Brian Sloan

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  • christian tee shirts cover

    Christian Tee Shirts For Men – Expressing Faith & Style

    When it comes to fashion, Christian tee shirts for men and women are becoming a more and more popular way to express faith. There are many great reasons for this. Tee shirts are comfortable, versatile, and stylish. They can be worn with just about anything, making them the perfect go-to choice for men who want…

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  • christian hats

    Christian Hats and Caps We Love To Wear

    We are in a culture of people who love to demonstrate their loyalty to all sorts of organizations and causes with the clothing that they wear. This certainly includes caps and hats. We see believers wearing many styles of Christian Hats and caps to show that they have a belief in Jesus Christ. Click Here…

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  • what does bible say about cremation urn

    What Does The Bible Say About Cremation

    There are some topics we had much rather tackle than those about death. However, this topic seems to come up quite often. Using cremation as a method to put to rest our deceased loved ones has become an increasingly popular option. But, is it an acceptable Biblical practice? This is a question that some Christians…

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  • bible verses about bullying

    Bible Verses About Bullying – How To Be Encouraged

    Unfortunately, bullying is a common occurrence in our society. Kids, teens, and even adults face bullying every day. It can be physical, verbal, or emotional abuse. The results can be relatively minor or, in bad cases – devastating. Victims of bullying often feel alone and helpless. They may not know what to do or where…

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  • how to worship God

    How To Worship God: 12 Ways – For Church and Personal

    When we think about worship, we often think about singing songs in church on Sunday morning. But worship is so much more than that! In fact, the Bible tells us that we should be worshipping God every day. As Christians grow in their faith they learn how to worship God in various ways. In this…

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  • Were Dinosaurs In The Bible? Surely You Jest…

    When most people think about dinosaurs, the first thing that comes to mind is something similar to the Jurassic Park movies. These enormous creatures are often thought of as being ancient, and some people believe they were extinct long before humans ever roamed the earth. You will normally find scientists who say that dinosaurs were…

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  • how to start a prayer journal at tree

    How To Start A Prayer Journal – Ignite Your Spiritual Life!

    You may have found this page by trying to find out how to start a prayer journal. I have had a lot of experience with spiritual journaling. It can be very rewarding in helping you be better focused in your prayer life and spiritual growth in general. Hopefully, we can help and you are in…

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  • prayer for help

    Prayers For Help When You Are Desperate

    It’s midnight, and you can’t sleep. You’ve been tossing and turning for hours, trying to make sense of everything that has gone wrong in your life. It feels like there is no hope left. You’re desperate for a way out, but you don’t know where to turn. You need prayers for help, but you can’t…

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  • Should Christians Get Baptized? – The Biblical Truth

    There are a lot of misconceptions about baptism. Some people think that you must be baptized in order to go to heaven. Others believe that it’s just an optional act of obedience. Some outside of the church doesn’t seem to have a strong opinion either way. So, should Christians get baptized, period? Let’s see if…

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