Best Large Print Bibles For Today
The Bible is the most important book in the world to every person who calls themselves a Christian. Within its pages, you will find principles to guide you in every challenge. It provides a pathway that will help with the extreme pace and anxiety of today, and it can lift you up when you are filled with worry.
However, everyone doesn’t have the keen eyes of most young people. We want to help you discover some of the best large-print Bibles that are available.
It’s important to get a Bible you can clearly see because spending time in scripture helps develops your spiritual life in a way that makes life worth living. The reason for that is the Bible points us to a relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Thomas Nelson (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 1856 Pages – 09/29/2020 (Publication Date) – Thomas Nelson (Publisher)
Years ago, we didn’t have many choices in Bibles. The print was usually quite small. However, a few decades ago, publishers really got on the bandwagon to develop what are some of the best large print Bibles for those who have trouble with the small font size (the text size) of many Bibles.
So, in this article, we are going to take a look at several of the best large-print and giant-print Bibles available today. We will look at these Bibles from several publishers and several accurate Bible translations.
So, if you have vision issues that keep you from seeing the small print that is in some of the most popular Bibles, we have good news! We’re going to take a look at some of the best large-print Bibles that can greatly help people who have impaired vision. Do you want to have a look at some of them? Great! Here we go…
The Life Application Study Bible (NIV)

The Life Application® Study Bible is the best-selling study Bible of our generation, having had a profound impact on more than 20 million lives over a period of 30 years. It has now been completely revised and expanded to be even more beneficial and applicable to today’s reality.
When considering the best large-print Bibles available, this is one of my favorites. It can help you better grasp God’s Word and give you useful tips on how to apply it to your life on a daily basis thanks to its brand-new interior page design and thoroughly updated study notes and features. A Bible for all times.
NIV, Personal Size Bible, Large Print by Zondervan
Some of the best large-print Bibles can be a bit larger and heavier than some people would like. The Personal Size Bible Large Print by Zondervan might just fill the bill if you want a large print Bible without it being so large and heavy.
The readability and mobility of the NIV Bible in a personal size are combined in a stylish, well-designed Bible with nice looking and feeling imitation leather. This one offers readers of all ages a clear, comfortable, and simple reading experience thanks to its large font size and unique Zondervan NIV Comfort Print® typeface. This large print personal-size Bible is perfect for anyone looking for a Bible that is easy on the eyes but portable.

This Bible has the basics that you will find in a nice Bible, but without the frills of study notes, commentary, and things that might be found in a study Bible. Here are the basic features of this fine Bible.
- Eight pages of reference maps in full color
- The typeface is the exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print®
- The words of Jesus in red
- The books of the Bible are thumb-indexed to make finding them more quickly
- Two satin ribbon markers
- When opened, the LeathersoftTM cover sits flat
NASB, Thinline Bible, Large Print, Leathersoft by Zondervan
Personally, I began using the New American Standard Bible as my primary personal Bible for many years. If you have been using the King James Version for many years but just want to make an incremental step to a modern translation, this may be just the Bible for you.
The tight commitment to “formal equivalence” in its translation is the most notable feature of the New American Standard Bible. The NASB strives to be as “word-for-word” literal as possible. The majority of Bible scholars consider the NASB to be the most literal translation of the modern English Bible.

Here are some standards that the NASB scholars used in order to translate the NASB.
- 1- These publications must adhere truthfully to the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts exactly.
- 2- They must adhere to rules that are grammatically correct.
- 3- They must be comprehensible/understandable.
- 4- No portion of the translation would ever be personalized in a way that does not give the Lord Jesus Christ the proper place that the Word gives Him.
Other features of the NASB Thinline Bible
- The complete text of the 2020 edition of the New American Standard Bible
- Elegant, long-lasting cover
- Verse-by-verse, double-column format
- Less than one inch thick
- Christ’s words in red
- Verse-by-verse, double-column format
- 2 markers with satin ribbon
- Exclusive NASB Comfort Print typeface from Zondervan
- Print size of 10.5 points
It’s hard to go wrong with a NASB version of the Bible. Although this particular one doesn’t have a lot of additional features such as notes, etc., it’s great to have a personal Bible at less than one inch thick. I personally have enjoyed using and carrying Thinline Bibles
- Zondervan (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 1216 Pages – 05/25/2021 (Publication Date) – Zondervan (Publisher)
NLT Personal Size Giant Print Holy Bible
If you are fond of the very popular and newer versions of the Bible, here is one in a personal size but with what is referred to as “giant print.” You might want to consider the NLT Personal Size Giant Print Bible.
For our website here at we use the NLT version of the Bible for most of our scripture quotes, so we are very confident in its accuracy. It is easy to read and flows well.

