Wearing a Hat In Church: Is It Disrespectful? Does It Matter?




man with hat


Hats In Church

Discussing whether to wear a hat in Christian churches may not be a matter of eternal consequence, but it’s an interesting topic worth exploring. No one is going to be standing in front of heaven’s gates and having to answer the question, “Did you, or did you not wear a hat in church?”

Nevertheless, it’s okay to discuss the subject of wearing hats in church, particularly among worship leaders, because the topic gained attention in contemporary church settings in recent years. So, let’s explore the topic, especially in terms of wearing hats or baseball caps when leading worship.

For a large number of churches in the past, and still some today, it’s been seen as unacceptable for a man to wear a hat inside the church (especially the sanctuary or worship center). However, in some church cultures, it is deemed acceptable. But now, in many of the very modern and contemporary churches, it is acceptable to wear ball caps, sock caps (beanies), even for those leading music on stage.

Despite what we think about guys wearing hats in church, I love to wear baseball-type hats at other times. And, I like to be able to share faith at the same time. This one pictured here is my favorite right now. It’s made well and it’s adjustable. Have a look at it if you are into hats like these!

I do want to interject that I’m not addressing the topic in terms of the dress code for new believers or those we are trying to reach to come to church. If you’re not coming to church, this post isn’t addressed to you. This is a topic that only a few Christians would probably ever address anyway.

We need to recognize that it is infinitely more important to get folks into church than what to wear to church. So, in that respect, let’s make sure we should major on the majors.

I am basically asking if it’s the best thing to do for church leaders and long-time Christians.

hats in church

Here’s to the Men

I am specifically addressing men here. Religious traditions have allowed young and older women to wear hats in our places of worship in our Sunday services for a long time. It can be fashionable and acceptable for a lady to wear a nice hat indoors with her outfit. Ladies wearing hats can be seen as a sign of sophistication and femininity. It has been accepted for a woman to wear a hat indoors, although not practiced as it was decades ago. So, what about in church? I’m fine with it…not that what I think matters..

Understanding the Tradition

In Western culture, a strong custom once pushed against men wearing hats indoors, period. My dad, was 87 years old when he passed away in early 2024. Until his last days, he still had a thing about hats indoors. It was once such a cultural tradition to take your hat off inside (including your own house) that it was seen as a sign of disrespect if you didn’t do so.

When I was a child living under my dad’s roof, he didn’t like it if another kid came into our house and kept his hat on. He normally wouldn’t say anything to the guests but I found out later that he didn’t like it.

Not that he was some hat ogre, it’s just that when he was raised a whole lot of people believed that it wasn’t good etiquette and was disrespectful for a man to wear his hat indoors.

I often wear a baseball cap around my house (indoors or out) for hours without thinking about it. However, my dad did. Until he passed away, when I would have a FaceTime call with my Dad, whether he called or I did, and he saw that I had a hat on… in my own house (I might add), he would say, “Is it raining at your house? Why do you have your hat on?” That was his way of saying, “Why do you have your hat on inside the house, son?

For his generation, and my grandmother and grandfather, it wasn’t acceptable for men.  My grandparents would promptly tell my dad to remove his hat if he didn’t take it off when he came inside. And you can bet that he complied with the request!

Before I go any further, I want to clarify that I am a big fan of Christian hats and caps that display something about our faith. I wear them a lot. There are some great ones here. That is a different question than whether or not it’s appropriate or inappropriate for a guy to wear a hat in church.

And, by the way, there are some really cool Christian hats on Amazon. Check them out!

Hats in Church: A Changing Landscape

When I am at any kind of sporting event and the national anthem is about to be sung, I remove my hat. Many times the public address announcer will ask men to kindly stand and remove their hats. So, there’s nothing new about the removal of hats in certain environments to show a person, a group, or a flag respect.

Now let’s think about it again in terms of churches.

Traditionally, many churches upheld the practice of men removing their hats upon entering a church building as a sign of respect. When I was a young boy and my parents were to look back in the auditorium and see me with my ball cap on……oh my….I was gonna’ have a bad day. However, in contemporary and modern church environments, that practice has transformed. It’s becoming increasingly acceptable for men to wear hats in the worship center, or while leading worship on stage. 

