What we would do without our ladies who love the word of God and dig into the scriptures clinging closely to them?? There are so many great Christian ladies who take their Bible study very seriously.
However, there are so many different types of study Bibles for women available today. A Christian lady wants a study Bible that can be very helpful for everyday life and for Christian growth. However, it can be hard to know which one is best for you.
God’s word is alive, active, and powerful. There is no book like it. As a matter of fact, it is not simply one book. It is a library of 66 books, all connected, that tell one story- the story of God’s love for humanity. In it we see God’s character, His plan for our lives, and how much He loves us. It is a best friend, counselor, and guidebook all rolled into one.

A study Bible can be a great tool to help you more deeply understand what you are reading in the word of God. Often times there are difficult concepts or unfamiliar words. A study Bible can provide explanations and historical context to help you understand what you are reading. Additionally, many study Bibles have application questions at the end of each section to help you process what you have read and think about how it applies to your life.
In any post where we recommend the best Bibles of any translation, it can be difficult. That includes searching for the best women’s study Bible. As we explore God’s word and sometimes debate about different Bible translations, we will find that there are so many study Bibles to choose from that are wonderful for Christian women (and certainly those for men as well). Here, we will feature 7 of the best Bibles for women here and also link to where you can get them.
“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” Hebrews 4:12
Some ladies will choose to have several Bibles including devotional Bibles or just a regular Bible in a great translation for when they are on the go. Or they may want to have a Bible with much extra commentary with revealing scripture-based insights.
In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the best study Bibles for women on the market today. These Bibles offer exciting and engaging options that are great for ladies that will help you grow in your Christian faith.
Study Bibles Help For Today’s Society
A study bible can be incredibly helpful for Christians who want to grow in their faith and understanding of the Bible. Study Bibles often include additional commentary and insights that can help readers gain a deeper understanding of Scripture.
Women who study the Bible every day, or as much as possible have the opportunity to gain the wisdom and insight that is needed for lives that are sometimes complicated in today’s society.
For women, in particular, a study Bible can be a valuable tool for balancing motherhood, being a wife, a single mom, responsibilities, a career, and other responsibilities. By studying the Bible regularly, women can gain wisdom and insight that can help them in all areas of their lives.
There are many different types of study Bibles available on the market today. It can be difficult to know which one is best for you. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the best study Bibles for women on the market today. These Bibles offer exciting and engaging options that are great for ladies that will help you grow in your Christian faith.
When Choosing Study Bibles For Women
Study Bibles For Women: Decide on the Translation
Some women prefer a more literal translation of God’s word, while others prefer a more dynamic or paraphrased version. No matter which you prefer, you need to get a Bible translation that you are comfortable with and committed to using in your Bible Study. If you aren’t sure which type of translation you prefer, it might be helpful to look at a few different options before making a decision.
Ultimately choose a Bible translation that you know to be an accurate one. We recommend translations like the New American Standard Bible (NASB), New International Version (NIV), and the Christian Standard Bible (CSB).
When using one of the more modern and accurate versions we use and recommend the New Living Translation (NLT) that we use in most of our articles.
Study Bibles for Women: Choose the Size and Weight
If you plan on carrying your Bible with you often, you might want to choose a smaller, lighter version. The only problem with a small Bible is that it may not be filled with as many extensive study notes as a larger and more comprehensive study Bible. However, if it is a study Bible that you are going to use mostly at home, the heavier Bibles may be fine. Also, there are some great large print editions available that can be easier on the eyes.

Study Bibles For Women: Choose The Type Of Binding:
We all know that the importance lies in the pages of scripture between the bindings or Bible cover. You have a choice of quite a few bindings. You may find that the study Bibles for women or men contain quite a few additional notes and very helpful study resources, so some of the study Bibles come in a hardback version for strength. Although, you can find some in leather or bonded leather.
Study Bibles For Women: The Price
Study Bibles can range in price from around $35 to $100 or more. It is important to find one that fits your budget.
Other Features To Consider In a Women’s Study Bible
There are many different features that can be very helpful to your personal study and your spiritual growth in a good study Bible. Some additional features to take into consideration might include some of the following.
- Study Notes – verse by verse study notes can be extremely helpful as you seek to understand the text.
- Book Introductions and Overviews – With 66 books contained in the Bible it’s great to have a good introduction and basic overview of each book prior to reading that book.
- Stories or commentary from Christian women – You can find encouragement from many Godly women who may have faced many life challenges.
