Normally when someone becomes a Christian or they more seriously begin to explore the claims of the Christian faith and Christianity they may start with just a simple Bible that only has few, if any, study notes. However, study Bibles include various types of studious notes about the word of God and what the authors of the scriptures were communicating in their inspired writings. There are a lot of study Bibles available these days.
But is a study Bible a good first step and can serve very well as a new believer’s Bible? A study Bible can help a new believer or a new student of God’s word in their understanding of the Bible considering all of the additional features, study guides, and commentary found in a study bible as opposed to a regular Bible.
The best study Bible for beginners may be different for a variety of people. It is in a version that is understandable for you for your age, one that has the study features that are most helpful to you, and is one notable for its accuracy of translation from the original languages.
Let’s take a look at some of the best study Bibles for beginners in Bible study or for a new Christian. These are some of the best Bibles available, period,
Good study Bibles may include key Bible people introductions, in-text maps of where the story was taking place, historical timelines, and many other study tools for those who want to do some serious study or at least go into a deeper study than they are currently. I encourage people to have a good go-to study Bible and they can especially be great for new Christians or those who are new to studying the Bible. Remember our primary goal is always to help you and encourage you in your faith and in your relationship with Jesus Christ.
Immediately I will list the study Bibles and link to them. However, below you will find characteristics of good study bibles and I will give more detailed information about the ones I will list here. I’m considering new Bible readers and new believers, but these are not necessarily in the order of “the best.” However, I would not put one on the list that I did not recommend.
1- Life Application Study Bible
2- NIV Study Bible by Zondervan
3- CSB Study Bible by Holman Bible Publishers
4- New King James Version Study Bible- Thomas Nelson
Features to Look For In a Good Study Bible for Beginners
Good study Bibles usually have several common features that are helpful to the beginning bible student or can be helpful to the long-time student of the Bible. Before we go into specific study bibles, here are some things we like to see in a study Bible.
Modern Bible Translation
One of the main reasons to get a study Bible is to help you understand the text. You want to understand. Even the youngest books in the Bible are a couple of thousand years old. The books of the Bible were written in Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic, and most of us are not that fluent in those languages!
So, we have to be dependent on the Bible translations of today. Now, you’re not going to hear me attack the reliable King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. If you like the old English of the 1600s, that’s fine. I spent a lot of time in the KJV and I have a KJV study Bible.
However, it’s not my first recommendation for new believers or seekers who are checking out the claims of Christ. KJV lovers, don’t be offended, I’m incredibly thankful that the KJV has been a wonderful version for millions and millions of people and still is. There will be a good KJV Study Bible recommended below if the KJV is the version you like. Personally, I like the modern versions, And, also if you do like the KJV language, you might want to take a look at the NKJV study bible. Just choose one of many great Bible translations that we have available today!
Extensive Study Notes
A good study Bible should include good study notes for as many scripture passages as possible for a deeper understanding of the text and for application for a person’s spiritual growth. The main reason we need to study the scriptures is so the Bible teachings can help and enhance our relationship with Christ in our everyday life. Helpful study notes are invaluable in a good study bible.
Book Introductions
If you are new at Bible reading or new in the faith, wouldn’t it be helpful to know a little about what the Book of Ephesians is (a letter) and why it was written and/or the theme of the letter? That is just one example of how helpful good book introductions are that you should find in a good study bible.
A Good Concordance
A concordance lists important words from the Biblical text and shows where the words occur in the Bible. This lets the reader easily locate a specific word, topic, or perhaps a theme that they are studying. A good concordance is especially good for study Bibles for beginners.
Maps and Charts
When you are reading a great story from the Bible or you see that a letter has been written to a particular city, it’s great to have maps from that day that show you where those places were and how they relate to modern-day maps.
Also, there are all sorts of charts, timelines, etc., about how various portions of the biblical story came about and tied together.