The first time I began to see it was with the guys onstage leading worship. This was quite a few years ago. Those “wascally music guys”… always troublemakers, huh?

Okay, I was a church musician for a lot of years and we earned a bit of that reputation for pushing the envelope toward a more contemporary sound, especially in the southern US where we were located. We had a casual dress code and were trying to reach unchurched people, so I guess it’s understandable that we could gravitate to the hat issue.

wearing a hat in church

Navigating the Small Controversy

The debate surrounding wearing hats in church often centers on whether it’s disrespectful or inappropriate for a man to wear them in a place of worship. However, it’s essential to remember that this debate typically revolves around personal preferences and cultural differences.

The apostle Paul’s writings in 1 Corinthians 11 address head coverings in a different context, referring to specific religious leaders wearing distinctive headgear, not the modern-day hats in church.

The Heart of the Matter

Ultimately, the choice to wear a hat in church should consider the cultural context of your congregation and the preferences of its members. It’s vital to weigh whether your actions might inadvertently offend or distract others. In this regard, the principles of love and kindness should guide our decisions.

In today’s diverse church landscape, practices regarding wearing hats in church can vary greatly. I know that it’s a multifaceted discussion with a range of factors, including religious context, cultural tradition, and individual expression. What is most important is that our actions reflect our love for God and our respect for fellow worshipers. For me, I certainly didn’t want my expression in apparel to be offensive to people,

Illustration From Personal Experience

Personally, I was a part of music leadership in various ways for churches for several decades and I didn’t allow my worship team members to wear hats on stage. That wasn’t because I thought the earth would open up and swallow us if we did or that God would be angry at us.

Although I was very contemporary in the style of music I was leading, I was still traditional and a bit old-school in terms of what the worship leaders/singers would wear.

Here’s a quick illustration of how this can play out. Keep in mind that this wasn’t last week. This was about 20 years. We were already live-streaming our Sunday worship services. On one particular Sunday, I noticed that one of the male singers came into the early morning rehearsal donning a very fashionable cap. It was much nicer than a standard baseball cap.

I didn’t say anything about it at the time since this was a great guy, a talented musician, and a person of great character who would never want to offend anyone. The cap was nice, and I certainly didn’t want to embarrass him by asking him to take it off. So, I didn’t say anything and he wore it through two or three services that Sunday.

However, that week I got a call from someone in another state who had watched the livestream for that Sunday. It was a gentleman in his 70s and he, very politely complained to me that our singers shouldn’t have hats on in the church. So, after thinking about it, and talking to the Senior Pastor, we decided to err on the side of caution.

hats in church - sunglass man

We decided that from that point on, the guys would not wear hats onstage in the worship center of the church.

Do I think the young singer was being sinful by wearing the hat? No. I did not.

However, the issue for me was this. Was there a good reason to wear a hat, baseball cap, etc., in church, especially on stage if I knew that some people were offended by wearing hats in the church? I didn’t have a good answer for that. That’s why the Sr. pastor said. “let’s just don’t do it.”

At that point, it was simply a decision to err on the side of caution if we were in error at all.

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    I know. I know….

    Certainly, we can’t live by making our decisions about life according to who is going to be offended. I’ve been through all of the worship wars and know the drill. I have had so many people irritated at me because of the modern style of music, or that I didn’t do enough hymns, or this, that, and the other.

    However, the choice to do contemporary praise and worship style of music was an overarching strategic decision of our church leaders. Wearing hats or not wearing hats didn’t affect the ministerial decision to pursue modern praise and worship music. 

    Respecting Cultural Norms– If Biblical

    Certainly, I think much of it is about age and the culture in which you came from. For some individuals, the wearing of hats in church remains a violation of cultural norms. Even though such customs might seem dated, they are rooted in a sense of respect for the sacred space of a church building.

    Plus, we need to at least acknowledge that you can have pushback from some churchgoers, especially those of older generations. For me, if I could keep from offending even a relatively small group of people by simply not wearing a hat or cap in the church setting, then why would I want to put one on? 