- Additional articles or commentary- These can give Biblical answers to challenges that women face.
- Insights or biographical portraits – Information about prominent women in the Bible.
- Index of Topics – It’s helpful to have an index of common topics that will help you find what you’re looking for.
- Size of the font – sometimes a one-point difference in the font size can make a difference in your comfort in reading the text.
- Devotional readings – Some study Bibles have devotional readings interspersed throughout the book.
- Historical maps and charts – It can be very helpful to have maps of the locations of stories that occurred in the Bible and other charts that may be helpful in understanding the historical events and locations.
- Bible Reading Plans – some study Bibles have suggested reading plans that can help you stay focused on your journey into the pages of scripture.
Life Application Study Bible
The first Bible recommended for ladies here is actually not for ladies only, but it has served well as one of the most highly recommended study Bibles for many years. You may have read our review of the Life Application Study Bible. This study Bible works equally well for men and women, but we thought we should include it in the list.
There is also a Chronological Life Application Study Bible that we really love.
- Zondervan (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 2496 Pages – 10/01/2019 (Publication Date) – Zondervan (Publisher)
Key Features
- Updated – new content added throughout
- Full text of the accurate, New International Version (NIV)
- 10,000+ Life Application notes, etc.
- 100+ personality Biblical character profiles
- Introductions and overviews for each book giving historical context
- Maps, charts, and diagrams
- Dictionary/concordance
- 500+ maps and charts for quick reference
- Side-column cross-reference system to assist study
- Index to charts, notes, profiles, and maps
- Jesus’ words in red
- Refreshing design with a second color for contrast
- Resource for Christian workers that includes – a supplement to help the reader’s effectiveness in ministry.
- Full-color maps – 16 pages
- Format is Single-column format
- Two ribbon markers
- Leathersoft cover lays flat when open
- 8.5-point type size
The Woman’s Study Bible (NIV)
The Woman’s Study Bible from Thomas Nelson has thousands of verse commentary notes designed by women specifically for women to receive God’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation.
- Thomas Nelson (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 2080 Pages – 01/23/2018 (Publication Date) – Thomas Nelson (Publisher)
- Beautiful full-color design throughout
- Detailed biographical portraits Of women in the Bible.
- Extensive verse-by-verse study notes
- Over 300 in-text topical articles
- Insightful essays by women who are recognized experts in theological knowledge
- Book introductions and outlines
- Hundreds of full-color in-text maps, charts, timelines, and family trees
- Quotes from godly women throughout history
- Full-page maps of the biblical world
- Topical index and concordance
- Easy-to-read 10.5-point print size
- Thousands of extensive verse-by-verse study notes
The Woman’s Study Bible – (NKJV)
This is a New King James Version of the Thomas Nelson Woman’s Study Bible that Comes in a sturdy hardback.
- Hardcover Book
- Thomas Nelson (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 2112 Pages – 03/28/2017 (Publication Date) – Thomas Nelson (Publisher)
- Full-color design
- New King James Version (NKJV)
- Biographical portraits of over 100 biblical women
- Extensive verse-by-verse study notes
- Over 300 topical articles on relevant issues
- Insightful essays by women who are recognized experts in the fields of theology,
- Book introductions and outlines
- Hundreds of full-color maps, charts, timelines, and family trees
- Quotes from godly women throughout history
- Set o of the biblical world
- Topical index
- Concordance
- 10.5 point type size
The Woman’s Study Bible Hardback (NIV)
This is another great selection in Study Bibles for women. It’s simply the NIV version of the Thomas Nelson Woman’s Study Bible. It will help you apply God’s word to your life on a daily basis.
- Hardcover Book
- Thomas Nelson (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 2080 Pages – 01/23/2018 (Publication Date) – Thomas Nelson (Publisher)
- Beautiful full-color design throughout
- Detailed biographical portraits of over 100 biblical women
- Thousands of extensive verse-by-verse study notes
- Over 300 in-text topical articles on relevant issues
- Insightful essays by women who are recognized experts in the fields of theology, biblical studies, archaeology, and philosophy
- Book introductions and outlines
- Hundreds of full-color in-text maps, charts, timelines, and family trees
- Quotes from godly women throughout history
- Set of full-page maps of the biblical world
- Topical index
- Concordance for various terms throughout the entire Bible
- 10.5-point print size.