Historical Background and Cultural Context
many times found in the book introductions of the Bible, a good study Bible will provide you with some historical background and a bit of cultural context about what you are about to read. Many times there will also be cultural and historical comments in the margins of the pages of the book, depending on how the particular study bible is laid out. The Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible found HERE can also be of great value in that.
Bible Character Studies (People in the Bible)
When I say character studies it may be a few paragraphs or for a major Bible character like Moses or David, it might be a whole page. However, a simple character study will tell about the life of the bible character and will help you to understand more about how the person fits into the narrative that you are reading in the biblical text.
Cross References
Cross-references will give you scriptures for connecting or related verses and passages throughout the Bible. This allows the readers to explore the interconnectedness of Scripture and gain a deeper understanding of Biblical principles.
Study Articles or Essays
Not all study Bibles may have these, but for the study Bibles that do, I’m referring to articles or essays written by biblical scholars that explore various theological or doctrinal topics. These can really be helpful in our spiritual growth as we study God’s word.
1- Life Application Study Bible
The Life Application Study Bible cherished and relied upon by millions of readers for over 30 years, has earned its place as the top-selling study Bible today, standing as a timeless resource for all generations. Many people have this as one of their study Bibles if they happen to have more than one.

The Life Application Study Bible is one of our top picks, especially for those new to Bible study. It makes a great first study Bible. It is a study bible chocked full of notes. The NLT version of the Life Application Study Bible shown above is in the New Living Translation, which is a thought-for-thought version that I enjoy.
The New Living Translation is designed to help you understand the word of God like never before. This study Bible isn’t just for women or men – it’s for everyone! It tackles real-life questions and offers practical ways to apply the Bible to your everyday life. It’s one of my favorite Study Bibles and a great one for a first time study Bible owner.
You’ll love reading the stories and teachings with its verse-by-verse commentary. It’s packed with wisdom from people in the Bible, so you can learn from their triumphs and blunders. Plus, it provides overviews, outlines, and timelines for each book, so you can get a big-picture perspective. And if you ever come across tricky concepts, don’t worry! There are in-text maps, charts, and diagrams to make things clearer.
Here are some of the cool features this Bible offers:
- More than 10,000 Life Application notes and features to enrich your understanding
- Over 100 profiles of key Bible people, giving you insights into their lives
- Book introductions and overviews for every book of the Bible give you the big picture of each book
- Loads of maps and charts are placed conveniently for quick reference
- A handy dictionary/concordance that is a valuable resource to help you with those tricky words
- A side-column cross-reference system for deeper study
- Life Application index to easily find relevant notes, charts, maps, and profiles
- A fresh two-color design makes it visually appealing and easy to read
- 16 pages of full-color maps to enhance your learning experience
- Durable Smyth-sewn binding that can handle frequent use and lays flat when open
- It even includes a special supplement called the Christian Worker’s Resource to boost your ministry effectiveness
- And of course, it features the full text of the Holy Bible, New Living Translation (NLT), which combines accuracy with natural, easy-to-understand English. The words of Jesus are highlighted in red letter.
This edition comes in a stylish LeatherLike cover in a beautiful Brown/Mahogany color. It measures 6.5 x 9.188 inches, making it a great size for Bible study.
So, if you’re looking to jump in and learn and want a Bible that’s packed with helpful resources, this NLT Study Bible is perfect for you!
This edition comes in a stylish LeatherLike cover in a beautiful Brown/Mahogany color. It measures 6.5 x 9.188 inches, making it a great size for Bible study.
We consider this a good beginner’s Bible for study as well as any age range. Its popularity has made it a great seller among study Bibles and we use it here at So, if you’re looking to jump in and learn and want a Bible that’s packed with helpful resources, this NLT Study Bible is perfect for you!
NIV Study Bible by Zondervan
Here is another of the fine study Bibles that can bring a fresh perspective to your Bible reading experience. Set in the beautiful and easy-to-read NIV Comfort Print® typeface, this study Bible is designed to answer your burning questions and provide just the right amount of information, right where you need it.