    If, as a Christian, I knew that wearing a hat in my church offended other churchgoers then why would I do it? Just because I like to, or I don’t like my hair or lack of it? on the other hand, if you are in a church culture where no one even gives it a thought about a guy wearing a hat inside the church, then what does it hurt?

    wearing a hat in church - caps too

    What Does the Bible Say About Wearing Hats In Church?

    I guess this would be the most important question. What does the Bible say about wearing hats in church?

    The question of whether wearing hats in church aligns with biblical teachings has been a topic of debate and discussion among Christians. To address this question, we turn to the New Testament, particularly the writings of the apostle Paul.

    Paul’s Words on Head Coverings

    “Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head. But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head.”

    1 Corinthians 11:4-5

    In 1 Corinthians 11, The Apostle, Paul goes into a discussion about head coverings, a topic relevant to the broader conversation of wearing hats in church. He writes, “Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head.

    But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head.” These words can be interpreted in various ways, and their application today differs from the cultural context in which Paul wrote them.

    Interpreting Paul’s Teachings

    Okay, so Paul’s emphasis on head coverings may not directly relate to the modern practice of wearing hats in church. During his time, the headgear signified religious authority, and removing it in prayer or prophecy demonstrated humility and respect for God. However, the intent behind these actions may be more important than the physical act itself. 

    Paul identifies an activity carried out by men: praying and prophesying. Paul is referring to preaching God’s word when he says that the man who prays and preaches in public with his head covered disgraces his head.

    At that time a hood-like covering was draped over the back of the head, not the face, with a piece of gown extending over the head.

    He was speaking about wearing a hat as an item of clothing identified as something worn by religious leaders – such as the Pharisees, Sadducees, or Jewish teachers of the law.

    So, although, personally, I’m more comfortable with a man removing his hat while in church, I can’t say that this passage is to be interpreted for today’s church and today’s hats.

    Cultural Significance

    Understanding the cultural significance of head coverings in the biblical era is crucial. Paul was addressing specific customs of his time, and the teachings were rooted in those cultural norms. It’s important to recognize that interpretations of these passages can vary among different Christian denominations and cultures.

    Many pastors and theologians do not interpret this passage to be about modern-day Christians, today’s hats, or long hair, which for various reasons were also addressed in this chapter of Corinthians.

    Personal Expression and Respect:

    Today, the debate over wearing hats in church is often centered on personal expression and respect for the place of worship. While some view it as a matter of tradition and etiquette, others see it as a non-issue in the context of contemporary church services.

    Respecting Worship Traditions:

    In many African-American churches, wearing hats, often very stylish, is a cherished tradition. These hats symbolize both cultural identity and reverence for the religious setting. I think those cases are quite different than a youngster throwing on a ball cap and taking the stage. Certainly, that is my personal opinion. 

    Similarly, in some traditional Catholic churches, women may head coverings as a sign of respect and humility during religious services. So, once again, we see that the culture can dictate where men wearing hats in church is offensive to others.

    Modern church settings reflect a diverse range of practices and cultural backgrounds. Some churches emphasize adherence to traditional customs, while others prioritize personal style and comfort. The glory of God remains central in all worship, regardless of outward appearance or head coverings.

    What Matters in Worship?

    Ultimately, whether one chooses to wear a hat in church or not, the heart of worship is what truly matters. The act of worship should be guided by a deep reverence for God and a spirit of love and kindness toward fellow worshipers.

    Various cultures and traditions enrich the tapestry of Christianity as long as they are uplifting, in good order, and don’t violate God’s word given to us in the Bible. We want Jesus Christ to take first place in our focus. We share the common goal of honoring the Lord Jesus Christ.

    ready for worship- hat in church

    Hats In Church… Simply Disrespectful?

    Once again, it depends on your church’s situation. Talk with most of the Baby Busters and Boomers- really most churchgoers over 50. Even if they don’t think it’s sinful, quite a few of them at least think it’s a bit disrespectful according to the culture in which they grew up.

    But, hey, I thought we were loving and serving a God of grace. 

