Life Application Study Bible Review – Delivering Truth




Life application study bible review

In our western culture, we are very fortunate to have so many choices in Bibles that we use. HereIn this post, we have a Life Application Study Bible review for you and hope it provides you with help. Regardless of whether you like more modern translations or if you stick solidly with the King James Version of the Bible, you can get great Bibles that have various study help tools. Many of them are very beginner friendly. One of those we want to take a look at is the popular Life Application Study Bible.

Originally published in 1989, with the latest edition in 2019, The Life Application Study Bible has been one of the most popular study Bibles for many years. It contains over 10,000 study notes and other features, introductions to each book, overviews, and introductions of each book, over 100 personality profiles of men and women featured in scripture, over 500 charts and maps, and so much more. Its popularity is well deserved as it can be a big help as you seek to know the word of God.

It would be great if most people who read or study the Bible had all sorts of concordances, Bible Commentaries, and all sorts of study aids around them. It would be great if they would dig into the Bible and use those Bible study aids to help them uncover more incredible truths of the Bible.

However, unless someone is a Bible teacher, seminary student, or simply a more studious reader of the Bible than many people, then that is likely not to happen.

That very reason is why a Bible like the Life Application Study Bible can be important. It provides so much commentary and explanation about the passages of scripture. It provides the context of what is happening in those particular verses and gives you so much study material. It can encourage you greatly and help you understand verses of the Bible that you might not understand unless you had some study notes or commentary to go along with the scripture.

Certainly, the Holy Spirit is powerful enough to help you understand the meaning of scripture. We recognize that. However, we also believe that God will use resources like the Life Application Study Bible to help us in our understanding of scripture.

The Life Application Study Bible Review – The Basics.

It would be hard to understand the impact of the Life Application Study Bible on this generation. It has touched well over 20 million people in a three-decade span as the top-selling study Bible of our generation.

The features of this Bible are very numerous and substantially impactful for someone who wants to be acquainted with the scriptures. Even the original Life Application Bibles were filled with features, but the 2019 update has even more. There are multiple color combinations with multiple cover materials from the hardback to the nice feel of bonded leather.

The notes in this Bible help provide much clarity to passages in which you might be having difficulty with interpretation. As its name suggests, the commentary in this Bible will go far to help you apply scriptural principles to your life on a daily basis. It provides real-life examples of how to apply what you are reading.

Within the family of the Life Application Bibles, you can more than likely find a translation that you like and find enjoyable to read. From the traditional King James Version to the New International Version to even more modern translations, you should find a version of this study Bible that will help you! Let’s take a look at more details in this Life Application Study Bible Review.

Life Application Study Bible Review – Application Is Paramount

As we look at this Bible, we must make sure that we don’t glance over one of the primary words in its title – APPLICATION.

One of the problems that Christians can face when reading the Bible, even if they read it very regularly is applying it. It can sometimes be easy to read and gain knowledge of what the Bible says without applying those Biblical principles to our lives.

The incredible amount of knowledge and principles of wisdom that are contained in the Bible is staggering. However, our goal should not be to attain knowledge of those principles alone.

We want to read the Bible so we can apply those Biblical teachings to our lives as it teaches us to live a life of faith. The Life Application Bible can greatly help as we allow God to work in us to apply the principles of the word of God into our lives.

The Life Application Study Bible – The Features.

  • It contains the complete text of the translation that you have chosen along with the supplemental material
  • It has more than 10,000 notes and other features.
  • It allows you to get to know biblical characters more as it features 100 of their personality profiles.
  • You will find overviews and introductions for each individual book of the Bible.
  • If you’re wondering about the location, etc., you can refer to more than 500 maps, charts, and diagrams found throughout this version.
  • Contains a Bible dictionary/concordance.
  • The side column will allow you to cross-reference other passages to allow you a deeper study of the topic at hand.
  • You will find the words of Jesus in Red.
  • Contains what is called a Christian Worker’s Resource, which has been produced to help the reader’s effectiveness in ministry.

The Life Application Study Bible – The Versions.

It’s great when a particular Bible has become so popular that it is printed in multiple Bible translations. My first Life Application Study Bible was given to me on the night of my ordination when I was 35 years old. At the time I was in a traditional church and the leaders of that church primarily used the King James Bible so that is the version that they gave me.

Although I had been a reader of the New American Standard Bible (NASB) for quite a number of years, I still appreciated this fine version of the KJV with all of its study helps and used it quite a lot. Today you can find this Bible in quite a few different translations.

The Life application study Bible comes in six English versions –

Application Study Bible (KJV)

If you enjoy the more traditional reading of the scriptures, you may like what is still a very popular version of the Bible in this King James Version. No Life Application Bible review would be complete without speaking of this version. If you love the eloquent language of the 1600s, combined with the modern notes in this Bible, this might be the one for you.

Life Application Study Bible (NIV)

Well, if we combine one of the world’s most popular modern English translations with the contemporary notes of the Life Application Study Bible, then you have something very special.

This Bible could serve you well and help you feed on the word of God for many, many years.

Life Application Study Bible (NLT)

We take many of the quoted scripture that we use on this website from the New Living Translation. The phrasing is a bit more modern than the NIV version but accurate in interpretation.

This version has gained popularity and will probably continue that trend. It’s easy to read and the wording is more simplistic than the KJV, but still an accurate interpretation.

Life Application Study Bible (NASB)

The New American Standard Bible has been a consistent go-to translation for us for many years. Its language lands somewhere between the KJV and the NIV.

Now by adding the commentary, notes, maps, etc., of the Life Application Bible, then we really have a winner here for modern and accurate translation that will help you did deep into God’s word.

Life Application Study Bible (NKJV)

The New King James Version of the Bible is an updated version of the KJV that has been popular with those who love the style of the KJV. The NKJV was produced to revise the grammar and the vocabulary style of the KJV but they also wanted to keep intact the loveliness of the literary style contained in the 1769 King James Bible.

Life Application Bible (HCSB)

While perhaps not as well known as some of these other translations, the Holman Christian Standard Bible is one in which Southern Baptists may be familiar.

It is a modern translation in which one of the primary goals was biblical inerrancy, which one would hope is the goal of each translation. This is another reliable translation. This is the 2nd edition from 2014.

Here is a great collection of Life Application Study Bibles from


Having used various versions of this study Bible for years, I can honestly say that it has been an incredible help in Bible study, devotional time, prayer, and general Bible reference. You may find this Bible to be a help in the routine of daily life or in those times when the going gets very tough. It is one of the most thorough, yet practical Bibles around.

Does it have any negatives? Well, sure. Its critics might find some of the notes to be too theologically simplistic for the academic type of Bible study. However, for the average reader, it can supply so much help and life-changing information.

I would say that the primary drawback is that it is a rather large Bible. these Bibles can be about 2 inches thick and be between 3 and 4 lbs in weight. Some will use the Bible regularly but keep it in their home or perhaps an office while keeping a smaller Bible when you need to carry one on the go.

As a pastor, I used to carry a smaller Bible in my briefcase or backpack and kept the Life Application Bible at my home or office for when I was studying. However, you certainly can carry this as your primary Bible if you want.

Bottom line – this is a great Bible and I highly recommend it. Most people will find it very helpful if they will use it!

If you are just starting your Bible reading journey, you may want to check out our Best Bibles for Beginners.

For other Bibles, check out “Best Study Bibles for Men” and “Best Study Bibles for Women.”

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