With a rich legacy of helping so many people dive deep into the meaning of the Bible, the NIV Study Bible is a trusted resource that uses the NIV translation – to be an accurate, readable, and clear guide to Scripture. This updated edition builds upon that foundation, with a dedicated team of biblical scholars pouring their passion and expertise into refining every study note.
Get ready to explore a treasure trove of knowledge! Thousands of newly written or revised notes and articles, alongside stunning four-color maps, charts, photos, and illustrations, create a complete library of study aids aimed at enhancing your understanding and application of God’s word.
Not only is this study Bible packed with valuable insights but it has also been recognized as the 2021 ECPA Bible of the Year, a testament to its excellence and impact.
Let’s take a look at some of the exciting features you’ll find within its pages:
- The complete and accurate New International Version (NIV) text, known for its readability and clarity.
- Over 21,000 study notes are conveniently placed at the bottom of each page, making important information easily accessible.
- More than 125 topical articles to delve deeper into specific subjects, alongside 16 pages of full-color maps that bring the biblical world to life.
- The Comprehensive NIV Concordance, featuring nearly 4800-word entries, and a subject note index that further enhances your study experience.
- Book introductions, outlines, and section introductions provide valuable context and background information for every book of the Bible.
- In-text maps, charts, diagrams, and illustrations visually clarify the stories and teachings within the Bible.
- The words of Jesus are highlighted in red, ensuring His powerful words stand out.
- Two satin ribbon markers, perfect for keeping your place during your study sessions.
- Exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface, designed to offer a comfortable reading experience.
- A print size of 9 points, strikes the balance between readability and portability.
This study Bible is a valuable companion that will deepen your understanding and enrich your spiritual journey. Immerse yourself in God’s word like never before with the NIV Study Bible.
CSB Study Bible by Holman Bible Publishers

Now let’s check out the CSB Study Bible by Holman Bible Publishers. It’s a resource that can also help you transform your Bible study and help you as you dive into the scriptures in a deeper way!
You will find a thoughtfully crafted study Bible, featuring a captivating full-color illustrated design and the acclaimed Holman study system that has earned the prestigious ECPA award. With over 15,000 study notes, word studies, articles, and other tools from esteemed Bible scholars seamlessly integrated alongside the biblical text, this study Bible is a fine companion for both deep study and daily reading, fostering lifelong discipleship.
Check out the impressive features that make this study Bible stand out:
- Over 15,000 study notes offer rich insights and explanations
- 368 enlightening word studies to deepen your understanding
- 94 stunning photographs that bring the biblical world to life
- 61 timelines for historical context and chronological perspective
- 55 maps to guide your exploration of important locations
- 44 captivating paintings to visually enhance your reading experience
- 34 articles addressing key topics for a comprehensive understanding
- 21 illustrations and reconstructions for visual clarity
- 19 charts for easy comprehension of complex concepts
- Book introductions with outlines and timelines specific to each book, provide valuable context
- Durable Smyth-sewn lay-flat binding for lasting durability
- Reader-friendly two-column text format
- Robust center-column cross-reference system for easy navigation
- Topical subject headings for quick reference
- Comfortable 9.5-point type size for effortless reading
- Ribbon marker for convenient page marking
- Comprehensive concordance for quick word searches
- The presentation page, perfect for gift-giving
The CSB Study Bible utilizes the highly readable and reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB), which captures the original meaning of the Bible while ensuring clarity and accessibility. Engage with the life-transforming message of Scripture and confidently share it with others using this remarkable study Bible.
Embrace a deeper connection with the Bible through the CSB Study Bible and embark on a journey of discovery, growth, and sharing.