    Yes, we are! However, many of us will note the passage in 1st Corinthians chapter 8 concerning the meat of the idols. Meats were being sold after being used as a part of rituals to false gods. There were people, apparently, a substantial number, who were offended if people bought those meats.

    13 Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall.”

    1 Corinthians 8:13

    Some of you might be jumping up and down saying that we can misuse the “meat of the idols” passage for many issues. And that’s true. However, for me, it applied in my decision-making about this fairly small topic.

    The apostle, Paul, basically explains that although meat is just meat, why eat the meat of the idols if it was going to offend or “be a stumbling block” to other Christians?

    So, if I go to one of the churches that I most love next Sunday there will probably be one or more guys on the music team who will be playing or singing with a hat on.

    Am I going to be upset or offended, upset, or angry because of that?


    Do my cultural proclivities occasionally jump in and make me more comfortable if the guys didn’t wear hats on stage? A bit. As a Baby Boomer, that’s the tradition with which I grew up, and it still affects my thoughts on this. I admit it.

    Am I going to let it affect my worship or be frustrated with guys in my church for doing it? NO. If I thought there were massive numbers of people in the church who were offended by it, I might comment to one of the pastors. But, that’s about it.

    Summing it Up

    I would ask some questions at this point. Will more people be encouraged in their faith by you wearing a hat? Probably not. Will it make a huge impact in your church if a man wears a hat? Probably not.

    From the time I was young in the ministry, I was taught to “pick my battles.” When you take hardline stances on issues, make sure those are the issues on which you definitely need to stand. 

    So, for men, because of my age and background, wearing hats in church is not my personal preference. However, it might be fine with you. That doesn’t mean that I think you are sinful. It is a cultural preference for me.  

    Ultimately, as Christians, when we gather for religious services, we do so to glorify God, and this shared purpose unites us, regardless of our outward appearance or personal style.

    What my generation was taught as being very disrespectful hasn’t necessarily been passed down to a large number of modern churches. For me personally, if I were to wear a hat in church, inside a church building, my internally programmed emotions consider it disrespectful to wear a hat inside my church.

    On the other hand, our Senior pastor is a Godly man who oversees and teaches the word of God. It’s a church with a majority of people who are much younger than I am. So, I will refer to my pastor’s judgment on this and worship the Lord even if there are hats all around! 

    Or, on with the debate! Just do it with love and kindness.

    In your efforts to study the Bible, check out our suggestions for the best study Bibles for men and best study Bibles for women.

    If you are just beginning as a Bible reader, take a look here.

    Hats in church or no hats in church? Comment below, but be nice. I’m not going to argue with you either way. Is it respectful, disrespectful, or does it make no difference??

    About the author

    25 responses to “Wearing a Hat In Church: Is It Disrespectful? Does It Matter?”

    1. David Avatar

      I have enjoyed your response to this question of wearing a hat on stage at church.
      I am of the older generation of viewing it as disrespectful.
      I attend a large church that has a traditional service and a contemporary service.
      My observation is that over time, we are dumbing down our standard of Christianity and
      respect for “God’s House.”

      1. Brian Sloan Avatar
        Brian Sloan

        Thank you for your comment. I agree with your sentiment.


        Brian Sloan

    2. Kerri Troyan Avatar
      Kerri Troyan

      Great article. Agreed that we must pick our battles but we also must educate the “younger generation”…. Nothing wrong with teaching them what we in our 50s grew up believing and are used to. I personally find it VERY distracting when a male is wearing a basketball cap in church… makes me want to run over and take it off his head. But that could just be me!

      1. Brian Sloan Avatar
        Brian Sloan

        Thanks for your comment. I totally understand!

    3. TJ Avatar

      I am free in Christ and truly do not desire to disrespect anyone who comes to worship on Sunday.
      I find that if we put on a yoke of man’s traditions and depart from the Bible teachings we can add to hats no makeup on women or dresses must pass the ankle as not to offend or distract. Add any pictures of Jesus on the walls because the Bible teaches no image of God is to be worshipped. A suit jacket and fresh hair cut or get out is next…
      My point is it’s the heart Jesus sees our outward look is nothing… come as you are long hair jeans with holes in them ball cap makeup whatever come as you are Jesus will work on the heart and change will happen on the inside… our flesh is perishing and our new heart is just getting started.