The Bible text, in addition to its overt meaning, contains subtle elements that speak directly to a woman’s heart, giving Scriptural-based insights on how godly womanhood develops out of a woman’s identity as a Christ-follower and Kingdom child.
The CSB Study Bible For Women
The CSB Study Bible for Women is the most comprehensive study Bible ever published for women, and it’s written by women. With in-depth study notes and informative articles provided by females who completed academic education in the original biblical languages.
- English (Publication Language)
- 2240 Pages – 04/15/2018 (Publication Date) – Holman Bible Publishers (Publisher)
- 6,490 notes to help with study
- 500+ word studies
- 25 color maps
- Introductions to each book of the Bible. and references to every woman in the Bible
- Specialized women’s Bible study material
- Smyth-sewn binding
- Two-column text in 9.25-point type
- Great for preparing to teach future bible studies or for daily readings
The CSB Study Bible for Women features the easily readable and very reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB).
For other beautiful choices of study Bibles for women, check out the selections of Study Bibles for women at ChristianBook.com.
The THRIVE Devotional Bible for Women

- English (Publication Language)
- 1664 Pages – 02/09/2021 (Publication Date) – Tyndale House Publishers (Publisher)
Although not having as many in-depth notes, etc., as the study Bibles, The THRIVE Devotional Bible for Women is for every woman who wants to know God more deeply and follow Him more closely. God’s design for His children is that they live flourishing, fulfilling, joy-filled lives in Christ.
Bestselling author and beloved speaker Sheri Rose Shepherd has devoted over 30 years of her ministry to helping women learn how to thrive in Christ, reflect on God’s glory, and gain an eternal perspective.
Sheri Rose invites women to join her on a yearlong journey through the Bible in THRIVE. The daily devotionals capture the very heart of her ministry by helping women discover their identity in Christ; God’s purpose and plan for their lives; and how to flourish in a faith that is pure, genuine, and life-giving.
Each day’s devotional reading contains a key Scripture, a love letter from God, a reflection from Sheri Rose, a treasure of truth, and a special prayer for the reader.
Sheri Rose encourages women to leave all their concerns and struggles at the foot of the cross so they can truly thrive as the women God created them to be.
This beautiful women’s devotional Bible features a rose and black interior printed on high-quality cream Bible paper
CSB Tony Evans Study Bible
- Evans, Tony (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 2000 Pages – 10/15/2020 (Publication Date) – Holman Bible Publishers (Publisher)
- 13,000 study notes
- 523,000 words study note content
- 350+ reflections on key passages
- 15 articles on various theological topics
- The plan of salvation explained
- Beautiful illustrations
- 120 Bible characters profiled
- Introductions and timelines – each book
- 80+ maps and illustrations
- 80,000 cross-references
- Definitions of key terms
- Smyth-sewn binding
- 1 ribbon marker
- Extensive concordance
Other fine choices of Bibles that could be a good selection for you would include the She Reads Truth Bible and the ESV Women’s Devotional Bible.
Also, you can check Amazon for additional Bibles and Bible study books for women.
What are the best study Bibles for women? It’s not an easy answer, but we pray that the Holy Spirit will lead you to pursue a study of God’s word that will be a great blessing to your life.
Ladies are wonderful and powerful! However, a lady who makes a habit of studying the Bible – wow – she is just about unstoppable. Young girls, teenagers, singles, wives, mothers, grandmothers – they change lives around them when they know the word of God!
Any of these fine Bibles can be a blessing to you as the Bible invites us to dive into its glorious pages. You can find practical encouragement daily and in-depth Bible study.
Exploring and researching to find the best study Bibles for women is an honorable pursuit. You will ultimately find Bible verses and full Bible passages that can literally bring scripture-based insights that the Holy Spirit can work to bring life change.
Study Bibles for women can help you have a deeper understanding of God’s word and apply the Bible to your life and you will use the wisdom from your Bible studies every day. That can be especially helpful when you are going through difficult times or facing challenges in your faith. A study bible for women will help you grow in your faith.
As you learn more about God’s Word, you will begin to develop a deeper relationship with Him. Additionally, a study Bible for women can give you guidance and wisdom in your daily life.
If you need our suggestions for men’s study Bibles, check out our page featuring “The best study Bibles for Men,”
As you learn more about what the Bible says, you will be better equipped to make decisions that honor God and reflect His values. Ultimately, studying the Bible is a way to learn to worship God in a greater way and receive His guidance and wisdom in your life. It can greatly help you become a strong Christian woman and leave a legacy of faith to your family!
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