It features:
- Modern, readable page layouts
- Every page has links to the Filament content!
- Clear large and readable print
- Handy, compact size
- Outstanding lay-flat Smyth-sewn binding
- Verse Finder by Tyndale
- Overview of the Bible Presentation page in Visual Form
Free Filament App for the NLT Personal Size Giant Print Bible
Although this is not necessarily considered a study Bible, the included Filament app that comes with it is quite unique and can get you some very thorough online Bible study resources on your phone or tablet.
The proprietary Filament Bible app, which is included in all editions of the collection, allows readers to access carefully curated information that highlights the Bible page they are currently reading.
With the help of this program, you may link any page to a huge selection of well-chosen material.
The Filament app includes features such as:
- 25,500 research notes
- 350+ videos
- 40+ or more maps and infographics
- Library of beautiful worship songs
- 350+ videos
- 400+ articles and profiles
- 150+ devotional writings

If you use apps on your phone or tablet, and considering all the options with Filament App this Bible, we think this is a great bargain!
The Large Print Thinline Reference Bible in the King James Version (KJV) also includes the Filament app also.
KJV Holy Bible, Giant Print Center-Column Reference Bible, Black Leather-look
If you’re looking for a simple, inexpensive Bible in the traditional King James Version with large print, you may want to look at this one from the reliable Thomas Nelson Publishers.
- Large Print, Easy to Read Bible This Deluxe Edition of the King James Bible features the words of Christ highlighted in red, as well as read-along references and translations
- Leather-like bound Bible with 1488 golden edged pages contains the Old and New Testaments
- 66-page concordance
- 9″x6″
- Large Print, Easy to Read BibleThis Deluxe Edition of the King James Bible features the words of Christ highlighted in red, as well as read-along references and translations
Here are some of the features:
-The background and historical backdrop of each Bible book are briefly summarized in the introduction.
-The background and historical backdrop of each Bible book are briefly summarized in the introduction.
-A reading plan that will take you a year to read the entire Bible
-Jesus’ miracles and parables highlight significant occasions during his earthly mission.
-Using a concordance, you can find all the times a word appears in the Bible.
-For better perspective, full-color maps depict the layout of Israel and other biblical locales.
Large 12.2-point KJV Comfort Print for easy reading
NKJV, End-of-Verse Reference Bible, Personal Size Large Print
If you enjoy a more traditional reading of the Bible, however, you would enjoy some modernization you can do what many King James Bible fans have done. Many of them have changed over to the New King James Version (NKJV) in the past few years.
The NKJV continues to be the best selling modern “word-for-word” translation and is relied upon by millions of Christians worldwide.

This imitation leather Bible includes:
- Each verse in the verse-style Scripture format begins on its own line, making it simple to navigate the text.
- Cross-references verse-by-verse make it simple and quick to identify connected chapters.
- Ability to identify Jesus’ teachings and remarks by looking for his words in red.
- Portable, personal-size design that makes it the ideal travel companion.
- The Bible can lay flat wherever you are reading because to its sturdy and flexible Smyth-sewn binding.
- The concordance, in which you can find all the times a word appears in the Bible.
- Full-color maps depict the layout of Israel and other biblical locales for a better perspective.
- Simple navigation navigate and you can emember where you were reading thanks to the ribbon markers.
- 10.5-point NKJV Comfort Print that is easy to read
Super Giant Print Bibles
As you may have noticed in our content that for some of the large print Bibles, although the text is quite larger, it may not be extremely larger as you might need.
So, let’s take a look at some of the Giant or Super Giant print Bibles.
NIV, Super Giant Print Reference Bible By Zondervan
The NIV Super Giant Print Reference Bible offers readers of all ages and visual abilities a clear, comfortable, and easy reading experience thanks to its largest print size in an NIV Bible and distinctive NIV Comfort Print® typeface from Zondervan.
The New International Version (NIV), is a commonly read and accurate Bible translation in modern English and is regarded for its combination of readability, and beauty. In this version, it is used in conjunction with the extra-large print size of 16.5 pt font.

Super giant link –
Some features of the NIV Super Giant Reference Bible:
- End-of-paragraph references for the entire and understandable New International Version (NIV)
- NIV dictionary/concordance
- Exclusive NIV Comfort Print® typeface from Zondervan
- Word of Jesus found in red
- When opened, the red LeathersoftTM cover with the words of Jesus lie flat
- Very large print size of 16.5 points
NLT Super Giant Print Bible, Filament Enabled Edition By Tyndale
The NLT Super Giant Print Bible, Filament Enabled Edition is a fascinating addition to Tyndale’s collection of Bibles and offers easy-to-read 16-point type, the words of Jesus in red, a full-color visual summary of the Bible, and translation notes with few interruptions for a relaxing reading experience. The NLT Super Giant Print Bible delivers much more with the ground-breaking Filament Bible app for the same low price as text-only Bibles.

Chronological Bible in Large Print
Many people also have an interest in reading the Bible in Chronological order. It’s very interesting to do so, however, there aren’t as many chronological Bibles in large print editions. However, Tyndale has a One-year Chronological Bible in a paperback that we would recommend,
- English (Publication Language)
- 1728 Pages – 10/01/2010 (Publication Date) – Tyndale House Publishers (Publisher)
Summing It Up
We’ve pointed out a few great large-print Bibles of various types. However, to be honest, we just scratched the surface of the great number of large-print Bible choices that there are today.
If you are visually impaired in some way just because of age or any other cause we would encourage you to find a large print Bible that will serve you well.
We all want to be able to clearly see the words to the greatest story ever told. We want to see the great truth of how God loves us and has a plan for our life not matter what stage of life we are in.
God bless you as you read His word.
For Additional Selections of Large and giant Print Bibles on Amazon Click Here
If you are in need of a beginner-friendly Bible, check our article – Best Bible For Beginners
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