      1. Brian Sloan Avatar
        Brian Sloan

        Nice comment. Thanks much!

    4. Danny R. Pippin Avatar
      Danny R. Pippin

      You utterly fail in addressing the real issue. We are to come OUT of the world, humbly, leaving the fashion, casual couch comfort , advertising of a cap aside and trying not to draw attention/distraction to ourself during worship. Sinful is to blatantly NOT do those things when trying to worship. We must TRY to show the Godly example of something “different” we have to others-not just trying to fit in to their dress.
      Common sense in your Mother’s own home dictated removing a hat upon entering. Your excuse for water-downed “contemporary” worship styles does not hold up. Does the word Humble ring here??

      1. Brian Sloan Avatar
        Brian Sloan

        Thanks for your comments.

    5. Larry Kosowski Avatar
      Larry Kosowski

      Thanks so much for your opinions on this hat subject. Rules, rules and more rules, if not disrespecting God, or violating the Bible, continue to give the church a bad name. This keeps people away. It becomes a form of judging others or pointing fingers. This is devisive to the Kingdom of God. Shouldn’t we show the grace Jesus showed towards people, that as a Jew he was not to talk to?

      1. Brian Sloan Avatar
        Brian Sloan

        Good points, Larry. Thanks much!

    6. Lisa Avatar

      I completely agree with your article. I, personally, find it distracting and disrespectful to wear a hat in church. I mean, hats are typically removed at a sporting event when the National Anthem is sung, so why wouldn’t we extend the same respect when in the house of our Father? When I go to church, I believe I am entering Holy Ground and I want to try to look my best for my Father. Now, with that being said, I know that Jesus welcomes us “just as we are” and doesn’t care what we are wearing. In fact, He WANTS us to come just as we are. And I love that…He just wants me. Nothing else. However, again, for me, I would prefer men removed their hats in church. Also, I serve on our Welcome team and we are asked to wear t-shirts. I am very uncomfortable doing that but I realize it is not important and I am serving Jesus..and that’s all that matters. Thanks for this great article!

    7. Brad Avatar

      I Cor 10:23 (ESV)
      23 “All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up. 24 Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.

      1. Brian Sloan Avatar
        Brian Sloan

        Very appropriate verses for this topic. Thanks!

    8. Bob F Avatar
      Bob F

      Thank you for your insight on the subject of wearing caps by the worship team in church. Many members of our worship team wear ball caps. Also our associate minister is now wearing a hoodie. It reminds me of what John Fetterman wears in Congress, which is also disrespect to the decorum of Congress. I feel is a total disrespect in Gods house. Our church is a mega church and I feel this sends the wrong signal to Christians that Gods house in not a special sacred place.

      1. Brian Sloan Avatar
        Brian Sloan

        Thank you, Bob. I understand. For instance, I saw a man in his 40s or 50s recently in the worship center where I attend. He sat through the service with a ball cap and his sunglasses sitting up on top of his hat just as we might do when we are outside at a sporting event, etc. I’m not judging. However, personally I couldn’t do that. Right or wrong, in my personal conscience, that would make me feel I was being disrespectful in a church service. Thanks for your comment!

    9. Geoff R Green Avatar
      Geoff R Green

      I agree with your well-thought article Brian, thank you. Our Baptist Church claims that every word in the Bible is true, except it seems about hat-wearing (and drinking coffee) by men. It upsets me as I find it very disrespectful. This morning I sat beside a Pastor who had both coffee and a hat on during our service!

    10. Geoff R Green Avatar
      Geoff R Green

      I appreciate the article and comments. I have been going to a church that has allowed this unfortunate behaviour of wearing caps and toques (I live where it is cold). Anyway, I have been very upset with this obvious improper wearing of headgear by men. Our pastors allow it. I complained recently and we will see the response. I would like to add another Scripture that does not speak of Pastors wearing hats, but rather congregants, see 1 Cor 11:7, “For a man ought not to cover his head …”, this goes past Pastors. I find it really disrespectful. And what do we make of God’s word being inerrant and the supreme authority? How do those who wears hats argue against that?