New King James Version Study Bible – Thomas Nelson

If you are a fan of the New King James Version of the Bible, Get ready to dive deep into the word of God with the trustworthy NKJV with the amazing New King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition. It’s like having your very own Bible guidebook, packed with vibrant full-color images, robust study notes, and a whole range of study resources to help you grow stronger in your faith.
With over 2 million copies sold, this Bible has become a go-to companion for countless individuals on their spiritual journey. Its beautiful full-color design makes studying a delight, while the New King James Version provides accuracy and clarity, ensuring that you can truly engage with and understand the Scriptures.
Check out some of the fantastic features that make this Bible stand out:
- A gorgeous full-color layout that brings the pages to life.
- More than 250 captivating photos and illustrations, showcasing important places, artifacts, and artistic creations.
- Exclusive study tools that will help you grasp, appreciate, and apply what you read:
- Book introductions, outlines, and timelines that offer essential background information, historical context, and overviews of the content.
- Bottom-of-the-page study notes with over 15,000 entries, providing clear and insightful commentary spanning more than 850,000 words.
- Word studies with Strong’s numbers, offering deeper insights into the original Greek and Hebrew words.
- Bible Times and Cultural notes, shedding light on the historical context surrounding Scripture.
- Articles that clarify and expand upon key concepts in Scripture, totaling more than 110 thought-provoking pieces.
- User-friendly indexes and concordances that make finding information a breeze:
- A concordance with over 6,000 terms and 37,000 verses for easy word searches.
- “Teachings and Illustrations of Christ,” featuring over 400 subjects addressed by Jesus.
- “Prayers of the Bible,” highlighting nearly 100 prayers in the Bible along with their context and themes.
- “Subject Index to Annotations and Features” for quick reference.
- Helpful articles that provide tips and insights to enhance your Bible study:
- “How to Understand what the Bible Means by What it Says,” a four-step process for interpreting the Scriptures accurately.
- “Thinking about the Study of the New Testament,” an introduction to the New Testament manuscripts.
- “The Geography of the Gospels,” an overview of the major cities and regions mentioned in the Gospels.
- “The Bible as History,” emphasizing the importance of reading each book in its historical context.
- “What Is Theology?” defining theology and emphasizing the gospel as its starting point.
- Tables that present information at a glance:
- “Harmony of the Gospels,” organizing the life and ministry of Jesus in chronological order across the Gospels.
- “From Biblical Book to Contemporary Hook,” providing major themes, Christ-focused aspects, implications, and discussion questions for all 66 books of Scripture.
- “Parables of Christ,” identifying 39 parables found in the Gospels.
- “Miracles of Christ,” pinpointing 37 miracles recounted in the Gospels.
- “Prophecies of The Messiah Fulfilled in Christ,” highlighting 43 Old Testament prophecies and their New Testament fulfillments.
- “Monies, Weights, and Measures” for easy reference.
- A remarkable system of references, with 32,000 links to over 73,000 related passages and nearly 8,000 translation notes, allowing you to follow important words and themes throughout Scripture.
- More than 140 maps and charts are dispersed throughout the Bible, visually representing locations and themes for a better understanding.
- Easy-to-read large 9-point print size that ensures comfortable reading.The NKJV Study Bible might be right for you.
ESV Study Bible

Now let’s have a look at a rich and invaluable resource that can help illuminate your understanding of God’s Word and deepen your faith journey with the ESV Study Bible. It’s another great choice in study Bibles.
Packed with insightful notes, relevant articles, and helpful resources, the ESV Study Bible will be your trusted companion as you explore the Scriptures. The ESV is a word-for-word translation if you prefer that over thought-for-thought.
Immerse yourself in the beauty of the English Standard Version (ESV) translation, known for its faithfulness to the original biblical texts. With each page, you’ll encounter the transformative power of God’s Word, bringing you closer to Him and equipping you for a life rooted in His truth.
Key Features:
- Study Notes: Dive into the extensive study notes, carefully crafted to provide valuable insights and explanations. Discover hidden treasures and gain a deeper understanding of the biblical text.
