How To Pray For A Broken Heart: Comfort and Prayers




how to pray for a broken heart

When our hearts are broken, we often feel as though we can’t pray. We may not know how to put our feelings into words or even where to start. It’s hard enough trying to cope with the pain and sadness that comes with a broken heart.

But God wants us to come to Him in our time of need, no matter how difficult it may be. In this post, we will discuss how to pray for a broken heart. We will offer spiritual comfort and example prayers that might be needed when you or someone has a broken heart about a relationship or other major but hurtful life event. So, let’s try to learn together how to pray for a broken heart.

How To Pray For A Broken Heart From a Relationship Breakup

Let’s take a look at some circumstances in which someone might have a broken heart.

When The Person With A Broken Heart is You

When we experience a breakup or other hurts that we experience in our lives our hearts can feel shattered. We may feel like we can’t go on and that our life is over. But God wants us to come to Him in our time of need no matter how difficult it may be. In this section, we will discuss how to pray for yourself when you have a broken heart from a relationship breakup.

Prayer can be a difficult thing to do when our hearts are broken. People react in various ways. Some turn inward and become introspective trying to find out what they could have done differently. Others will have a sense of anger.

No matter how you react you need God’s comfort and wisdom. He knows that you are broken-hearted but wants you to call on him in trouble, including asking Him to heal a broken heart. It can’t be overstated that we should turn to our Heavenly Father in our time of need.

He is the only one who can truly heal our broken hearts. It is okay if you don’t know how to put your feelings into words or even where to start. Just begin by pouring out your heart to God and asking Him for His comfort and healing.

When you are broken-hearted there are some things that you first need to realize:

broken heart

God Feels Your Pain

In learning how to pray for a broken heart, we need to realize that God feels our pain. But, God is not like world leaders or politicians who may make that statement. He actually knows and can feel what you are feeling. He understands the wounds of our hearts even more than we do.

He understands our tears and His Spirit is ready to give us hope when we can no longer bear the internal pain we feel. Also realizes that the Bible says that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us even when we don’t know exactly what to pray.

And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.

Romans 8:26

This Pain Won’t Last Forever

Although there is a lot of truth to it, sometimes it can be a bit overstated that “time heals all wounds.” Hurts, wounds, and losses are various in nature and severity in the lives of individual people with varying personalities.

However, we need to have hope and faith that the pain will get better and that the hurt of the past can eventually break into times of joy and peace. We may not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel in the present. However, God knows the future and He promises that our pain will not last forever. He wants to heal our broken hearts and give us hope for the future.

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”

Psalm 34:18

Let’s move on to some example prayers that you can use or modify when you have a broken heart.

Here is an example prayer for when you have a broken heart from a relationship breakup.

Prayer For Yourself When Experiencing a Broken Heart

Sometimes you simply need to cry out to God for yourself because you have been hurt in a relationship or lost a relationship that was so important to you. You may feel the need to cry out again and again. That is okay. He knows.

“Dear God, I am feeling so lost and alone right now. My heart feels like it has been shattered into pieces. I don’t know how I am going to go on without the person I loved so much. Please give me Your strength and comfort to get through this difficult time. I know that You are the only one who can truly heal my broken heart. Please let me realize that You are in control in spite of my current emotions. Please heal my broken heart, Lord I trust in You, God. In Jesus’ name Amen.”

God knows the extent of your broken heart and does have a plan to comfort you.

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 34:18

If you have a friend or family member who is going through a tough breakup, here is an example prayer for them:

man who is hurting

Prayer For Friend Or Family Going Through a Relationship Breakup

Lord, I come before You today asking for Your help and guidance. (Person’s name) is going through a tough time and their heart is broken. You tell us that ‘You are a very present help in time of need.’ I believe that with all of my heart and I ask that you give (person’s name) peace even in the midst of their pain. Please let your Holy Spirit provide comfort for their soul and assure them that their relationship with Jesus Christ is the only true way to heal the pain of the past.

Lord, I trust that you will walk closely with them and let the sounds of that broken relationship be healed in your time.

I pray that You will comfort them and give them the strength to get through this difficult time. Help them see the truth that they are totally loved by their Heavenly Father and You will never leave them.

I know that only You can truly heal their broken heart and we pray that You will do so in Your own time and in Your own way, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Those are some general prayers that you can pray for yourself or someone else with a broken heart. However, here are some more specific prayers that you might want to use when there is a broken heart. When learning how to pray for a broken heart, we also need to turn to our emotions.

A Prayer For Emotions To Settle

When we experience heartbreak from any circumstance one of the primary prayers we should pray is for our Heavenly Father to heal our emotions. Remember, our emotions can either be true or false. Sometimes they tell us the truth. However, they are not great truth-tellers all the time.

Our emotions are responders. They simply respond to the thoughts we are having and they can greatly be comforted if we set our minds on God’s love even in our pain.

Only God in his infinite power can work in us to do this. We can begin to get some relief from the pain our emotions are bringing us by setting our minds on Jesus Christ and trying to see things as God sees things. How does He see things?

Well, He sees your tears, understands how much you hurt, and your lack of peace. However, if you are a Christian, He sees you as a Child of His, redeemed by Christ Jesus, and totally loved by the One and only God.

He sees that He has perfect timing in all things when there are uncertain times in our lives. He knows that His marvelous grace has already been given to you and he knows your future is with Him in Heaven. However, He is there to wipe your tears and give you “grace in the time of need” while you are still on earth.