      1. Brian Sloan Avatar
        Brian Sloan

        Thank you for your reply. Sorry it took me so long to reply. However, I have been managing an estate sale for my parents and closing out their affairs. My dad passed at age 87 a couple of months ago and he was my last surviving parent. He was a good Christian man, teacher, deacon, and served his church for many decades. I didn’t wear hats into the church. However, he was of the generation where it was rude to wear a hat indoors, period. Even if I had on a baseball cap in my own house, he would ask me why I had it on. Working around the house, etc., I may have a ball cap on, but I still won’t wear a hat inside the church.

    11. MITCHELL HUTTON Avatar

      my first return to church in a very long time. i was so excited. i wear a light “beanie” to cover my bald head and was reminded to take it off. god wanted me to bald and to freeze today? is satan using this to keep me away or am i just in the wrong place? i am wanted to return for an evening service tonight and now i am considering i do not belong. i have listened to enough scripture to believe that JESUS would not reject me but custom and tradition will win this argument? my heart hurts.

      1. Brian Sloan Avatar
        Brian Sloan

        Mitchell, My primary job has taken me away from my blog for a couple of weeks. First of all, you should not at all be worried about your beanie in church. I can promise you that Jesus is not concerned about it. The primary purpose of my blog post was just to weigh in on the debate about tradition for the viewpoint of my traditional background. I spoke in that article, originally written two years ago, and clearly stated that I go to a church where a ball cap, or whatever type of cap someone wanted to wear is acceptable. As a 66 year old senior, I compared what was the norm when I was young as to what it is now.

        I wrote this primarily as a debate for Christian worship leaders who serve onstage. This article was in no way, shape or form directed to those who might feel prohibited to coming to church because they want or need to wear a hat. I shared my story about my dad not wanting my brothers and I to wear hats inside our house as teenagers. My dad passed away this past January, but up until the time he died, when he would facetime me and I had a baseball cap on in my own house in the middle of the day (as I often do) he would ask me why I had my hat on…(Is it raining at your house, he would say…LOL).

        So, that’s my background as someone who was born in 1958. However, my grown children in their 30s have no such heritage about hats indoors and I have never said anything to them for or against hats in church. I don’t spend much time thinking about that.

        I wear jeans and a casual shirt to Sunday morning worship services. Some men in more traditional settings would certainly wear dress clothes, maybe even a suit. So, I don’t lose a bit of sleep nor would I ever treat anyone differently if they wore a hat in church.

        I have seen worship leaders get up and lead the music with their hat pulled down over their face so much that you could hardly tell who they were. Is that my particular cup of tea. No. I would like to see their face. Do I think they are sinning by doing that? No. It’s a matter of personal preference and we are free to have those preferences in the body of Christ

        I have never done it, nor been in a church where men were asked to remove their hats. So, if that happened to you upon your returning to church after a long while, that’s really unfortunate. However, your story is not the context at all in which I stated that my preference was to remove hats.

        I really thought that I was clear that it was a cultural/tradition based sentiment with me. Maybe I wasn’t. It isn’t about sin or not sin. If you are seeking Christ, He wants you with our without a hat. This is a secondary issue, almost a non issue now, that comes up in the church sometimes and it should never keep one from feeling unloved or unaccepted. Since I spent a great deal of time explaining my background, I will end by quoting what I said in the post:

        “From the time I was young in the ministry, I was taught to “pick my battles.” When you take hardline stances on issues, make sure those are the issues on which you definitely need to stand.

        So, for men, wearing hats in church is not my preference. However, can I call them sinful for doing so? No, I can’t and won’t. I know that my opinion is shaped by the culture in which I grew up.

        I came up where that would have the height of rudeness and careless thinking. However, those who are younger haven’t experienced the same type of prohibitions about hats in general as Baby Boomers did.”

        So, that was my experience of those in my generation and I’m sorry if you were offended by it in any way and please know that accepting Christ and walking with Him is the goal, not what we wear or do not wear. God bless and let me know if I can help you in any way.

