Best Study Bibles For Men – 7 Top Quality Choices




set of Best study Bibles for men

Best Study Bibles For Men

It seems like Christian publishers come out with more and more study Bibles and devotional Bibles in many translations for women that will help those advanced in their faith or just beginning their journey. That is really awesome and it’s a great thing. However, when you begin to look for the best study Bibles for men that specifically add commentary for them specifically, you may not see as many choices out there.

So, we want to take a look at some of the best study Bibles for men and encourage men to get these resources into their hands to read and study the word of God well!

When looking at the best study Bibles for men, we recommend one of the versions of the Life Application Study Bibles. We think it’s a great one and has been trusted by millions for several decades. It is a fine choice when looking for the best study Bible for men.

However, we will take a look at 7 of the best study Bibles for men and you may see particular features in some of these that particularly fit what you need. First, we will give you the short list of the 7, and then later on this page we will examine them in more detail.

The Life Application Bible is a great option for general Bible study. Loaded with features and is the #1 selling study Bible.

The Every Man’s Bible is a New International Version of the Bible that contains thousands of helpful notes for men.

This Bible has over 7000 notes in question and answer form and it gives the reader insight into Christian life issues.

If you are fond of the New King James Version, this might be one of the best Bibles you can get.

With notes from Dr Evans, this CSB Bible also provides free access to over 150 sermon videos and other teachings.

This study Bible features an approachable and easy-to-use layout, with straightforward and broad study notes.

As an addition to the traditionally formatted Bibles, this Chronological Study Bible can greatly help your studies.

A Man and the Word of God

A man’s Bible should be an extremely important part of his life. We are always hearing ways to “be a man” or “be a real man.” However, being a man who learns to live a Godly life because he applies God’s word in his everyday life is something that can truly make him strong in life.

Many of us had Godly dads who led well and demonstrated God’s love to many people. We need both Godly men and Godly women who will be spiritual leaders to us in today’s culture.

best study Bibles for men

Why Use Study Bibles for Men

We encourage every Christian to have a copy of the Bible that they may use in a church service, short devotionals, or other Bible reading times. However, we also encourage one to own a good study Bible if possible. It can help you understand the Bible’s vital message of man’s need for a Savior in Jesus Christ. The additional content that a man finds in his new study Bible can help him keep his feet planted on the firm foundation of the word of God as a man faces this chaotic world.

A study Bible can help a man look at scripture passages in a fresh way that can impact his daily life. Often men are involved in various Bible studies with others and if you are in a rather robust Bible study, you might want to consider a bible as a perfect way to learn and add to the discussion in your study group.  A good study Bible can enhance your daily devotionals or help you prepare more thoroughly if you are a Sunday School teacher. It can help a man get a more transformational understanding of scripture.

A study Bible can serve as a complete resource that features the entire Biblical text in the translation of your preference. It also will usually have study notes, book introductions, sometimes Bible character studies, biographical information, and useful insights and encouragements. These can help us as we build a Godly life around the word of God.

Some men may opt to get a devotional Bible such as the NIV Men’s Devotional Bible which has a devotional reading for every day of the year. The devotional Bibles are great for encouragement and devotional thoughts for the day. However, if you are more into studying the Bible more intently a Men’s Study Bible might be a better way to go.

A Good study Bible can help provide the spiritual nutrition that you need and give you extraordinary insights and a deeper understanding of God’s word when you joyfully engage in genuine Bible Study.

We have previously written about some very good choices in some of the Best Study Bibles For Women. However, we haven’t done a specific post about some of the top Study Bibles For Men. Obviously, the word of God is for men and women. However, Study Bibles that include commentary and encouragement specifically to males and females can help men and women alike to apply God’s word to their lives so that we might be the Christian men and Christian women that live out our faith in Christ in everyday life.

So, let’s have look at some very fine study Bibles for men.

Looking for a Study Bibles For Men

When it comes to finding the best study Bibles for Men, there are a few things you need to take into account. The first is what type of translation you want to read. Do you want a more modern translation of the Bible such as the New International Version (NIV), New American Standard Bible (NASB), New Living Translation, (NLT), or many others?

Or, do you prefer a more traditional English rendering of the scriptures as you can find in versions such as the King James Version (KJV) or perhaps the New King James Version (NKJV).

I prefer a more modern translation such as the New American Standard Version, which is very accurate, or the New Living Translation frequently used on this website. However, if the old English verbiage of the King James Version appeals to you, then that’s great.

I find if we would spend our time reading and studying any of the top Bible translations rather than debating about which is the best, we would all be better off and have a lot more of God’s word in our hearts!

