Life can sometimes be hard, and for many, it seems to be increasingly hard in various aspects of our day-to-day experience. People are looking for the truth about life, about happiness, and how to find peace, joy, or simple contentment. With the world and culture changing as it has in the last few years there…
This question still gets asked more than you might think. Hopefully, as Christians grow in their relationship with Christ it becomes much less a case of us thinking in sacred vs. secular terms, but allowing Christ to live in and through us in whatever circumstances. However, I understand the intent of the question, so let’s…
Dr. Leighton Flowers is someone making his presence known in the online world of Christian theology with his fairly aggressive, yet respectful challenge of Calvinism, a theological system within Christianity that emphasizes the sovereignty of God and includes the five points represented by the acronym TULIP. These are Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible…
A troubled marriage or a broken marriage is something that can truly rob you of contentment, peace, and the joy of life. Unfortunately, marriage problems are not uncommon. And, although that may not make a person feel better about their situation, they can take comfort that many marriage troubles can be resolved – some with…
Well, here’s a question that has been asked quite a few times before. Can Christians go to heaven if they keep sinning? I mean, doesn’t the word of God tell us that a person who turns away from their sins and practices righteousness is the one who can have an eternity in heaven? Doesn’t the…
I generally lean hard on the fact that Christians are now under grace and not under the law. My wife and I both are generally frustrated when we hear a pastor or evangelist that is so works-based in their presentation of the Gospel that he convinces every saint of God in the room that they…
Will I have the necessities that I need in the future? Will God provide for my financial needs? Am I going to be able to pay my bills? Does God actively watch over me to make sure that my family and I have the things that we need to make it through life? Will there…
This topic is ever so common in the lives of those who genuinely want to please God. Christians consistently find themselves in situations where they desperately want to know what direction God wants them to take. What decision does He want them to make? How to hear God’s voice is a topic of concern for…
The Bible is a library of books that have been preserved through the ages. Here is the 66 books of the Bible in order and the who, what, when, and where.