- Book Introductions: Explore the context and background of each book of the Bible through concise and informative introductions found in the ESV Study Bible. Gain a solid foundation for further study.
- Cross-References: Uncover the interconnectedness of Scripture with the cross-references, linking related passages throughout the Bible. Engage in a comprehensive exploration of God’s Word.
- Articles: Delve into thought-provoking articles that tackle important biblical teachings, principles, and themes. Grow in your knowledge and application of God’s truth.
- Maps and Timelines: Journey through biblical history and geography with full-color maps and timeline in the ESV Study Bible. Gain a visual understanding of the locations and events that shaped the narrative.
- Study Tools: The ESV Study Bible will give you assistance in your study with the inclusion of helpful resources such as word studies, glossaries, and concordances. Equip yourself for a comprehensive exploration of the Scriptures.
- Beautiful Design: Experience the aesthetic appeal of the ESV Study Bible, with a carefully designed layout that enhances readability and ease of use. Let the words of God captivate your heart and mind.
- Application Focus: Discover practical applications of the Bible to everyday life. Gain insights and wisdom that can be lived out in your relationships, work, and personal growth.
The ESV Study Bible is more than just a book—it’s a pathway to deeper knowledge, spiritual growth, and a vibrant relationship with God. Let it guide you on your journey of faith, providing you with the tools and understanding you need to navigate the rich terrain of Scripture.
The Jeremiah Study Bible

How about this Jeremiah Study Bible, a very fine work that reflects the heart and wisdom of Dr. David Jeremiah, a renowned Bible teacher with over 40 years of dedicated study and exploration. This study Bible is more than just a collection of pages—it’s a journey into the scriptures, tailored to guide and transform your life.
Dr. David Jeremiah’s personal and comprehensive approach shines through as you delve into the pages of this study Bible. Drawing from his extensive biblical insight, he has crafted a treasure trove of study tools, carefully designed to help you not only understand what Scripture says, but also grasp its profound meaning and, most importantly, apply it to your everyday life.
Here’s what sets the Jeremiah Study Bible apart:
- Deeply Personal: With Dr. David Jeremiah’s wealth of experience and passion for God’s Word, this study Bible offers a deeply personal perspective that resonates with readers of all walks of life. You’ll feel a connection as his wisdom and insights come alive on the pages.
- Comprehensive Study Tools: Explore the best of biblical insight through a range of study tools thoughtfully included in this Bible. From study notes to cross-references, from character studies to practical application, each feature is designed to enhance your understanding and provide guidance for genuine transformation.
- Clear and Practical Application: The Jeremiah Study Bible goes beyond mere knowledge. It equips you with clear and practical application points, empowering you to live out the timeless truths of Scripture in your everyday life. Experience the power of the word of God as it impacts and shapes your thoughts, actions, and relationships.
- Authentic Transformation: Discover a Bible that is not only informative but transformative. As you engage with the Jeremiah Study Bible, you’ll embark on a journey of authentic transformation, allowing God’s Word to penetrate your heart, renew your mind, and empower you to live a life that reflects His truth and love.
Uncover the beauty and power of Scripture with the Jeremiah Study Bible. Let it guide you on a personal and transformative journey, deepening your understanding, strengthening your faith, and igniting a passion for God’s Word within you.
Experience the best of biblical insight, practical application, and genuine transformation as you embark on this remarkable adventure with the Jeremiah Study Bible by your side.
CSB Tony Evans Study Bible

The Tony Evans Study Bible, is a popular choice in study Bibles that brings the wisdom and insights of Dr. Tony Evans alongside the powerful words of Scripture. With a rich array of study notes, sermons, articles, and videos, this Bible is designed to deepen your understanding and inspire you to live out the values of God’s kingdom.