When you have decided on a Bible translation, you can look at the various Bible features that supplement the Bibles designed for Bible study. Some people want a Bible that is a red letter version (has the words of Jesus in red). You may want a Bible that has a leather binding, some versions have hardbacks, or many fine Bibles today are imitation leather. There are so many choices of Bibles these days and that is something for which we should be thankful.

However, as long as you get a good translation of the Bible, then much of what you decide will be according to your personal preference. In this post, we will feature several of the best study Bibles for men and discuss what makes them so great!

These are not necessarily listed in order of importance. We would not endorse them if we thought they were not great study Bibles. However, you may find some study or commentary features in some of these that are more important to you than others. So, we will give you the highlights, but any of these would serve you well.

1. The Life Application Study Bible by Tyndale

I would feel a bit remiss if I didn’t begin with this study Bible that I have promoted in just about every Bible review we have done on this site. Although it is not strictly for men, the Life Application Study Bible is a great alternative for anyone who wants a great study Bible. I have a couple of these in various translations. it remains a study Bible that has some of the best Bible features for the average reader, male and female.

The Life Application Bible has impacted more than twenty million lives in the last three decades. The Life Application® Study Bible is still the #1–selling study Bible in our generation and has remained currently updated and also expanded to stay relevant to the culture and for our everyday life as we pursue a relationship with Jesus in the modern age.

It has a fresh interior design for its pages with study notes and other great features. I can attest that this Bible will give you a great boost in better understanding the word of God. And, true to its name – it’s not only about the reader getting more knowledge of the Bible into our heads, but its goal is to have you make application of God’s word for practical applications to your everyday life. The contents of the word of God can bring us peace, joy, love, and kindness that we need for ourselves and to share with others.

It also comes in a large print version.

In the Life Application Study Bible, you will see the stories of the scriptures unfold along with verse-by-verse commentary right alongside the actual full text of the Bible.

You can grab onto a lot of great wisdom from Biblical characters as you explore their accomplishments and also learn from the failures of many in the Bible. You also get an overview of each book, some statistics, great timely, outlines, maps of biblical times, and other features that help you see the big overarching picture of the Bible.

It will definitely help you understand difficult concepts and see the broad scope picture of the Bible and how each book fits into the Biblical narrative through overviews, vital statistics, outlines, and timelines that can help you grasp difficult Christian concepts that are sometimes not easy to understand.

Even if you are looking specifically for a study Bible for men, the Life Application Bible is still a great resource for anyone to own.

2. Every Man’s Bible – NIV

The Every Man’s Bible was put together by Stephen Arterburn, who is the bestselling author of the Every Man Series.

The Every Man’s Bible has thousands of additional notes for men that talk frankly about the challenges of being a Godly man. It talks about work, sexual relationships, proper integrity, and much more. The additional notes are written for Christian men and include great advice from a number of Christian professionals.

Here are some of the features of The Every Man’s Bible;

  • A Brief introduction of each book that will introduce you to the writer and the purpose of each book.
  • Study notes throughout the scripture passages to help you understand the meaning of various verses or passages.
  • Notes that focus on the relationship with God and a man’s relationship with the opposite sex or his wife, if married.
  • It includes additional glimpses of 98 different characters of the Bible and introduces them to you and what you can learn from their lives.
  • It includes additional glimpses of 98 different characters of the Bible and introduces them to you and what you can learn from their lives.
  • Additional notes and study features specifically deal with problems from a man’s perspective and how to navigate those problems as a man of God.
  • What’s the point? The “what’s the point” feature is a one-sentence summary of what can be learned from a particular book of the Bible that is included at the end of the introduction to that book.

The “Every Man’s Bible is a one-of-a-kind Bible that can be helpful to men who have the desire to learn and grow in their relationship to Christ. It comes in the NIV and the NLT versions and is a great men’s Bible. We encourage you to have a look at this popular study Bible just for men.

3. The Quest Study Bible

Although this Bible functions well both for men and women, the Quest Study Bible has been subtitled as the “Only Question and Answer Bible.” This Bible has over 7000 notes in question and answer form and it gives answers to many questions that people have about the Bible. You will find the answers to many questions that you have and many questions that you may not have thought to ask!

The Quest Study Bible includes:

  • The Complete New International Version (NIV) of the Bible
  • Over 7,000 carefully crafted notes that you will find in an interesting question-and-answer format
  • Nearly 350 articles provide great answers to some of the most asked questions about the Bible
  • Book introductions with information like “Who wrote it?,” “Why is was written?,” and “What should I look for in this book?”
  • The Scripture is arranged in a modern, two-color page design
  • It has over 150 charts, maps, and timelines of events.
  • It has reading plans to keep you organized if you need them.
  • Contains an NIV Dictionary-Concordance.
  • Complete with a 16-page full-color section of maps.

