting a church, but just to show that being appropriately dressed can have a different meaning in a church service.
There were issues that slipped up on us occasionally like a very sweet soloist whose skirt was totally appropriate until the primary stage lights hit her just right and then it was a see-through skirt. After the morning soundcheck, she changed her attire!
I also had to get help dealing with female singers in the choir. It wasn’t anything intentional. They weren’t trying to be inappropriate. However, we didn’t wear choir robes and, although it may sound silly, we eventually had to ask the ladies not to wear sleeveless tops. When some of them raised their hands in worship, the congregation and others onstage got a vie of ladies’ undergarments than they had expected in church.
Well, chances are, you aren’t going to go up on stage the first time you visit a church so that wouldn’t be a problem for you. Ladies, the main thing for you is just to be modest. If you wear pants, they probably shouldn’t be the form-fitting style. If you wear a skirt, don’t let it rise much above the knee.
As far as the top or blouse, I don’t even have to say it. I will, but it embarrasses me. Don’t let the cleavage be displayed if at all possible in church. The ladies on the stage or in the seats at my church don’t show cleavage or short dresses, but some of them can’t find without the holes in the knees! Come on, you know the kind I’m talking about. In most modern contemporary churches those are fine. My wife pays full price for jeans with holes in the knees! Go figure-
Now, let me say this before I go on any further. Don’t let the fear of dressing inappropriately keep you from church. I’ve been involved with a lot of churches and I have never seen anyone be treated with disrespect or embarrassed by what they wore. I never have.
A church that is the place of love that it should be and a place that you want to be a part of, they would welcome you even if you did accidentally make an inappropriate choice in church wear.
Also, after you have been to the church a time or two you won’t have to wonder or guess about what you should wear to a church service.
Ok, so I’m a dude. I don’t know much about ladies’ fashion although I have a wife and two daughters. Be as fashionable as you want to be at church as long it is an appropriate outfit, which I don’t doubt will be. But, in case you want some advice, here are some Fashionista Church Fashion Tips.

3. What To Wear To Church: It’s The Men’s Turn
Especially in the modern contemporary church, some guys just hop out of bed, barely brush their hair, and slap on any old pants or shirt that they find. Well, we can probably do better than that.
In the church that I attend, there are thousands in the room and I’m not sure I could find a tie on any man. However, most wear something casual. It may very well be a decent pair of jeans and some type of decent pullover, but I don’t see many guys that look like they slept in their clothes.
So, gentleman let’s do our jobs in wearing clothing that is appropriate for the type and style of Church you will be attending.
Just look decent, guys. And if you go to a really high-brow liturgical church service, you might want to don a coat and tie.
What To Wear To Church? How About The Children?

hey, let’s face it. A lot of that is up to the mommies. If they want to take the opportunity to dress those little ones up on Sunday, go ahead. Or if they want to let them be a little more comfortable and casual I see no nome harm in that.
The Main Point
Don’t stress about what you’re going to wear to church. God’s not sitting in heaven saying “I wonder what those bums are going to wear today?” He just wants you in church! I also can say that His preference would be that you are covered in a manner that is well enough not to offend.
This I know. God is more concerned about communicating with you, heart and soul, than he is about your choices of fashion. He wants you there. He wants you to be in a place of corporate worship with others.
Do the best you can with clothing outfits that you have or want to buy, But don’t sweat it. Don’t worry. Don’t let the fear of not wearing the proper style of clothing rob you of one second of what God has for you in that church service.
It is too important. You are too important. He loves you and not only wants to meet with you and greet you every day as the Holy Spirit lives inside of you, but He wants you to worship with your church family as well.
Have a great Sunday. Go to the church God wants you to attend. Be yourself. He loves you and His kids will too!
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