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

 “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” Proverbs 3:5-6

I wanted to spend quite a bit of time looking at the emotions because when we learn to set our minds on Jesus Christ. We want to let our prayer life reflect an understanding of who He is and the truth about His love for us. We don’t need just some pie in the sky hope that is not real. However, we can genuinely ask for and pursue the peace that is only found as we pray with faith knowing Jesus is in control.

Let’s pray a prayer that gives our emotions to God and asks Him to heal them.

“God, I come to you knowing that the emotional healing that I need can only come as Your Spirit works in me. I am hurting right now from this experience and I need relief from the pain of my emotions. I don’t know how to make the pain go away.

Lord, please help me to give my feelings (my emotions) to You. Work inside of me that I will set my mind on you and have the faith to trust that You can heal the pain and bring peace to my heart.

Please let me dwell on the fact that I am still loved and accepted. Let me focus on the fact, that as a Christian, I already have a new life In Christ Jesus. Let me find rest in that fact no matter how much I hurt at this time. I know that only You can truly heal my broken heart. Lord, I ask that my thoughts and prayers will honor you as I ask you to take away my doubt and my fear. Let me trust in what you say about me and how much I am loved rather than what my emotions try to tell me. I pray for Your healing in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

how to pray for a broken heart

Prayer to Forgive The Person Who Hurt You

This one can be hard. When you have a broken heart that was caused by a break in a relationship it may be that the person did you wrong. Sometimes you can be broken-hearted even if the person didn’t intentionally mean to hurt you.

Either way, if you have ill will, bad feelings, a grudge, or even thoughts of hatred in your heart toward the one who hurt you, then you need to forgive them. Is it because they deserve to be forgiven? No.

We need to forgive those who have wronged us because that is what our Lord asks us to do, and – we overcome our broken-hearted conditions better when we forgive and try to release the former things. Certainly, our Father wants us to recognize and deal with the hurts of our past. However, if our past consumes us, it will take a lot more time to heal our broken hearts and shattered emotions.

Forgiving those who hurt you can be one of the keys to healing a broken heart.

“Dear Lord,

I come to you knowing that I need to forgive the person who caused me pain. I know that dwelling on this and carrying this around will only hurt me more.

Lord, I know that I need to let go of the anger, the bitterness that I feel in my heart toward this person. Please help me to do so. Help me to see them through your eyes and to forgive them as you have forgiven me.

Guide me toward any other relationships in the future and if there is any option of rebuilding the relationship with the one who caused me pain. Even though my emotions may not agree right now, by an act of my will I commit to you that I am forgiving this person. I know this will take a while for my emotions to heal but I choose to forgive. Show me how I can move on from this hurt and how I can use it to become a stronger person.

I ask all of this in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

how to pray for a heart that's hurting

Prayer For Help With Loneliness After the Heartbreak

When we go through a hard breach in a relationship, it can cause loneliness. This can be when a marriage ends, when a dating relationship ends, or even when, for some reason, you no longer have a relationship with a close and dear friend.

Well, here’s the good thing. God is a specialist in helping the loneliness and those with a broken spirit.

“So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

Here is a prayer that might serve as an example to call out to God when loneliness comes.

“Dear Lord,

I come to you feeling lonely and broken-hearted. I know that I am not alone, and I thank you for that comfort. I know you are here but I need to be assured of Your presence.

Please help me to feel your holy presence in my life during this time. Guide me to meet new people and build new relationships. Help me to find joy in life again and to be content in your company when I am lonely.

I know that you are a Heavenly Father Who loves me more than any friend or family member possibly could. I ask that you give me a greater desire for a vibrant relationship with Jesus, a greater passion for a life of prayer and a joy found only by walking in the Spirit.

Thank you for hearing my prayer and for helping me through this difficult time. In Jeses’ name, amen.”

Prayer For Hope and Joy In Life For The Future

When you experience all of the wounds and trouble of a broken relationship, then you need to have hope for the future and you can have hope. Your soul can be healed and you can have joy in the Spirit of the Lord.

Here is a prayer that you can pray asking God to provide you with peace, joy, and direction in life.

“Dear Lord,

I pray for the “peace that surpasses all understanding” (Phil. 4:6) and I trust that You will provide it. I ask for the joy of the Lord to fill my life once again and to be my strength. I need your direction, Father. Please show me what steps I need to take next.

I thank you for hearing my prayer and for providing what I need and for allowing me to look forward to the future in this difficult time. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Turn To God In Praise – Worship Him

Here is another aspect that can be difficult when we need to heal a broken heart. Even though we may not “feel” like it, we need to worship the Lord. We should choose to worship Him for Who He is and for what He has done.

We need to praise Him for the mighty things that He has done as our Holy God. If you know some praise songs or hymns, sing them – even in the rough times. If you will allow the Holy Spirit to work in you, then you can praise God through the storms of your life.

“God, although I still have hurts and wounds in my soul, I turn to you and say thank you for what you’ve done. I praise you for who You are, and I choose to worship you as my God. I give you my life and heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Prayer is a powerful tool that can help us through any tough situation, including heartbreak. If you or someone you know is struggling with a broken heart, consider using these prayers as a way to start finding healing and comfort. Remember, God is always with us and He wants nothing more than for us to turn to Him in our time of need.

Praying for a broken heart is just one way that we can grow closer to God and find healing in His presence. If you’re struggling with a broken heart, don’t hesitate to reach out to a trusted friend or counselor who can offer additional support and guidance. Remember, you are never alone.

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