4. NKJV Study Bible

If you want a Bible that still has quite a bit of the old English language we would suggest the New King James Study Bible. This full-color edition of the New King James Study Bible has sold more than 2 million copies so the Thomas Nelson company has done something right with the features in this Bible. It is a great resource for studying God’s word and certainly a good study Bible for men and women.

NKJV best men's study Bibles

This is a hardback version for study. Although a tremendous resource for home or office study, it might not be the Bible that you want to carry around with you as you are on the go or at church.

The New King James Study Bible has many features:

  • It has over a million words of content that have been written by some of the top evangelical scholars.
  • It has over one thousand notes, articles, word studies, illustrations, photographs, maps, and other illustrations.

The articles include these:

  • How to Understand what the Bible Means by What it Says”
  • Thinking about the Study of the New Testament
  • The Geography of the Gospels
  • The Bible as History
  • What Is Theology?

It is built around the entire text of the New King James Version Bible that has become very popular.

5. CSB Tony Evans Study Bible

The Tony Evans Study Bible has become a good choice for men. Dr. Tony Evans is a highly influential church leader of our day and has been for decades. This version is in the popular Christian Standard Bible (CSB) translation of the Bible.

It has many features such as:

  • Many great study notes from Tony Evans’ writings and sermons
  • Includes more than 150 sermon videos, teachings, and devotionals, for Dr. Evans which can be accessed via QR codes. 40 inspirational articles
  • 50 “Kingdom Living Lessons”
  • 60 “Questions & Answers”
  • Includes key Biblical definitions, charts about important doctrine and theology along with other study aids.
  • Attractive two-color design
  • Two-column format
  • Black-letter text
  • 9.75-point type size 
  • Topical subject headings 
  • Smyth-sewn binding with ribbon marker 
  • Concordance with a plan for Bible reading
  • A section of full-color maps

The CSB Tony Evans Bible is another great choice if you’re looking for a good study Bible for men.

Tony Evans best study Bibles for men

6. The NIV Foundation Study Bible 

The NIV Foundation Study Bible is based on the best-selling and most popular modern English Bible translation currently available. This Bible has a great and straightforward concept and fine study notes that will help you discover the wonder and love of God demonstrated in God’s word.

The NIV Foundation Study Bible is great for both beginning students of the Bible and those who have been students of God’s word for many years. this Bible has some very key features of a good study Bible but it is still contained in a fairly compact and concise form.

Some of the features of the NIV Foundation Study Bible include:

  1. The complete and accurate New International Version (NIV) of the Bible
  2. Each book of the Bible has an introduction that will give the reader some great background information about that particular book.
  3. Good cross-referencing system
  4. Study notes that are verse by verse
  5. The NIV concordance
  6. Full-color maps of Biblical location
  7. Red-letter edition (words of Jesus in Red)
  8. Leathersoft cover (this cover lays flat when it’s open)Additional Study Bibles For Consideration

7. Chronological Life Application Study Bible

Although this is another Bible that is great for men or women, it’s a unique and fascinating experience to read the Bible in this fashion. Reading the Bible in chronological order is very helpful sometimes as it gives you a great feel and understanding of the flow of the total Biblical narrative. This is a Bible that I personally own and love.

I wouldn’t necessarily use it as my first or my regular Bible because it’s not as easy to look up scripture passages when you are in a group setting or following along with your pastor at church. This is a New Living Translations (NLT) Study Bible and reading it through chronologically can give you a unique overview of the entire Bible.

However, as a very enjoyable way to read the Bible at home a chronological Bible is a great choice. This is especially true if you are using the Chronological Life Application Study Bible


There are some other great options in study Bibles that, for time’s sake are listed on this page. You might also want to take a look at the rich study notes found in the ESV Men’s Study Bible – or you might love the character studies in the CSB Men of Character Bible.

The main thing that we could encourage you with is to say just pick a good Bible and start reading and studying. You may not need a large study Bible when you are carrying a Bible to church or your small group, or if you keep a Bible in your backpack or briefcase.

However, when you are studying at your home or office a great study Bible can be one of the biggest helps you will find as you try to understand the meaning of Biblical scripture passages more clearly and apply them to your life. Also, keep in mind that a study Bible can be a great gift to someone who desires to go deeper into the word of God.

God bless you as you journey into God’s word! If you are looking for a simple devotional Bible, you can check out the NIV Men’s Devotional Bible. Although men’s devotional Bibles may not have as many study tools as a study Bible, they can provide daily devotional readings that just might be what is needed to help and encourage the man in the pursuit of his relationship with Christ.

For other pages concerning study Bibles, check out our page on Best Study Bibles For Young Adults.

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