    12. Joe Avatar

      I am struggling with this issue. I like wearing hats when I’m on the worship team and I don’t see this as being something that we should be prevented from doing.
      I have served as pastor on staff at a church, as well as being a worship leader and worship team member at various churches over the last thirty years on the west coast. I love Jesus and my heart is to worship Him in spirit and in truth. I truly try to have my heart in the right place every time I’m up in front of the congregation. My heart is not to offend anyone.

      This issue of hats seems to me, to be more of an older generational thing as well as more prominent in the south. We moved to Texas recently, and I have been playing on the worship team at a baptist church for about a year. I have always worn a very nice ball cap in the past at previous churches (both baptist and nondenominational evangelical churches.) And it was very common for both men and women to don a ball cap on stage. But since being here in Texas, a few older folks (70’s and up) have complained to the pastor about me (early 50’s) wearing a hat. The pastor told me it doesn’t bother him and has allowed me to so. But the majority of the body hasn’t been bothered by this, it’s just been a few.

      I think that if we live a life of trying not to offend people by something as minor as a ball cap, we have missed the big picture. I wonder about people who won’t attend church because they see it as stuffy and are afraid of being under-dressed. I don’t think that wearing a ball cap is akin to conforming to the ways of the world. And I don’t think that when one becomes a better Christian, hat wearing indoors should stop because you’ve reached some higher spiritual place. But I do think that there might be people who see the ball cap on stage as something welcoming. That maybe they might think that, “Hey, there’s someone I can relate to.”
      It’s odd to me to learn that this is even a thing. Should we go back a few decades and also ban blue jeans? Where does it stop?
      Being presentable, cleaned up, somewhat fashionable…dressing “nice,” is not a bad thing. Having reasonable restrictions on clothing that is too tight fitting or revealing, or with overt messaging on it (political, or profanity, etc) I completely agree with.

      Bottom line: I truly don’t have any ill will when I’m wearing my ball cap. I think it’s time to let this one go.

      (Maybe I shouldn’t mention that I had long hair in a Christian rock band in the late 80’s. We’ll leave that for another heated topic. Ironically, I have almost no hair now.)

      I believe that God is way more concerned with the heart. To me, the bible teaches way more about the Do’s than the Do Not’s. The great commandment is all about what we should DO. Love God, love people. I’d argue that my hat can represent love to someone who looks like me and might feel more welcome otherwise. Human nature is that we go places where we feel welcomed…I know I do.

      Those are my thoughts on this!

      1. Brian Sloan Avatar
        Brian Sloan

        Hi Joe, I’m sorry I am behind on replying to my comments. those are great points. I absolutely agree that God is more conerned about the heart. If your church and pastor is good with wearing hats onstage then go for it. The church I attend regularly has members of their worship team that wear hats and I’m not all offended or anything like that. I led worship bands for a long time and at that point it was a bit offensive to the senior adults. That when the Sr pastor sad “let’s just don’t ear them onstage. And that illustration about the singer I gave was close to 20 years ago and a lot has happened culturally since then. I don’t lose any sleep over a music team member wearing a hat. Was it done in my generation? Not much. But that doesn’t mean it’s somehow sinful. Love God, serve others, and we won’t worry about some of these small things. Thanks for you comments!

    13. Jack Avatar

      It’s not a deal breaker but it is certainly 100% unnecessary and disrespectful. If there’s any debate, why can’t the default be NOT wearing the hat for an hour while in the House of God?

      Anyone that says it’s OK, how would you feel if the pastor got up to the podium and preached with a ball cap on??

      1. Brian Sloan Avatar
        Brian Sloan

        Great point, Jack. Thanks for commenting!

      2. Joe Avatar

        @Jack, I could care less if the pastor has a ball cap on. Is he speaking the truth from the word of God? Is his heart in the right place? Then why should I care?
        I still don’t understand how it’s disrespectful. Is church supposed to be a black tie event? What am I missing here? I’ve seen plenty of well dressed church goers who appear polished up on Sundays but I wouldn’t recognize as followers of Christ otherwise.
        The default should be to care more about the inward than the outward appearance. The Bible has way more to say on that than on hat wearing.

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