Dr. Tony Evans, a respected and influential church leader, has poured his years of wisdom and teaching into this study Bible. As you explore its pages, you’ll find study notes carefully crafted from his sermons and writings, offering valuable insights that connect the timeless truths of Scripture to your everyday life.
Key Features:
- Inspiring Videos: Dive deeper into God’s Word with over 150 videos of sermons, devotionals, and teachings by Dr. Evans. Simply scan the QR codes provided to access these insightful resources that complement the biblical text.
- Fresh Perspectives: The CSB Tony Evans Study Bible places relevant features strategically alongside the biblical text. Through articles, “Kingdom Living Lessons,” “Questions & Answers,” and “Hope Words,” you’ll gain fresh insights and practical guidance that illuminate Scripture in a new way.
- Study Tools: Experience a wealth of study resources conveniently organized in the back matter section. Explore key definitions, theological and doctrinal charts, a concordance, and other helpful tools that enhance your understanding and engagement with God’s Word.
- User-Friendly Design: With an elegant two-color design and a clear, readable font, this Bible invites you into a seamless reading experience. The page-edge cross-reference system, topical subject headings, and full-color maps further enrich your study journey.
- Dr. Tony Evans’ Legacy: Dr. Tony Evans’ influence spans over five decades, and his commitment to proclaiming the gospel is unwavering. As the senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship and the founder of The Urban Alternative, he brings a kingdom-agenda philosophy that encourages believers to live under God’s rule in every aspect of life.
The CSB Tony Evans Study Bible features the highly readable and reliable Christian Standard Bible® (CSB) translation. Faithful to the original meaning of the Scriptures while maintaining clarity, the CSB empowers you to engage with God’s life-transforming message and share it with others.
Embark on a transformative journey of faith with the CSB Tony Evans Study Bible. Let the powerful combination of Scripture and Dr. Evans’ teachings guide you toward a deeper understanding, a stronger faith, and a life that reflects the values of God’s kingdom.
Looking for other choices?
The Quest Study Bible (another fine one) click HERE.
The New Inductive Study Bible – HERE
The Woman’s Study Bible – HERE
The Spirit-Filled Life Bible (if you are a bit more charismatic in beliefs) – HERE
The Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible – HERE.
The Macarthur Study Bible – HERE.(This version is a NKJV Study Bible version with commentary by John Macarthur)
The King James Study Bible – Thomas Nelson – HERE.
NIV Teen Study Bible – HERE.
Wrapping up, I hope this article has provided you with a helpful overview of some of the best study Bibles for beginners. Whether you are new to Bible study or seeking to deepen your understanding of scripture, a study Bible can be a valuable tool on your spiritual journey. These study Bibles are specifically designed to provide you with the insights, context, and resources you need to engage with Scripture in a meaningful way.
By choosing a study Bible, you can access features such as extensive study notes, book introductions, cross-references, maps, charts, and more. These tools enhance your understanding of the biblical text, provide historical and cultural context, and offer practical application for your everyday life. They can help you navigate complex concepts, explore the interconnectedness of Scripture, and grow in your knowledge of biblical principles.
Whether you opt for the Life Application Study Bible, NIV Study Bible, CSB Study Bible, New King James Version Study Bible, ESV Study Bible, Jeremiah Study Bible, or CSB Tony Evans Study Bible, each one brings its unique approach and features to enrich your study experience. The choice ultimately depends on your personal preferences and the translation you resonate with.
I encourage you to take the leap into the world of reading the Bible with a study Bible. Let it be your guide, illuminating God’s Word and empowering you to live out the values of the kingdom of God. Dive into the study notes, engage with the resources provided, and allow Scripture to transform your life.
Remember, studying the Bible is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about encountering God’s truth and experiencing personal growth. As you embark on this journey, open your heart to the wisdom, guidance, and love that the Bible offers. May your study of the Bible deepen your relationship with God, strengthen your faith, and inspire you to live a life that reflects His truth and grace.
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